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Everything posted by dmorley21

  1. AoS has never done an index though, right? The cost of rulebooks is absurd, but I’d be fine with it going either way this summer.
  2. The tactics update is pretty big for Big Waaagh. Idoneth have been doing really well lately - especially shark spam. I tell ya that Deepkin have one of books that’s sort of a miss for third, but these changes you mentioned seem fine.
  3. They have said quarterly. I get that complaining on every social media post isn’t it, but the frustration is understandable. Not everyone goes to GT’s - I get that. I’m someone who goes to one or two a year as a weekend of AoS is just a ton of fun. Here in the US the ticket for an event costs around $80 - $100. Then, if it’s not local, there’s the cost of the hotel. Food and drinks. You’re talking a lot of money. Then there’s all the prep that goes in to getting your army ready for the event. Say the battlescroll drops a couple days before lists are due. All of the sudden, the army you were working on may no longer be legal, much less optimized. They just need to put out actual dates for these updates. It’s not like these are affected by production or logistics. This year they delayed it because of LVO - but that wasn’t communicated ahead of time despite me knowing this back in December. Due to them stating these would be quarterly updates and prior history, people have been expecting this since Christmas.
  4. Fairly, too. They had communicate they would do quarterly battlecrolls. The last one was September. It’s really difficult for people who have dropped a lot of money to attend a tournament not even knowing what the rules will be. It’s also hard on TO’s. As always, communication is key. Had they just announced mid Feb for this one, people would be fine. It’s the not knowing.
  5. They never release on Fridays. Once it didn’t drop on Thursday, people weren’t expecting it.
  6. So middle of the pack in a year where they got a new, interesting book at the beginning of the year. A range refresh would’ve had them higher. I think that’s about right? I don’t think they’re popular or unpopular, I just think they’ve never really been given a chance in AoS.
  7. Sometimes FAQ drops same day - more common when the release had a special box come out earlier. I’d expect their FAQ same day at the latest and as part of the battlescroll drop. They appear from time to time, but they’re pretty low representation in the tournament meta. People track that. Makes sense that a range without new models and that isn’t overpowered isn’t the most popular, so one of those chicken/egg things.
  8. Actually, I’m pretty sure they had good intel on Dwarfs… just got the reveal date wrong. I’ve got reasons other than the leaked dice to expect Dwarfs will be one of the next TOW releases.
  9. Once it’s been part of a FAQ, it stays until otherwise. It’s still in the app. You’re better off in Sylvaneth FB groups or Discords than here for quick info.
  10. A lot of people are getting rumors mixed up with confirmation. GW said rules for every death faction - not models. This was always going to be a tiny release as it coincided with the release of FEC. That’s a massive release.
  11. Yes. Based on the video, we know Ushoran has other things going on.
  12. People generally retire - most people don’t work their entire lives. No reason to read anything into it. They make it pretty clear that they don’t just look at win rates in the video - sadly the articles don’t have much info but the videos do. One thing I do know they look at is army composition - they really try to find internal balance in books so more units in a book are taken. I think that’s a worthwhile endeavor. I’ve talked to some of the guys - there’s a lot more nuance than just looking at win rates. I hate to see hard work done in good faith be critiqued by people who don’t have all the information.
  13. I don’t remember there being anything about the Ghyran crusade failing or succeeding in the lore video?
  14. Worth noting next Thursday is next month. That was the earliest I expected it with them announcing today was just a metawatch last Sunday.
  15. Games, including the final, have been on stream too. The final was absolutely wild. Came down to Jeremy getting his Grand Strategy and Gavin not.
  16. Just want to add that the stuff for Dwarfs is out there… like advanced copies. I think they will be revealed soon. So that adds to this person’s credibility.
  17. What did they say? Dwarfs are the next TOW army and will be revealed Saturday. This was pretty easy to guess with their dice getting leaked already, so probably not news. Also, I’m still not expecting any new models with Dawnbringers 4 that we haven’t seen yet. Happy to be wrong, but that’s what I’ve heard. @Nezzhilseems to have heard differently FWIW and I already got the date of Dawnbringers 4 wrong so I’m no Whitefang the 1st or the 2nd lol.
  18. Fair but historically the summer and winter battlescrolls are always the biggest.
  19. Thank you - this makes sense. The release of a system will always generate a lot of buzz. Back to AoS rumors: my track record with sources is mixed, but I’ve heard Seraphon, Cities, Nighthaunt, Deepkin, Fyreslayers, and Orruk Warclans are being targeted for changes other than points adjustments with the upcoming battlescroll. I’m no Whitefang, so these are nowhere near confirmed! Just what I’ve heard.
  20. You’re the mod, so cool. And I get it, your reasoning makes sense. But I’ve seen plenty of 40k and non-rumor stuff in here. TOW rumors seem more relevant than a lot of what gets posted in here. Just my opinion, and I won’t mention it further. Cheers.
  21. This is kind of uncool. I don’t care about TOW game, but I do care about any new models they get as I could use them for AoS kitbashes. I don’t see why TOW rumors aren’t okay in this thread. Welp, this didn’t pan out.
  22. That’s only a one week delay then. Did you hear it was longer?
  23. What I had is a rumor. Not sure how good the source is. We’ll see.
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