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Posts posted by Aloth_Corfiser

  1. Still having lost the Wanderer ranged specialist heroes hurts soo much. ;(
    It had such a nice gritty feeling to face Demon Princes or Arkhans Legions with these little guys.
    At this point I am considering switching back to mixed order .... or just wait for Hysh Aelves. So yeah, I am narrow minded about that :D - even allying in Sylvaneth seems out of the question to me. 

    Don't want to come across as overly whiny, however: Is anyone else bugged about the limited artefact choice for the Cities? (3 for every City) This is the only major gripe for me - apart from that the Book is good and executed well considering the Options you have.

    • Like 1
  2. There has been something on my mind lately:
    Spoiler below for the Callis and Toll - The Silver Shard Novel:
    I have the book in German so take it with a grain of salt:


    It is an excerpt from the 35th chapter of the book, page 494. In German it reads: (...) Armeen geflügelter Kreaturen, wunderschön und mit goldenen Helmen, versuchten, die Herren der Stadt zu bezwingen, aber sie wurden zusammen mit all den anderen besiegt, ihre Flügel wurden gebrochen und ihre Knöchel angekettet. (...)"
    My clumsy translation: "(...) Armies of winged Creatures, beautiful and donned with golden Helmets, tried to vanquish the Lords of the City, but they were defeated alongside all the others, their Wings broken and their ankles enchained. (...)"  

    Now what makes me wonder is the word beautiful. The "Creatures" described here could just be winged Stormcasts however - this excerpt is from the point of view of an (A)Elf and a Witch Hunter - they would know how SCE look like. This description seems like you would see something unfamiliar.  Again the "golden helmets" could refer to Stormcast masks etc bla bla.....    Aaaand would you describe Stormcasts as being beautiful ? 😋
    Lastly this Creatures intervened to stop some Chaos Sorcery Thing going on (can't remember the plot atm) - AND they have wings ^^ - so this all seems to scream "Angelic Creatures of Light and Reason" - or it could mean nothing at all.


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  3. Yeah it "worries" me a bit, because I like 25mm Bases personally :) Just for the fact that you can fit your models more realiably into Terrain and especially with Aelves it is a nice thing to have a smaller footprint. It becomes especially apparent when one compares Namarti Thralls to Wildwood Rangers:
    -Wildwood Rangers have 25mm Bases but a 2" reach
    -whereas Thralls have 32mm Bases and a 1" reach - despite their huge weapons    
    I always considered that bizarre if not unintentionally funny - granted the Thralls have wider stances and such and the Rangers were designed for rank and file and maybe GW gave Thralls 1" for balancing reasons, but who knows.
    Just yesterday i built a unit Champion for my Sisters of the Watch using a Namarti Reaver Body - the legs did barely fit onto the Base 😁
    When hopefuly at some time in the Future "Tyrion - Hysh - Aelves" see the light of day I am unsure about my Base size preference - 32s offer more freedom for Base customization afterall. 
    I would consider it a Trend for new Stuff to be mostly on 32mm Bases though.


    • Like 1
  4. I am so ready for some Hysh Aelves created by Tyrion.
    When the Rumour engine for the Aelven Horn with the Rune popped up my first guess was "Hysh-Aelven Line Infantry Musician" - but I guess the ages of "Line Infantry" have passed. :D (---> Spire of Dawn Box "Spire Guard" are one of my favourite Models ever)
    An "AoSified" Bolt Thrower would be neat! I am into that now. :)

    • Like 1
  5. I often have problems against Clan Skryre with their long range Jezzails with -2 rend dishing out mortal wounds. Crazy buffs that for example let a ratling gun in a Stormfiend Group do 2 damage each and let them reroll all hit and wound rolls (once obliterating a whole 10 women squad of Sisters of the Thorn in 1shooting phase....) - problem is: you cant shoot stromfiends to death, because  your opponent will always remove the Ratling Gunner last so you have to chew through a LOT of wounds before getting rid of this scary thing. 
    He will also just sacrifice his cheap acolytes at the board edges so I am often unable to charge or shoot anything viable. 
    Granted - my losses against the Skaven were always me playing the old Wanderer allegiance - we did not have the Chance to get a game in since the CoS Tome released.
    Anyhow: What kind of tricks would you pull out of your sleeves if you would be up against:
    -2 Units of 3 Stormfiends with ranged weapons (Mortars  also provide a crucial advantage here by not requiering line of sight)
    -a Warp Lightning Cannon sniping heroes
    -the best Endless Spell in the Game aka Warp Lightning Vortex
    -all these damage Spells from multiple casters with rerolling cast rolls
    -2 Jezzails sitting in cover sniping everybody


  6. In advance sorry for the rant, I hope it is appropriate here:
    It is in all honesty pretty sad how sparse and contradictory the "official" Lore for the Wanderers has developed - it has been said before: potential was wasted.
    I could not agree more with the posters above.
    Perhaps it was folly to ecpect as much from the Book as I did, however to sum up the main gripes I  had:
    -I wanted to know what these Ley Lines are - it wasn't explained anywhere and they begin to feel like a sorry Story MacGuffin, instead our Lore section explains how our units fight.... thanks a lot I know that already.
    -That little background we get in the CoS Battletome seems to explain less than the paragraphs in the Core Book . At least in the Core book it is mentioned that the Wanderers flee through a certain Realmgate and the whole section is worded in a way that maybe not all Wanderers fled, because ceratin renegade Wanderers are mentioned.   (Owning the Book in a different language perhaps doesn't help 😅 ) --> the Realmgate mentioned is not on any map ...
    -Having the Wanderers die to Nurgles Rot can be used as a convincing reason for them to flee - however this is not mentioned in the Tome and the whole Narrative leaves a sour taste -
    -finally: The Aleves in the Living City are permitted to live in the outer districts (I laughed out loud when I read this) - this bit of info reads like "Go on invest in something else - perhaps this shiny new Sylvaneth..... "
    However this could also have been used to create interesting story elements - (Anyone remember the racial Segregation in Dragon Age Origins and the pitiful conditions of the City Elves?)
    I feel almost childish for writing this, but I care about lore in general - so  maybe this whole Age of Sigmar is not for me after all .... which is okay. But it hurts quite a bit when in the End you as a player get the impression that "your dudes" do not matter in the storytelling. I am totaly fine with the fact that they are not a "grand player" of a faction - however: When the lore contains almost insulting contradictions and comes across as half-hearted .... it is just sad. 


    • Like 4
  7. Really excited!
    To me it is a nice touch to see Freeguild Soldiers with Round-Shields depicted in the Artwork in the community Article.  Of course its just artwork - however such a subtle change helps in  recognising this Book as the start of something new and no "bandaid-battletome". 

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  8. @sandlemad thank you for mentioning this - yeah the Aelf part was odd to listen to, almost as if Phil Kelly did not want to call them "Aelves". In the Lore video the part about the Kurnothi is at the 3min mark. 
    When he talks about Skaeth's Wild Hunt he mumbles a bit and says something like "(...) who are Aelves .... of the Kurnoth persuasion which means they are Hunters...(...)"
    So I am not a native english speaker and a bit puzzled on what was exactly said. Does he really say "Kurnoth persuasion" ? Which would mean something like a spiritual following? Forgive my ignorance I am just intrigued about what Kurnothi really are. Spirits like Tree Revenants or something else. Would be glad if someone could help me out :)

  9. Over the last 1 and a half years I have collected quite a lot of Wanderers - faintly hoping they would get an update.

    However I have now settled on the Idea to frame the Army as some sort of "Rangers of the Living City" type of theme. There is already lots of different greens on them, in part due to the fact that I liked it and I wanted to have visual connection to Alarielle and Life etc... :D
    They have ranged Specialists (Sisters (and Brothers) of the Watch) and Melee Specialists (Wildwood Rangers) What bugs me though is that there is no Elven Hero on foot with a BOW in the CoS Tome .... I mean .... come on .... And my Glade Guard will be joining them as Rookies ^^
    My only concern is wether Sisters of the Watch will be associated with Wanderers or if they get folded into something else... (somewhere I read that Shadow Warriors would be rolled in with Phoenix Temple)

    Reading all your posts got me thinking - If I would have started AoS now - I would totally collect mixed Human/Aelf/Dwarves
    In terms of the Races and representing some Unit as another: I am intrigued on running Glade Guard  as Freeguild Crossbowmen.

  10. It is a sad day indeed - the Glade Guard were my first introduction into Warhammer as a whole (along with the Eternal Guard) and frankly I always liked their static poses, they seemed appropriate for Archers who aim and fire  volleys. Deep down I had hoped for a Warscroll Update for our beloved Glade Guard.

    However I never would have guessed that I would actually like Elves with Deer legs

    I feel for all of you who invested so much into lovely collections. 

    • Like 2
  11. About Wanderers:
    The Models for sure, - currently I could not see myself collecting any other army ( Beastmen maybe). Otherwise just accept that you will most likely loose to Battletome-Armies. However it feels so much more rewarding when you actually manage to win something or grind towards a tie on points. The Underdog Feeling is maybe the best thing about them.

    • Like 4
  12. Thanks a lot! And Please don't die,-  it is so rewarding when the army comes together - I just had this moment when I finished more Glade Guard and got to the Basing.  Still there are 5 Glade Guard left out of 30 😬

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  13. I am in an emotional rollercoaster mood between "the allegiance ability will remain just the same" and wild expectations like a spell lore. It just confirms that I have found the right faction :D
    I always was a fan of small Battalions, they are such a nice way to roleplay too and give your army more identity. I pointed this out in the Community Survey, - I wonder how much impact the Survey as a whole had on this GHB.

    • Haha 1
  14. image.png.1c0e2b10fc0f447daaa0b86aa7c68870.png

    What do you all think about it? I am mildly excited, alas our beloved Aelves have become more horde-like than ever.
    Overall I try to contain my expectations on whatever "expanded rules" meant in the other preview, I am hoping for maybe a Spell-Lore section. But oh well, ....^^

    • Thanks 2
    • LOVE IT! 2
  15. I am looking forward to see your interpretation of the Nomad Princess :) For some time I have been trying to find a Handmaiden of the Everqueen to use as Nomad Princess for my Wanderers. Has anyone else done this? I would like to see some photos, because I think she would fit very well with the rest of our Units. 

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