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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. 9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    According to the woehammer stats they are currently the 17th most played faction out of 27, more popular than Lumineth, ironjawz, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt and Skaven. 

    Only six factions never saw their monthly play rate drop below 2% in 2023. BoC were one of them. image-39.png.166a61a1b504e9f083fd567959b6052b.png

    So middle of the pack in a year where they got a new, interesting book at the beginning of the year. A range refresh would’ve had them higher. I think that’s about right? I don’t think they’re popular or unpopular, I just think they’ve never really been given a chance in AoS.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I'm not expecting it until after FEC release. Just checked and nothing ships until 17th Feb, so I'd expect it after that.


    Sometimes FAQ drops same day - more common when the release had a special box come out earlier. I’d expect their FAQ same day at the latest and as part of the battlescroll drop.

    22 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I follow some blogs about AoS tournaments and Beasts always seem to pop up there. The BoC playerbase is much bigger than what this thread would make me believe... which is why I'm doubtful they're getting squatted. More like they're getting reinvented, just like CoS did. I used to play old Cities with leftover WFB models, didn't stop me from ditching them and buying the new ones last year. Think it's gonna be the same for Beasts.

    They appear from time to time, but they’re pretty low representation in the tournament meta. People track that. Makes sense that a range without new models and that isn’t overpowered isn’t the most popular, so one of those chicken/egg things.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I mean I agree* but this IS the rumor thread so even if just sum-ups of previous rumors with a new twist it’s better than nothing(or worse dumb speculations like all 2022-2023 had with everyone having a new soup theory every month ending on Ogors + SoB from a joke tweet about Battletome: Dad Bodes people took seriously 😂)


    *I think he played his hand too soon with the TOW rumor of orcs & dawi at the end of January. I don’t think we’re getting dawi at all this year since if you look at the old teaser art it was Bret, TK, Orcs & Empire. Dwarf dice may have been a red herring he fell for.

    Actually, I’m pretty sure they had good intel on Dwarfs… just got the reveal date wrong. I’ve got reasons other than the leaked dice to expect Dwarfs will be one of the next TOW releases. 

  4. On 1/26/2024 at 5:50 AM, Xil said:

    Can anyone clarify, why the FAQ on Harness the Spiritpath is missing in the November 23 version?

    In April its still there, saying i can use Strike and Fate to complete this Battletactic. Was it an aprils fool? 😅

    Once it’s been part of a FAQ, it stays until otherwise. It’s still in the app. You’re better off in Sylvaneth FB groups or Discords than here for quick info.

  5. 14 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    “Every Death faction gets something”

    -GW, on Dawnbringers 4.

    If that’s just “Every faction gets access to these Regiments that are probably gone after 3rd edition is over, I’m gonna lose it. 


    13 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Wait, wasn't there supposed to be a RoR box for each Mortarch? Have they just forgotten about that?


    Good to see FEC and DB4 coming though


    11 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Yeah, it seems the Death support for Dawnbringers in the "Death themed" book is just 1 infantry model, and I guess an army update that was coming anyway as we hadn't had their book yet? Dissapointing.

    A lot of people are getting rumors mixed up with confirmation. GW said rules for every death faction - not models. This was always going to be a tiny release as it coincided with the release of FEC. That’s a massive release. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, flying_dutchman said:

    One is supposed to succeed and one is supposed to fail.  Are you going to bet money gw is going to let the ghyran crusades beat the shiny new centerpiece model that is releasing with the book.

    Yes. Based on the video, we know Ushoran has other things going on. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

    As I said since the influence of tournaments on rules development seemed to ramp up with 8th Ed 40k and now is in abominable place, the casual suffers due to ridiculous skewing because of tournament impact.

    There'll be those that say "but tournaments mean rules checked which means balance". Well, I'm yet to see that be the case. Having win rates as the main metric is an awful start point for analysis as there's way too many factors to be involved.

    There's no wonder Jervis retired. I'm totally in agreement with Lavia above, games are for two people, both should get something out of it. If roflstomping.is people's thing they're welcome to it and I've zero desire to partake in that any more. Too long in the tooth and.gaming time is too precious to waste on "those sorts" of games.

    People generally retire - most people don’t work their entire lives. No reason to read anything into it. 

    They make it pretty clear that they don’t just look at win rates in the video - sadly the articles don’t have much info but the videos do. One thing I do know they look at is army composition - they really try to find internal balance in books so more units in a book are taken. I think that’s a worthwhile endeavor.

    I’ve talked to some of the guys - there’s a lot more nuance than just looking at win rates. I hate to see hard work done in good faith be critiqued by people who don’t have all the information. 

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  8. 47 minutes ago, flying_dutchman said:

    Not necessarily. They can potentially finish out the crusades in book 4 which is likely with urshoran striking back in book 5 and leading into 4e.  We already know the general plotline of how the ghyran crusades going to go thanks to Warhammer plus.  Maybe the asqhys will succeed in db4.  On maybe db5 makes them both fail.

    I don’t remember there being anything about the Ghyran crusade failing or succeeding in the lore video? 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The results are on best coast pairings. You can see some of the lists if you are a member. I'm not but it is true that the top two were cities. Overall I'd say the tournament paints a pretty encouraging picture. 7 different factions in the top 8 and the only faction not to go at least 4-1 was FeC. 

    Games, including the final, have been on stream too. The final was absolutely wild. Came down to Jeremy getting his Grand Strategy and Gavin not. 

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    Didn't he say well see dwarves and o&g by the end of the month?

    I also took it to mean they'll be released. It's not a big leap to guess GW would show something coming up on their launch day event. 

    And didn't Whitefang laugh at the rumours? 

    3 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

    I don’t think the dwarfs will be revealed now. I heard that they would both be shown off at the open day but obviously that didn’t happen, hopefully they’ll be soon as the release schedule is going to be very aggressive as the main factions should be released completely  over the next year. 

    Just want to add that the stuff for Dwarfs is out there… like advanced copies. I think they will be revealed soon. So that adds to this person’s credibility. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Interesting. This would give some credit to what Whitefang the second have said.

    What did they say?

    Dwarfs are the next TOW army and will be revealed Saturday. This was pretty easy to guess with their dice getting leaked already, so probably not news.

    Also, I’m still not expecting any new models with Dawnbringers 4 that we haven’t seen yet. Happy to be wrong, but that’s what I’ve heard. @Nezzhilseems to have heard differently FWIW and I already got the date of Dawnbringers 4 wrong so I’m no Whitefang the 1st or the 2nd lol. 

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  12. 12 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I'm generally dubious of any rumors that indicate big balance changes less than six months away from a new edition release.

    Fair but historically the summer and winter battlescrolls are always the biggest.

  13. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    The difference is when Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Horus etc get posted  the entire thread doesnt get derailed for hours if not days at a time.

    Thank you - this makes sense. The release of a system will always generate a lot of buzz.

    Back to AoS rumors: my track record with sources is mixed, but I’ve heard Seraphon, Cities, Nighthaunt, Deepkin, Fyreslayers, and Orruk Warclans are being targeted for changes other than points adjustments with the upcoming battlescroll. I’m no Whitefang, so these are nowhere near confirmed! Just what I’ve heard. 

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  14. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    There is an entire sub forum for the TOW. A Rumour Thread specificaly for it can be created there if people would like one. We welcome every fan of the hobby no matter their origin.

    However this is an AOS forum and a Rumour thread made with that in mind. 

    You’re the mod, so cool. And I get it, your reasoning makes sense. But I’ve seen plenty of 40k and non-rumor stuff in here. TOW rumors seem more relevant than a lot of what gets posted in here. Just my opinion, and I won’t mention it further.


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  15. 19 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    +++MOD HAT ON+++

    Just going to get in front of this before it takes off. Reminder that this is an AOS forum first and foremost. We have dedicated threads to TOW so any speculation about Mondays reveal please feel free to make a topic there.

    This is kind of uncool. I don’t care about TOW game, but I do care about any new models they get as I could use them for AoS kitbashes. I don’t see why TOW rumors aren’t okay in this thread.

    On 1/13/2024 at 8:20 AM, dmorley21 said:

    We’ll see if this rumor pans out, but:

    Dawnbringers + FEC release on Feb 3rd - got delayed. No new models besides the FEC range and one vamp. 

    Welp, this didn’t pan out.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Elarin said:

    I heard about the delay as well. Initially, it was supposed to be released on the 27th alongside a Crypt Guard as a Model of the Month in Warhammer stores 

    That’s only a one week delay then. Did you hear it was longer?

  17. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    Yeah, and I understand your thoughts, but GHB is supposed to be the "competitive" side of the game and six month season helps to not feel the game stalled for people that plays those 10 games in a pair of weeks.

    Most competitive players I know hated 6 month seasons here in the US. I’d agree that adding battleplans to make 18 battleplans at the 6 month mark is the way to go. Heard this idea on Warhammer Weekly. 


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  18. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    All things considered, I don't think Dawnbringers 4 and FEC will go up for pre-order before then, so it makes sense that GW is not in a rush with AoS previews. At this point all we're missing is any remaining models that come with Dawnbringers 4 (if any) the next Warcry Box, and the graverobber guys for Underworlds. I don't think any of it will go up for pre-order before Feb or maybe late Jan.

    After that we've got the probable announcement of Dawnbringers 5 and everything that comes with that, and anything else that needs to release before 4E.

    Assuming they keep two week preorders, and that they follow the Dawnbringers book drops every 2 months pattern, I’d expect the preview for preorders to drop on January 14th. We’ll see.

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  19. @Tonhel

    I misunderstood your original post. Still, AoS is in a lot better shape than WHFB was for most of its life with updates. 8th/End Times was awesome in hindsight, but it was not the norm for WHFB. It was also 5 years as opposed to 3.

    I feel for IDK players and hope GW addresses some of these factions sooner than later.

    • Like 2
  20. 1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

    All of them, except Bretonnia got new 8th edition armybooks + mini's during warhammer 8th edition. So I don't think there is a real difference between some AoS armies and Warhammer armies.

    Now I looked it up. 😉 All armies, except the poor Bretonnians received mini's and a new armybook during the 5 year lifespan of Warhammer 8th edition. The list below was alone for your armies and your friend only had bad luck with his Bretonnians. Which is fixed thanks to TOW ;-). Infact during 8th edition was not worse or better than what AoS is getting now. The huge difference is that a decade has past technology wise.

    • Lizardmen - Kroq-Gar/Carnosaur/Troglodon + Saurus Scar-Veteran/Oldblood
    • Lizardmen - Terradon Riders/Ripperdactyl Riders/Tiktaq'to
    • Lizardmen - Bastiladon
    • Lizardmen - Skink High Priest
    • Lizardmen - Gor-Rok
    • Lizardmen - Tetto'eko
    • Lizardmen - Saurus Oldblood
    • Dwarfs - Hammerers/Longbeards
    • Dwarfs - Dragon Slayer
    • Dwarfs - Belegar Ironhammer
    • Dwarfs - Ironbreakers/Irondrakes
    • Dwarfs - Gyrocopter/Gyrobomber
    • Dwarfs - Runelord
    • Dwarfs - Grimm Burloksson
    • Vampire Counts - Coven Throne/Mortis Engine
    • Vampire Counts - Black Knights/Hexwraiths
    • Vampire Counts - Vargheists/Crypt Horrors
    • Vampire Counts - Wight King
    • Vampire Counts - Krell
    • Vampire Counts - Isabella von Carstein
    • Wood Elves - Treeman/Treeman Ancient/Durthu
    • Wood Elves - Araloth
    • Wood Elves - Wild Riders/Sisters of the Thorn
    • Wood Elves - Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers

    8th was one edition and the one I never really played due to college/being a young professional. What about 5th, 6th, and 7th? 

  21. Just now, Tonhel said:

    No, I don't think so. I am going by memory ;-), but I think all Warhammer armies except Bretonnia received a hardcover 8th edition armybook book, which all had a couple of new mini's.

    Warhammer 8th edition was released in 2010 and End Times started in 2015?

    Again, I could be wrong, but afaik every army that existed in 7th edition, except Bretonnia received new mini's during warhammer 8th.

    I started end of 5th edition. In that time I played Lizardmen, Vampires, Dwarfs, and Wood Elves. My friends played Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Dark Elves, High Elves, Bretonnia, and Chaos. 

    Some of those armies straight up didn’t get books in 6th and/or 7th. Model releases were very rare. 

    GW is in a much better place for updating times right now.

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