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Posts posted by a74xhx

  1. 15 minutes ago, Landohammer said:



    Nice bat rep! I have always found games vs KO to be fun but particularly challenging. They seem to have a strong counter army for us. 

    We can't really threaten them at range, they can see through our forests, and we aren't quite fast enough to catch them.You played it exactly right though. Play the objective game and hope he runs out of turns to catch up. 

    I primarily play Winterleaf, but this is one of those games that make me lean towards Dreadwood. 

    Yeah, once the ships have split up, then dreadwood allows us to get at one ship per turn. But, they can still disengage and run away. A 9+ kurnoth unit is probably needed to get in enough damage.


  2. On 1/18/2020 at 1:01 AM, Ian Wallsh said:

    I was just wondering, does anyone have any juicy Battle Reports to whet my appetite with.....? 😁 

    Your in luck as I've been meaning to write this one up.
    Last week I was at the hallowed Warhammer World. One of my games was Border War against Kharadron Overlords (with the new battletome) for the first time.

    My list: Gnarlroot, Ancient (general), Drycha, Wraith, Archie, 10 Spites, 2x5 Spites, 2x6 Kurnoth Scythes, Hive, Skullroot.

    He goes first. His entire 2000pt army (minus 1 engineer) in 4 boats teleports to my flank, 9 inches away:


    Drycha, Wraith and 5 Spites fall to heavy gunfire. The Ancient is now my single remaining source of spells and shooting. Ouch.

    My turn. I could probably get 6 Kurnoths and some Spites to the boats, but I won't be able to pile them all in, and next turn he would just disengage, teleport 9 inches away to another flank and shoot. Whilst he keeps the army together in one chunk I have no chance in a fight. Instead, I ignore him, place a wood, cast hive, send everything to the objectives and kill his lone engineer on the backline objective. I double turn and hunker down, scoring them all again.

    My remaining army is now placed (in the direction on the photo at the end):

    • Bottom Objective: 6 Kurnoths, 5 Spites
    • Left Objective: 6 Kurnoths
    • Top Objective: 10 Spites
    • Right Objective: Ancient
    • And Archie is stood between the bottom and right objectives, blocking teleportation.

    He splits his army, placing a boat near as he can to each objective and shoots. I have to sit there and just take it.

    Back to my turn, there is literally nothing I can do. If I move off the objectives to engage in melee, he'll just redeploy and take the objectives. Doing nothing guarantees that I'll get all the points.

    By the end of turn 3, my army, unable to move, fight, or get any spells/shooting in range, is dwindling and he has only lost a single model (the engineer). However, I'm winning 25pts to 7pts. He considers quitting as he doesn't think he can catch up. However, we calculate if he gets first turn next, wins ALL the objectives, then keeps them all to the end of the game, we'll both have 25 points, and he'll win on models killed. We decide to play on.

    I now have remaining:

    • Bottom Objective: 5 Kurnoths
    • Left Objective: 3 Kurnoths
    • Right Objective: Ancient
    • And Archie is stood between the bottom and right objectives, blocking teleportation.

    He wins the turn roll. 5 Kurnoths are fired at from about 1000pts of models and go down on the final dice roll; the already disembarked Duardin are already in range of the objective. Then the Ancient gets shot until almost dead, charged, killed and objective taken. Archie is shot out.

    One objective to go and I'm down to 3 Kurnoths. A small ship full of 10 Duardin charges them to get in range of the objective. They are not able to disembark, so my models outnumber him three to one. He rolls to fight:


    (Blue dies are the objectives)

    All the Kurnoths survive!

    My turn to attack. If I take out the ship, then it'll explode, the 10 Duardin will fall out taking the objective and he wins the game. If the ship survives, I win. It's tense. I roll.....


    ....The Kurnoths deal 1 more damage than required. Ship explodes.

    I lose the game.


    Of course, that night whilst trying to sleep I remember I could have just attacked the Duardin inside the ship instead, and won the game. Doh!


    Takeaway thoughts:

    I really sucked at deployment. Instead I should have put battleline forward to take the shooting with everything else back out of range of any teleporting ships. Plus the army spread out wide as possible to block any backline teleporting, allow access to the objectives and to try to get him to split his army. Had I done this it would have been a very different game.

    Taking two Wraiths would have resulted in them both being instantly shot to pieces. This is making me reconsider the usefulness of taking a second one: If one of them is vulnerable, then the second one is likely to be too.

    The Ancient lasted as long as he did because as well as being able to soak damage, he wasn't considered a threat (unlike Drycha) or essential to my plans (unlike the Wraith). Sounds counterintuitive, but it's something to consider when picking him.

    The Kurnoths, even without re-rolling saves (tanglethorn doesn't work in shooting phase) were my damage soaking stars. However, in this game, Kurnoths with Bows would have really helped. I might have destroyed a ship or two, and won the game by turn 3.

    • Like 7
  3. I've been rethinking Gnarlroot, and I'm starting to think it's the TLA general glade. Our other wizards are either named or small and squishy to benefit from the artefact and trait.

    Looking at trying this list next. Light on bodies - just 32. I considered dropping 3 Kurnoths for dryads or tree revs and switch up the wyrm to a skullroot. Maybe swap 6 scythes for 2x3 greatswords. Not set on the 2nd wraith spell either. Thoughts?

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth - Glade: Gnarlroot
    Branchwraith (80) - Artefact: Spiritsong Stave - Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines
    Branchwraith (80) - Deepwood Spell: Deadly Harvest
    Arch-Revenant (100)
    Drycha Hamadreth (320) - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Treelord Ancient (260) - General - Trait: Nurtured by Magic - Artefact: Chalice of Nectar - Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400) - Scythes
    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400) - Scythes
    Outcasts (100)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)
    Gladewyrm (30)
    Total: 2000 / 2000  Wounds: 112

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Trevelyan said:

    Outside of LotC I very rarely run a standard Treelord. Even at 180 points it is less appealing than paying a little more for Kurnoth Hunters. I might be more interested if it drops to 160, but for now the drop in damage output from the monster damage charts is too steep. 

    Outside of Gnarlroot LotC I probably use a TLA about half the time, almost always to support a unit of Kurnoths with Verdurous Harmony and some 3” reach attacks. In that case I treat the stomp as a nice bonus rather than something to depend on. It’s certainly not something worth spending another 180 points to up the proc rate from 50% to 75%. 

    If I’m running Gnarlroot LotC then I almost always give the TLA General the Vesperal Gem and Verdurous Harmony, supporting a unit of Kurnoths (6 Scythes). Restoring one with VH and healing another with Nurtured by Magic keeps the unit ticking over. 

    The second TLA gets the Gnarlroot Chalice. This TLA tends to run with the vanilla Treelord, so Regrowth is my likely spell choice for emergencies (although he may not be the only caster with it - I like Regrowth on Drycha too), he really wants to be casting Verdant Blessing or an endless spell each turn. The Chalice is to help with those. 

    If I’ve got a third artefact it’ll be the Spiritsong Stave for the Branchwraith with Throne of Vines. Otherwise I’ll just have the ‘Wraith cast Thrones on Turn 1 and summon normally thereafter. I don’t think that improved odds of an extra unit of 10 Dryads with the Chalice is ever worth the losing the frontline casting bonus for the second TLA. 

    Awesome, thanks. I've always avoided using a tla or Gnarlroot, but totally going to try a Gnarlroot tla supporting a Kurnoth blob with  in my next game. I often struggle with being able to get my woods further than the middle of the board, so a 2nd line tla should help.

  5. On 1/9/2020 at 10:15 PM, Trevelyan said:

    Just to clarify, I wouldn’t usually take a second TLA. But in a LotC battalion, which I would generally only take in a Gnarlroot Glade anyway, then I would absolutely rather have two TLAs and one Treelord than the other way around. 

    EDIT: I’m now wondering whether there are other occasions where two TLAs would be valid. Either taking LotC in another scenario, or without LotC. 

    Outside of LOTC, do you think it's usually best to run the tla with a treelord, in order to make that stomp reliable? Or are you mostly keeping the tla out of combat?

    Are you putting the gnarlroot trait and artefact on the tla? The temptation is to throw the gnarlroot artefact on the dryad summoner - but that feels a waste

  6. I'm building my first Mangler Squig and I'd like to try and make him work as both Loonboss and Regular versions.

    What do people consider as the differences between the two versions?

    Looking at the build instructions, the armour plates and non armour are for either version. Then the Loonboss has one "chain" configuration plus Mooncutter grot on the top. Whereas the regular version has a different chain configuration with a Mooncutter grot on the lower Squig.

    Looking at the rules,  the lower mooncutter grot on the regular version makes zero sense as the grots on the regular only fight with sticks. Which sort of breaks GWs WYSIWYG approach. But, ok, I can ignore that. It makes me think that really, the only difference that matters is the Grot on the top Squig. Everything else is cosmetic.

    So, I'm planning on following the Loonboss version. But, I'll magnetise the Loonboss Grot so I can switch him with the regular guy. My concern is that the grots sit quite nicely in the Squigs grooves, but putting in the magnets will destroy that and they'll slide about.

    Anyone else had magnetised mangler success?

  7. 1 hour ago, Trevelyan said:

    Drycha plus 6 Kurnoths hits harder than Alarielle, but remember that it’s Drycha +6 Kurnoths vs Alarielle + whatever she summons (can be 3 Kurnoths) +120 points of spells or other units. Which is better can be highly situational.

    Drycha herself is even squishier than Alarielle and is less mobile. Alarielle can die easily if you leave her exposed, but you can keep her alive in many cases if you play more cautiously and don’t overcommit. Gnarlroot helps keep her healthy if your opponent can’t kill her before her next hero phase. I’ve played games where Drycha is awesome, but equally I’ve seen her be underwhelming and die too soon. Alarielle can die early but a 16” fly and the ability to drop a summoned unit at the far end can be an absolute game changer. 

    Minimum LotC is all you really need. That said, I’d be interested to see if a second Treelord would be viable, allowing you to split the battalion into two pairs on the table. Maybe dropping Alarielle and Drycha (and even downgrading Forest Folk to Outcasts plus a Branchwraith) to take a second Treelord and a bunch of Kurnoths might work. Far too much theory. 

    You don't even need Outcasts if you only want a single battalion. 

    Treelord Ancient (260)
    Treelord Ancient (260)
    Branchwraith (80)
    Branchwraith (80)
    9 x Kurnoth Hunters (600)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    Treelord (180)
    Treelord (180)
    Lords of the Clan (60)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 123

    Or, for the same points and wounds, switch battleline to:

    10 x Spite-Revenants (120)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)


    • LOVE IT! 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Trevelyan said:

    The obvious alternative would be to drop Alarielle and the spells (600 + 120 = 720 points) for Drycha and some Kurnoths (320 + 2x200 = 720 points). 

    And here's the issue - Drycha +6 Kurnoths still feels like the better choice.  Alarielle is still going to die quickly against good opponents. (Personally, I'd always have her summon those 20 Dryads to bubblewrap her.)

    Whilst the point drops are great, and really needed for those units, I don't think they change our top lists, which are essentially Kurnoth spam.

    Going to be trying both Ancients and Kurnoth bows in my next friendly games, but I'm not expecting much.


    Given the points drops, I tried making a list based around Treelords varieties. But you quickly run into max 4 Behemoths limit (It's not possible to take a full Lords Of The Clan battalion in 2000 points due to that limit!).  Now, if Vanilla Treelords were Oakenbow battleline then there are good Treelord lists (Durthu, 2xAncient, 5xVanilla, 2xBranchwraith, Lords Of The Clan). But without it, I still struggle for uses of Vanillas - I'd still rather spend 20 points more for Kurnoths.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    did you typo there? 
    In what world does 320 Spire Revs fit in 2000pts? 
    That's like 3200pts minimum. 


    I see now that you're probably referring to the 30pt typo. 
    It's not on the Japanese version of the document and obviously the bulk discount doesn't work if they're 30 lol. 
    Good old GW changing things they didn't even intend to change. 

    Now we need an errata for the errata =P 

    I hadn't seen the Japanese version, which seems much more sensible. Guess I'm going to have to move to France now that I've spent all night building 300 more Spites :D .   (Just the thought of buying that many makes me shudder).


  10. 29 minutes ago, Pennydude said:

    So, Ylthari's Guardians is Oakenbrow.  You can use them in a Gnarlroot army but they don't get any of the Gnarlroot benefits.

    ...Making them even more useless than before. They need a huge point drop right now.

    • Like 2
  11. Got Sylvaneth, and some mages, want tanks. First pass of a list ended up with this. Like the idea of trying it, but doubt I'm going to hold any objectives with 21 models. I'd probably Deepstrike two groups of Kurnoth + tank. Going to try a total rethink....


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Living City
    Steam Tank with Commander (250)
    - General
    Battlemage (90)
    Steam Tank (200)
    Steam Tank (200)
    Steam Tank (200)
    9 x Kurnoth Hunters (600)
    - Scythes
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatswords
    3 x Gyrocopters (180)
    1 x Gyrobombers (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Wounds: 130


  12. Talking about battleshock shenanigans: Am I correct in saying that all battleshock tests happen at exactly the same time? So when taking into account units that effect the bravery roll on other units (spites, outcasts etc), the units just have to be alive and in range at the start of the battleshock phase. I also don't include any models that died during melee, shooting etc.


  13. On 12/2/2019 at 6:27 PM, Landohammer said:

    Game 3 vs Ironjawz; Again screening wins games. I screened with Spites,

    Recently played a game against Ironjawz.

    6 Scythe Kurnoths with kernel easily took out Gordrakk (not all of them were in range either). Sadly he had already taken out Drycha. But overall, I was out ahead in that fight.

    I found my Spite screens not providing much defence at all to orky battleline. 31 attacks from 10 Spites would mostly vanish to rend, then get effectively halved again due to 2 wounds per ork. Then when defending, the spites would just melt away. But, if they hold up for at least one turn in combat then they've done their job of diverting the enemy, right? Still trying to figure out how big my screens really need to be to be effective. And trying to find reasons to drop my block of 30 Dryads.

    My game was Knife to the Heart. I was on the upper hand, but he cleared away enough chaff from around the objective to be able to teleport in another unit 9" away, charge the remaining models and instant win. Never like that battleplan.

  14. Agreeing with everything @Trevelyan says above on summoned Dryad Teleporting. Yes, that's how it worked in the old tome, and I don't think the language has changed significantly to require a reinterpretation (unlike Throne Of Vines where it now omits anything about stacking).

    Also compare these two:

    Navigate Realmroots:

    Instead of making a normal move in your movement phase, 1 friendly SYLVANETH unit wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD can navigate the realmroots. If it does so, remove that unit from the battlefield and then set it up again wholly within 6" of another AWAKENED WYLDWOOD and more than 9" from any enemy units.

    Dreadwood Sinister Ambush:

    You can use this command ability once during each of your turns, at the end of your movement phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly DREADWOOD unit wholly within 18" of a friendly DREADWOOD HERO. Remove that unit from the battlefield and then set it up again anywhere on the battlefield more than 9" from any enemy units.

    To me it seems clear that Dryads summoned that turn cannot be moved via Realmroots but can be moved via Dreadwood, which you are spending a CP for the privilege to do so. Also, you could move an ordinary unit (to get in range of a hero?) and then Dreadwood teleport them.

    In turn 1, if I really want to teleport a blob of models, I've got three units of battleline available. Meanwhile, my summoning Dryads ensures I've always got at least 10 guarding the backline, and then once I've summoned another unit, the previous ones can run/teleport into the gaps left by my advancing army. The thing I don't like is it often results in having multiple blocks of identical looking Dyrads tightly looped around each other inside the wood.

    In the next Sylvaneth book (v3, in maybe 2022 ?) I'd like Sylvaneth to generate one free teleporting token each turn. Dreadwood would allow you to spend CPs for teleporting tokens. Tokens can be spent on to teleport a unit instead of moving. Not going to happen, but would be super nice.

  15. 17 hours ago, Aezeal said:

    Does that include the difference in unbind chance too?

    I didn't include anything for unbind there. Yeah, as I mentioned in previous post, I guess it depends on how magicy your enemy is as to whether to use throne or not.

  16. 1 hour ago, Aenur said:

    Can someone clarify if it's possible to get a +4 to cast in the 2nd turn if you cast a second time throne of vines with the same wizard?  I didn't find anything against.

    Yeah, throne plus stave is amazing :D


    1 minute ago, Trevelyan said:

    You need to consider a few other points:

    1) the chances are that someone will try to unbind her summoning. Adding Thrones doesn’t just help with marginal casting rolls by turning a narrow failed cast into a narrow successful cast, it also helps make a successful cast harder to unbind. 

    2) Some lists have more than one Branchwraith. Standard practice would be to have the second ‘wraith summon on the first turn while the first sets up the Throne. That gives you the advantage of Throne in subsequent turns without reducing the total number of summons. 

    3) You’ve got to give her a spell, and the other options are likely to be even less appealing as she frequently won’t have LoS or be close enough for something offensive. Just because she has Throne doesn’t mean she has to cast it in every game. 

    I wound the worry too much about the need to stand still. I very rarely need to move a summoning Branchwraith, Throne or not. She sits in backfield and churns out the Dryads. 

    Very good points.

    With double wraith, yeah, that's a strong way of doing it, which I hadn't thought about. I always assumed second wraith was solely as backup incase the first died. 

    Definitely seen a few lists with single wraith and throne and no artefact though. Often on lower point lists, where there isn't much to play with and no artefacts spare.

    The other problem with this is that first summons is likely to be out of unbind range (assuming setup), and I feel that first turn summon is fairly important. So, at 1000 points I'm still not sure if I'd cast throne. Maybe it's useful just to take in case, for example, I run into a high casting army and really need better rolling.

    I always plan that on turn 4, after my final summons, the wraith would teleport or run closer to the action, and throw a spell turn 5 into the action. In reality, I'll forget or it won't be possible to do anything or the game will finish earlier.



  17. I keep seeing lists with Branchwraith + Throne and no artefact

    In lists where you can't reasonably give her an artefact, I was fairly certain Thrones is a trap, so did some maths....

    Without thrones you'll be summoning 4 times (turns 1 to 4) at 58%, giving 2.32 successful summons on average.

    With the throne, first let us assume throne works, then you'll be summoning 3 times (turns 2, 3 and 4) at 83%, giving you on average 2.49 successful summons.  On a bad day, you'll fail thrones (17% chance) and the following turns you'll really need Dryads, so will be stuck at 58%, giving 1.74 average. If I've got the maths right, then we're down to 2.36 average successful summons overall.

    Plus with throne we're down to max 3 successes instead of 4, losing the very useful early summon. Plus you can't move her out of danger without losing your bonus.

    • Like 1
  18. 13 hours ago, Sleepa said:

    I think you definitely need more troops, be it battleline or "other". If you bought two start collecting boxes, then I know that only gives you 32 dryads, 2 treelords, and 2 branchwyches to work with.  I'd suggest cutting one branchwych in favor of some more bodies. If you're thinking about what to buy next; I expect you should be able to find some Kurnoth Hunters on the secondary market (Try to ask local players if there's a community buy and sell group on Facebook or something),  or grab some more dryads and try to make those units of 20 instead of 10. The problem with units of 10 dryads; is they lose their bonus save the second you lose one model, and they quickly become vulnerable to battleshock tests. 20 is a big enough unit to lose a few, then grow back a few more with the Verduous Harmony spell. The list you drafted up does a lot in the hero phase, but will find itself dangerously susceptible to strong any strong melee unit.

    For example: If you have another friend new to the game with the Soul Wars box set, I could easily see a unit of Evocators cutting down your entire list on their own.


    Agreed .... but maybe just maybe, with good wood placement, placing chalice on the Wraith (instead of wasting a turn with throne) and summoning 10 Dryads per turn might be enough to gum up the enemy. Yeah, you're going to loose most of them. 

    750pts is hard to build :D Especially when throwing in a TLA.

    @Anca How about the following. With this you can teleport everything except the Wraith in turn one.  20 Dryads will last longer.  Also maybe put the Tree Revenants in frontline combat, then teleport off to an objective before they all die. Sadly I suspect you might not have enough Dryads to summon (another 16 on your 32 would definitely be enough once stuff starts dying)
    Grove Gnarlroot
    Tree Lord Ancient (general) (300)
             Spell-Lore: Regrowth
             Command Trait: Nurtured by magic
    BranchWraith (80)
             Spell-Lore: Verdurous Harmony
             Artefact: Chalice of Nectar
    20 Dryads (200)
    10 Tree Revenants (160)
    Total (740) pts
  19. 1 hour ago, simakover said:

    That is good for tournament? is sylvaneth a good choice for this? 

    If you want a general tourney list, then I would probably drop Alarielle for 9 Kurnoths and an Arch Revenant. Then switch Gnarlroot for Winterleaf. That's a reasonable starting place. There will be better variations earlier in the thread if you can find them.


  20. On 10/31/2019 at 2:10 PM, a74xhx said:

    I keep playing friendly matches against a colleague. so am finding ways of switching up my lists. Recently he was complaining my Kurnoths are overpowered, so I decided to create some lists without any. Trickier than I expected as  I just end up with Behemoths and Battleline.

    My current favourite to try is the following Gnarlroot list. I think it's a little light on tar pits and bubblewrap around the big guys (just 30 models ignoring the tree revs), but the Wraith should be fairly solid in getting Dryads out, and Alarielle will spit out 20 of them. Hoping I should be fine with wood summoning too, as I didn't really want to switch out Drycha for an Ancient and rely on teleporting to get in the action.


    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Gnarlroot
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Branchwraith (80)
    - General
    - Trait: Nurtured by Magic
    - Artefact: Chalice of Nectar
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony
    Alarielle the Everqueen (660)
    - Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines
    Drycha Hamadreth (320)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Spirit of Durthu (340)
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike

    10 x Spite-Revenants (120)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

    Outcasts (100)
    Gladewyrm (30)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Wounds: 78

    Ok, so I finally managed to play this list. Was very worried about placing 1320 points in three models. I went for board control and defensive, with alpha strike. Stonger list than I was expecting, but not sure it would work in a tournament setting where I'm going to get shot quickly.


    Setup front line, everything 24" from enemy. Out of range most spells, which are 18".

    Two objectives my side, two the other.

    I get the first turn due to fewer drops - 7 vs 8


    Right side of the board:

    Double sized starting wood in my side, far right. As far forward as possible. Branchwraith sits behind the wood, out of unbind range, close enough to wood for summoning. Summon using three dice (Gnarlroot), which only fails the once.

    Tree Revs sit on my right objective for the entire game.

    Alarielle summons wood as far forward as possible, and as near to enemy right side objective (same side as the summoning wood).
    Durthu (ghyrstrike) and 10 Spites teleport. Shoots. Charges down length of wood (ensuring keeps +2 attacks), into enemy backline, but Spites fail the charge. Stomps, and destroys one Kurnoth-like unit in melee. 
    In his turn, he counters by committing a big monster, locking them up for two turns. I teleport more Dryads as a sacrifice to lock him up for a third.  He ultimately wins, but is down to 2 wounds. Most importantly, no one takes that objective until then.
    He tries to get down to my right objective, but fails. Even if he could get there, I would have teleported the Tree Revs over to his now uncovered objective.

    Left side of the board:

    Alarielle moves fairly central, but still in my side. Summons 20 Dryads which bubble wrap her and my left objective.
    Throne of vines (eventually). Throws spells around. Shoots 30". Never gets into melee the whole game.

    Two units of 5 spites plus 10 Dryads run to spread out across the left side of the board.
    Drycha moves behind them, to exactly 18" from large target, shooting 20 attacks from turn one. Spell attacks from turn two.
    I never charge anyone of this side of the board. Instead letting enemy charge and keeping combat spread out.
    In my next turn I also summon another wood squeezed between my units and the enemy.
    Enemy spends three turns moving, charging, and chewing through units, eventually breaking through to Drycha.
    By this point, most things are dead. Even if he had have gotten through Drycha, then Alarielle and 20 Dryads awaited.


    Every turn, I score my two objectives, while he scores his left one. Eventually he takes his right side objective. But it's not enough.


    Three dice to summon is amazing. I can never use the healing ability because I keep the wraith away from everything. Reroll 1s is good. The 6+ save I never even consider wasting a CP on.

    What might have stopped me:
    Turn one allowed me to get into position. But getting turn one really wasn't guaranteed.

    Failing the wood drop and delaying Durthu a turn may have meant him gaining that objective and me unable to take it.
    He didn't have any long range shooting.
    He had lots of magic, but many spells failed and I had 4 usable unbinds.
    He never was able to double turn me.
    He left enough gaps for me to place woods where I wanted.
    He was never able to throw large threats forward to my backline.

    • Like 2
  21. 20 hours ago, novakai said:

    Rippa Snarlfang warscroll is out, they have the gloomspite keyword


    not sure if this is long term but hey why not

    Might be situationally worth playing these guys?


    - Shooting is worthless.

    - Unique, so can only take the one.

    - Worst wounds per cost unit in the book. They're going to die 25% quicker than a min sized unit of Hoppers.


    - Per point,  average melee damage is on a par with Boingrot Bounderz (better against save - and 6, worse against save 5 or less)

    - Move 12, that's guaranteed (no roll), and double distance pile in.


    So, glass cannon objective stealers to take over Hoppers if you want a big more punch, reliable movement and don't care about them instantly dieing.




  22. 13 hours ago, overtninja said:

    I looked into it after the CoS book dropped, but Sylvaneth don't really need any of the support that Wanderers can bring .................................

    Thanks for the details. Sounds like we do have some options if played correctly.

    Little sad that the best option for Living City comes down, once again, to Kurnoths. Love them and all, but they are always the answer.

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