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Reuben Parker

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Everything posted by Reuben Parker

  1. 20 double tapping will obviously do more than 30 single tapping . Also I can’t help but feel an awful lot of BS builds are trending towards double battalion. I also like a Kopp and Kunnin combo 3 wardok maniac weirdnob boss 2x20 arrer 20/10/10/10 Mor 6 big stabbas Kopp & Kunnin an alternative is drop the maniac and stabbas for a rogue idol.
  2. I do think one HoTT in boulderhead with fleet of hoof and hailstorm can be worth it depending on list. Both the 3+ hailstorm and the re roll one or both dice help charge MW and overall the amount of MW he can push out. The 4+ prayer is hit and miss as you say but can be very powerful especially +1 to wound on a FLoSH.
  3. Am I blind or is there no note in the book as to battleline SH / TT not counting against the behemoth limit? I don’t want to buy more models unless I know I can run some fun lists so hopefully I’m either missing it or they will FAQ. thinking HoSH 2x HoTT 3x SHBR 20 gnoblar
  4. Yeah I have similar boulderhead list idea but I think you definitely want to run double FLoSH as the brand is such an stonehorn based melee artifact. Plus FLoSH can potentially live long enough to make use of the CA to still fight at top bracket.
  5. That’s the rub at first glance they look bad still and I wasn’t considering them when I first flicked through the book However when buffed they are getting 2 shots (potentially hitting on 3+ if running trophy rack) and 3.5MW on the charge via spell. Once you add in that unlike sharks they aren’t monsters imho they can be a lot better than sharks. I also play IDK and sharks are probably only 10 to 20 points away from being picked so with the ironblaster being buffed to a lot better I believe it’s worthwhile. They also give ogres something they currently lack which is ranged sniping now TT is more anti horde. Now each player has to decide if they want to build an army around them though or not as they only seem good when both shots and MW are buffed.
  6. Interesting! Looking at them again they maybe worth running in that style of list even without the battalion (I don’t like the fact it only buffs two launchers and requires a 40 man gnoblars unit to not lose the buff super easily) as the list has a lot of MW and high value damage that the scrap launcher chaff handling could be useful. It also frees the list from having to play underguts, although if I switch to boulderhead would change the HoTT to HoSH as it’s a much better target for the brand artifact.
  7. Battalion gives second trait I believe? Also only one cat can deepstrike as have to take the underguts command trait. @Jabbukironblaster I think wins when you get double shots though?
  8. Well putting together all the things I love about this book we get. Underguts 4 ironblaster, slaughtermasters, FLoSH, HoTT (seems good in this style forgot to click hailstorm) and a pretty big Skal. For sure it’s janky but has some serious MW potential on top of the 8 cannon shots. It’s a so bad it might be good style army my favourite time is when a new book drops and trying to find unconventional lists.
  9. Good work! A few people dabbling with Eurlbad it seems . I definitely feel as the core of a BCR based force it’s very strong. Mine doesn’t have HoTT but some more Mournfang and some support / chaff models but I may have to give him a try.
  10. With the pistol artifact take the +1 damage vs monsters big name and he will be gunning them down in now time
  11. Hey hey hey, this is the Internet no place for reasoned and well thought out opinions Some good points I was down on TT but maybe need to give another look. Stonehorn does just feel so juicy though.
  12. But they don’t even really buff their own BCR units that much......... re roll charge bubble or add damage to horns are meh CA the big heroes are more loner face smash or sit back chucking out MW. The important part is that the buffs work the other way around slaughtermaster to big monsters. The only thing your really missing out on is blizzard speaker being able to be used on guts and imho HoTT are just not that good in the new book (TT in general are pretty poor now). Whether this book will be mid tier or not will not be decided by the fact BCR don’t buff guts. I do feel though that lists will tend to be heavy one force or another, mainly guts plus FLoSH / Skal or mainly BCR with some slaughtermaster and or gnoblars possibly 12 gluttons. I don’t think lists that are 50-50 will be as good this is also as the tribes have a guts / BCR focus. Keep the love up, I think this is a really good book.
  13. Need to be careful with the absolutes although I would agree Tyrants and the battalion a lot of the time aren’t worth it. In underguts with 4 ironblasters you want him to live for the trophy rack +1 to hit buff and the + attack CA. Also it massively reduces your drops in that style of list.
  14. Do you mean Huskard in place of the second FL? Otherwise I don’t see how the points work. I have thought about multiple beastriders in the Eurlbad but more mournfang won out due to volume of attacks to trigger more MW from the battalion. also not sure if I was being blind but I couldn’t see a blurb in the book saying when our behemoths are battleline do they no longer count against the behemoth limit(same way as FEC)?
  15. Mournfang numbers indeed could be played with. 4x2 as you say gives more MW and shots and more skirmish potential. Or 6&2 if you want another hammer unit that also takes the huskard buff well. I wasn’t dead set on the configuration of mournfang. Gnoblars and the cats are just screens / zoning and objectives. It really depends on mission and matchup vs a shooting list you want them near the slaughtermaster for LoS. Against people running deep strike they may just be strung out along the backfield to zone it out. Vs melee armies probably strung out along the front to try to setup favourable charge timings for the Stonehorns behind. I did think of using the 140 for another slaughtermaster but I think any and all lists need the utility some cheap bodies provide.
  16. Must have missed it sometimes the pages fly by too quickly. I think in general with the new book people are more into the guts side over the BCR side bar a FLoSH with ethereal. I do think a list like this could do some good work though as I have around 5k with the armies joined together I’m trying out a lot of different combinations. So far I have the following lists to play generic mixed list magic heavy 4 ironblaster eurlbad multiple FLoSH (if you want to be silly can do 3 with double small Skal so they all get artifacts and plenty of CP) EDIT went and liked your page 15 list although gotta have the ethereal on the FL
  17. On a different idea train I’m surprised no one seems to be talking about Eurlbad as it got cheaper and a lot better (MW on to hit roll now). Something like below, and boulderhead gives the heroes so much in terms of a quality second artifact and always fight at top bracket with CP, plus the extra wound.
  18. For me I just run 20s normally one squad but I also think I’m the biggest advocate for Skal in the world so I normally have around 5 x 2 cat units running around plus a bigger one for backfield threats. I would think 40 isn’t worth it as a lot of units could either A) blow through 40 as easily as 20 B) force you to use CP on IP C) be too big to move out the way when you want to open up a charge lane especially as nothing flies. However I don’t like talking in absolutes so I’m sure there’s a list / style where 40 or 60 is preferable.
  19. Agreed I used to run allied gnoblars in old BCR as you need screens. on tribeless I think at lower points games it’s worth it to try but at normal 2K the tribes just give such a boost it’s hard to do it based on command trait and artifact which can get sniped off the board (outside tyrant guard tyrant).
  20. As the magic tribe is probably the best outside specific builds their re roll all wounds CA on gluttons does increase glutton value a lot. However if not running max glutton for buffs and 80 point discount I think leadbelchers are better. Gluttons feel like 12s or nothing for me although it’s great that there’s no clear cut super core unit in the book I think. Most of the warscrolls feel useful (bar TT riders and FLoTT).
  21. Blood rock talisman would give you next to pot +3 unbind and +2 dispel could be good to stop and or dispel annoying endless spells but takes up an artifact. However if you feel that you really need to shore up the anti magic it’s pretty good.
  22. The command ability can be spammed though to add extra attacks if you u have the spare CP. not a super threat but they can handle backfield smaller units.
  23. Which is very good when you add in that natively they average around 5MW combined on the charge and with the spell up it’s 14MW. Then a keeper could only locus one of them so if it only has a wound or two left a non locus one can just pop it. their shooting is actually not massively worse than 9 long strikes double tapping in hammers of sigmar. While having twice the wound count and the charge MW and melee output. When I first saw them I thought they were still garbage. However when fully buffed I think they can be the core of a legitimate list and gives melee ogres a ranged threat which will force other melee armies into potentially bad positions.
  24. I think a good all round list but also good for slaanesh as can take out the heroes. Underguts tyrant mass of scars, Gruesome trophyrack 2 Slaughtermasters keg, blubbergrub stench, Fleshcrave curse 12 glutton 2x4 ironguts 4 ironblasters 20 gnoblars Tyrant Guard 1980 (could go cheap endless but trying for triumph is probably better) the cannons shoot for around 15 wounds -2 with CA activated and then if stench goes off they combine charge for 14 MW on average. This way the build can actually handle multiple keepers in a single turn. I think the ironblasters on points are a lot better but you could also do 10 leadbelchers instead of the gluttons for more shooting
  25. I think due to synergy they do lend to being predominantly guts or BCR. A list I think combos both quite well though is the following boulderhead FLoSH brand metalcruncher FLoSH ethereal black clatterhorn hunter general 2 slaughtermaster molten entrails, ribcracker 12 gluttons 8 & 3x2 cats Skal it kind of builds on what I used to think playing BCR previously when you only had 400 points for allies and wanted both butchers and a blob of 12 bulls and couldn’t take both. This gives 2 hard hitting monsters that can always fight at top bracket, Skal shenanigans, magic support and a big blob of gluttons for objective play and killing horde.
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