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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. Looks like the Mourngul is out of stock, and probably no more. 

    If Nighthaunt could get something similar at some point, that would be great. Whether you love or hate the black coach (after TTS, I think it’s solid for its cost), no doubt it’s a support piece. A behemoth that could do some damage would be great and could make plenty of sense being the soul of something like a dragon. 

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  2. 11 hours ago, Rors said:

    Just bought a collection of second hand models to make a NH army. Have an idea in mind but I have no idea if it'll work. More of a fun list than competitive but suggestion of tweaks that might improve it would be great.

    - Olynder

    - Reiknor

    - Arkhan (Ally)

    - Guardian of Souls

    - 3x 10 chainrasp

    - 4x 12 Myrmourn Banshees

    Endless spells:

    - palisade

    - grave tide.

    The idea is to utterly dominate the magic phase and dispell my own endless spells when I need to add punch to the Banshees, who will be the primary focus of all the healing.


    Back when Arkhan could cast Olynder's spell, this was actually a fairly competitive build. You'd want a couple of Spirit Torments so that the Mymourns can get some re-rolls to hit. Maybe one with Midnight Tome to add to your theme. 

    This list will struggle with horde units, if you make further tweaks that might be something to think about. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 hours ago, LordPrometheus said:

     That's ridiculous. Heroes are an incredibly important support piece, and NH in particular simply doesn't do much of anything without their heroes. Their heroes are the glue that hold the fragile army together. They don't even get their death save without them. 5 wounds and a 4 up save is pretty pathetic these days.

    Seraphon doesn't say that about their heroes.

    Slaanesh doesn't say that about their heroes.

    OBR doesn't say that about their heroes.

    Etc, etc, etc.

     Very few armies have "disposable" heroes" where you don't really care if they die. 

    Yeah, my comment didn't come out the way I wanted. I need to clarify what I’m saying:

    Some armies have heroes that they revolve around. If those heroes die, the game is lost. I’m thinking of the likes of Lumineth, Legions of Nagash, Hallowheart, Ossiarch, Seraphon, Archaon lists, etc. 

    Some armies have heroes that are simply the bulk of their army. Lists running multiple greater daemons are examples. 

    Then there’s other armies where the heroes aren’t the essential component of the army, they’re there for support. That’s how I view Nighthaunt heroes. They’re not the only army like that either. Kharadron Overlords and Tempest Eye are two examples that jump to mind that are fairly competitive. 

    I never want my Nighthaunt heroes to die, and I never think their purpose is to die. I just go into my games knowing most or all of my heroes won’t make it until the end of turn 5, and knowing that that’s okay and that I can still win if my heroes get deleted. Almost all of the Nighthaunt heroes have great utility, and their deathless spirits bubble and ability to fish for WoT by burning command points are great. But if they get targeted and deleted, the game is not lost for me. 

    Nighthaunt’s best abilities are great movement, Ethereal, Fly, Wave of Terror, and From the Underworlds They Come. None of those are hero reliant, though some are certainly boosted by heroes. 

    So I just want to say that if you have a hero get shot on turn one or deleted by something like a Bloodthirster, you can still certainly win! The trick is to take 4-6 heroes so you have some redundancy and to know that your troops are the core of your army, not your heroes. 

    Bottom line though is the army overall needs help.

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, Zashier29 said:

    I just played a demoralizing game against my mate's Reapers of Vengeance Khorne list, in which it feels that my heroes, atleast one but sometimes two, are blown up by his Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage's outrageous Carnage. How can I protect my Heroes better from this 10" move, double fight hero with an 8" bubble of 4 mortal wounds on a wound roll of a 6?


    I think the thing to know about Nighthaunt, and this goes for everyone that is complaining about their heroes getting sniped, is that your heroes aren't meant to survive. And really, that's fine. Heroes are support units for the army, not the main threat that your gameplan should be based around. If it's your heroes getting blown up, then it's not your units, which are what will win you the game. 

    The exceptions in my mind are Lady Olynder, Reikenor if you take Cogs, and a Harrow if it's your general and you're planning to use spectral summons on later turns. Lady O and Reik both can be made very survivable by taking the Dolorous Guard battalion, and the Harrow can literally hide anywhere on the board you want it to.

  5. 7 hours ago, Zashier29 said:

    How much is the power difference between a 40 chainrasp blob and a 30 chainrasp blob? I guess assume they have the support of either a Spirit Torment or a Guardian of Soul, but not both?

    No matter the size, Chainrasps don't have offensive power. They're much more a defensive unit that is there to sit on objectives. So you get 10 extra bodies to do just that for only 40 points. I like to run Chainrasps is small units of 10 or in full blobs. 

  6. On 2/22/2021 at 8:39 AM, Vasshpit said:

    Or it makes Bladegheist or Dreadsythe battline....

    I really don't think this would improve Nighthaunt at all. One of the few things that Nighthaunt has going for it as an army is a great selection of battleline. There's many a game where I don't even bring non-battleline units. Bladegheists are simply better on paper than in actual gameplay in my experience, while Harridans being battleline would be fine, but wouldn't really change much. 

    On 2/21/2021 at 5:17 AM, SleeperAgent said:

    Unless this guy has something along the lines of "All heroes within 12-18" have the Ruler of the Spirit Hosts command trait" he won't be enough. Need the new book desperately.

    Yeah I agree here. I'd say the army could use another caster that isn't a special character, but even then it wouldn't be anything that would change the game for us. And that's fine, I don't really think an army should have one auto-include hero that makes or breaks their lists. 

  7. The new Nighthaunt model isn't a standout for me, and will be something I'll need to see the rules for before buying, but still it's an exciting development. I don't dislike the model, just not a must buy.

    I know on the preview show they said some new heroes were being released as part of Broken Realms, but we already know that it doesn't look like Nighthaunt rules feature in Broken Realms: Teclis. We know that LRL are getting an updated battletome, and we know much later this year it looks like there will be a Soulblight: Gravelords battletome. We also know that Daughters of Khaine received a new battletome with just a relatively new hero and endless spells as new models. 

    Due to this, I'd be surprised if there isn't a new book for Nighthaunt (and Stormcast) to go along with the hero models. Games Workshop wants to make money, and they know new books is an easy way to make money. They also want releases in their schedule, and even with COVID I'd think there's more army books coming than LRL and Soulblight. 

    So, I'll be surprised if there isn't a new Nighthaunt battletome this spring/summer. 

    • Like 1
  8. Howdy all. 

    Inspired by @EnixLHQ, I've started my own blog on Nighthaunt. I'll touch on tactics and thoughts on strategy, but for now I'm focusing on changes I'd make to Nighthaunt. I've come up with some changes overall and to battleline units that I've been playtesting. I'm sure most won't agree with my changes, but seeing different perspectives is part of the fun! 

    Anyway, feel free to check it out:

    The Spirit of Nighthaunt - The Grand Alliance Community (tga.community)

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  9. 17 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    Wow... no, not my cup of tea either, but hey, nothin wrong in taking advantage of the TTS fever, I suppose. Getting models back must be tough with "just" the Guardian of Souls and the VL, given that the Hexwraiths are 2 wounds apiece... very fast list, though. Did they stream the game? I'd be curious to see how it went down.

    Didn't see a stream of it. But yeah, it's a really interesting list. Even with all of the additional attacks in that list, I don't think Hexwraiths have enough offense to get the job done. They could really use their scythes matching the rest of the army with Reaps like Corn and 2" reach. And you made a good point about not enough ability to bring them back. A Black Coach and Spirit Torment would really help that list.

  10. There’s an interesting list playing in the Hammertime 7 tournament on TTS this Saturday. 

    45 Hexwraiths / Dolorous Guard / Forogtten Scions / Guardian of Souls / Vampire Lord

    Not my style, but I’ll be curious to see how that list does. Talk about being able to pump out mortal wounds. 

    Are any of you the person running that list?

  11. I'd like to see the rules simplified. There's so many extra rules that it really makes it hard for people to get into the game - I've been trying to get some friends into the game for a couple of years now. I love the simplicity of the core rules, but wish things like realm rules were part of narrative play (the concept is really neat!) and not part of matched play. I could also do with less terrain rules. 

    The game is really fun and will always be extremely complex with the different armies and interactions, however it could be more approachable. 

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    1 hour ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Don't be afraid to make that Spirit Torment the general with RotSH on him. You could commit that murderball of Spirit Hosts to otherwise insane matchups that would otherwise be suicide and really shape board tactics.

    That's true, but then I've got my own murderball and I just feel like it's too easy to neutralize a single muderball in AoS... especially a Nighthaunt one. I've always had the most success with Nighthaunt competitively (just local one day tournaments in the U.S.) when I fielded an army that featured multiple threats that my opponents had to take into account. With my current list I'd have the following:

    Lady O / Dolorous Guard Hexwraiths

    Grimghast Reapers

    Spirit Hosts + Spirit Torment

    I'd have the option of splitting up the two units of Spirits and the Black Coach and Harrow are mobile enough to go deliver support where needed. I also just think Lady O with Dolorous Guard is a game changer for me... really opened up my offensive abilities. 

    7 hours ago, Nevar said:

    I know ALL are ONE in Nagash... but unlike an above poster, I hope Teclis comes in and lays Nagash low again and 'sets Death free' again.  The Necroquake awoke our Nighthaunt, but it also enslaved our spooky boys. Before the Necroquake, there was a note about how the malignants were free willed and it was a mark of power for a Necromancer being able to bend a cairn wraith to his will. Now all the spooky bois are basically rabid dogs on Nagash's leash.

    It would be cool to see all the Death factions freed up again and the newly awoken Nighthaunt splintering a bit and becoming their indepenent selves again.  Would be cool if we could have the 'Flesh Eater Court' style ability to be loyal or not in a spectrum like the mad cannibals.  I started my Nighthaunt back before the Necroquake when we only had 4 models specifically because they were supposedly free from Nagash's slavery. So while the influx of models was awesome... the quite literal shackles added to most if not all the faction was a major downside for my narrative draw to the faction.


    1 hour ago, EnixLHQ said:

    You know, I agree. Hard agree. No disrespect to our bonedaddy, but I have always had my Nighthaunt lore separated from him. Even going so far as finding ways to break free from him and plot revenge. I would love that as a mainline story arc, where Lady O, or perhaps even more so Kurdoss, is driven by a mad revenge against Nagash for his twisted sense of justice.

    I also totally agree here. I'd love to see at least some of Nighthaunt not be just servants of Nagash. I think it's unlikely for Lady Olynder to turn, but Reikenor always made a lot of sense to me based on his limited lore of being one to find a way out of Nagash's control and to then seek revenge. Then you could have two subfactions - one led by Lady O/Kurdoss and one led by Reikenor. Olynder's could focus on returning spirits while Reikenor's could be more of a quick strike army. 

    The way I see it, Nighthaunt has elements of movement shenanigans, tankability, deadly charges, reviving units, and bravery shenanigans. That's 5 subfactions right there. If they choose to rewrite the army and focus one just one or two of those things, I'd much rather play an army that focuses on a combo of movement shenanigans and deadly charges - but that's just me. But many of you would prefer to play differently, so I'm hoping for different subfactions that focus on each of those items. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Bayul said:

     So imagine a new Nighthaunt Battletome comes with AoS 3.0 this year. What would be your (reasonable) wishlist?

    Across-the-board Ethereal, Flying and high Bravery should stay as signature traits of course. Additionally NH units should exploit and benefit from low enemy Bravery across all phases.

    Hero Phase: Nighthaunt Wizards need access to spells like


    It could be interesting if a wizard would get a benefit for unbinding if the enemy caster has a certain bravery.

    Shooting Phase: Myrmourn Banshees should lose their roll as spell eaters and behave similar to Crypt Flayers and Tomb Banshees with something like

    Movement and Charge phase: Overall low enemy bravery should result in additional movement and charge for e.g. cavalry units. This way Wave of Terror could be more reliable if it depends on low enemy bravery instead of a 10+ roll.

    Attack phase: Same as above. Low bravery should benefit attacks, damage and rent. 

    Deployment: LoN's Gravesites should replace From the Underworld and They Come and Spectral Summons for deployment, summoning and regeneration.

    Unit reworks:

    Glaivewraith Stalkers should become relevant again for example as Monster hunters with -2 Rend (like Savage Big Stabbas)
    – Mortis Engine receives the NIGHTHAUNT keyword and the Ethereal trait.
    – Guardian of Souls with Mortality Glass is a thing again.
    – Demote Dreadblade Harrows to a unit. Nighthaunt have enough heros already and the dual box is weird. Give them an ability to transport themselves and an additonal unit to each other. You'll have an actual reason to run two Dreadblade Harrows this way.
    – Maybe no more stupid Black Coach levels?

    I find it interesting how we all agree that Nighthaunt needs significant changes, but we don't agree on what those changes should be. I think it all goes back to the fact that they didn't know exactly what they wanted Nighthaunt to be. 

    I, for one, would hate to see their From the Underworld They Come and Spectral Summons go away. I also would be open to seeing the army's bravery drop if it meant we had more ways to drop the opponent's bravery. After all, I have trouble imagining ghosts being very brave. It seems like when the going gets tough, they would just fade away. Maybe that comes from me playing them so much back in the days of WHFB. 

    Realistically though, I'd expect the following done through either a Broken Realms book or the next battletome: 

    - Subfactions

    - New warscroll for Glaivewrath Stalkers

    - Changing Wave of Terror to make it a fight at the start of the combat phase and then again during the regular combat phase (which I wouldn't necessarily like, but based on what we've seen happen in other books this would make sense) 


    Anything else would just be gravy (hopefully... new books don't always mean a power boost... just look at poor Sylvaneth). 

  14. 7 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    It's crazy, isn't it? It's swingy, but thanks to all those 1's being rerolled the bottom part of that swing is still pretty damaging. But, man, all those mortals!

    How did you run them?

    Yeah I was really skeptical, but each combat they were in they did some significant damage. I ran them in a 1000 pt list as I'm teaching my buddy the game (he played once a year ago) and he's playing as Idoneth Deepkin. He was running an MSU list with units of 3 eels and a couple units of 10 thralls.

    The Spirit Hosts supported by a Spirit Torment took one unit of eels down to 1 wound on a single charge, causing him to avoid them with his other eels. They also wiped out a unit of 10 Thralls in a single combat and I only lost one base the entire time. 

    I also ran the Black Coach for the first time ever and was pleasantly surprised by its utility and ability to be a tarpit. 

    The list I ran was: 

    Lady Olynder general (Reaping Scythe)  / Spirit Torment ( PoTFW )

    6 Spirit Hosts / 10 Grimghast Reapers /4 Glaivewrath Stalkers

    Black Coach


    If we ramp up to 2k I'm looking to try something like:

    Lady O general (Reaping Scythe) / Spirit Torment (PoTFW) / Dreadblade Harrow (Midnight Tome)

    5 Hexwraiths / 5 Hexwraiths / Dolorous Guard

    6 Spirit Hosts / 6 Spirit Hosts / 30 Grimghast Reapers / 10 Chainrasp Horde

    Black Coach


    I might play with that a little bit as I'd like a 4th hero but that's the current concept. I like the amount of threats it has and its versatility. 

  15. On 1/26/2021 at 12:45 AM, EnixLHQ said:

    As far as I can tell he just said he'd "pass that on tomorrow." And that the concern is "on the list."

    But, I don't think a points reset was intended, either.

    Unless... *puts on fanboy hat and reads too deeply into it*

    In case there was any lingering doubt, I no longer see any points on the document. 

    Also, @EnixLHQ, thanks to the magic of Tabletop Simulator I actually tried out a version of your "mortal reign" list - and loved it! I was shocked at the damage a unit of 6 Spirit Hosts backed up with a Spirit Torment could do. 

    • Like 1
  16. Hi everyone.

    My buddy and I learned to play on TTS the other day. We tried 1k and he gave Deepkin a try - he’s only played AoS once with his old Dark Elf army as a Cities army.

    We’re hoping to ramp up to 2k and I was wondering if people had a recommended list that would give him a good feel for the army. While we know eels are great, he’d like to get a feel for the variety of the army... so he wants eels, but not just eels. 

    I play Nighthaunt so he’s not up against anything too insane.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

  17. 4 minutes ago, Zashier29 said:

    Is there hope for a book still? I'm trying to recover from the gut punch that was BR: Teclis.  I'd imagine that a 3 year old army is somewhere on priority list for update, but I've been wrong before. 


    Idoneth, Nurgle, and Legions are older. They did say every army would be featured in Broken Realms IIRC. 

    Still, I'm really disappointed. Why show Nighthaunt in the announcement video when they are the one Death faction not getting updated?

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