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Posts posted by Aloth_Corfiser

  1. 6 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    That's the Zaitrec trait : )

    I just wanted to shed some light onto the Zaitrec Rules, because I think you misunderstood it or the translation you read was somehow flawed.  However I don't know if you may have had some other rules insight  -> My only resource is the single one blurry Page where the abilities of the Great Nation of Zaitrec are listed.
    As a german native Speaker it is very clear that only "Zaitrec-Wizard-Heroes" know a second spell from their respective lore. This sentence alone likely does not tell the whole picture because there seems to be one peculiarity:
    Zaitrec seems to not have a specific command ability for their Nation, which is weird. However they have at least one Spell from the "Lore of Zaitrec" listed on the Sngle Page (The Spell being: Overwhelming Heat). 

    I'll try myself in a translation:
    Luminous Msytics
    .....[flavour text].....
    In each Herophase add 1 to the first diceroll for Casting or Dispell attempts [there are 2 words in German for dispelling of Endless spells and/or shutting down normal enemy spells, it apllies to all three] you make for friendly Zaitrec-Wizards. (So yes Vanari are included) 
    Additionaly each Zaitrec-Wizard-Hero knows 1 additional Spell from their respective Spell Lore (Page 68-69).

    "Zaitrec-Zauberer-Held" translates whitout a doubt to Zaitrec-Wizard-Hero" ;(

    So if I am not completely mistaken, then Vanari Units in Zaitrec shouldn't be able to take 2 Spells I am afraid. 
    Atleast I hope that Zaitrec's Spell Lore is composed of more than 1 single Spell ... :(

    I can try to translate a few more passages this evening. 

    • Like 2
  2. 54 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    I'd wait a bit, if you play with friends and don't have to optimize to the greatest extend, you can have all those Champion-Wizards do other spells instead of Power of Hysh. There won't be a total way around the MW, but it might not be that bad for your opponent. 

    Exactly this. Please relax and give it some time. It is the people we spend quality time with together, playing our beloved miniatures game, who matter. When I played against the new Bonesplitterz or the new Seraphon I was definetly not prepared to get mauled by flying boars or to be smashed by Meteors - it wasn't unfun however. I am sure that in 4-5 Months time the Lumineth wont be regarded as the most unfun faction ever. ☺️

    • Like 3
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  3. Okay foks this is the best bit:
    The Sentinels' Hawk  can target an enemy Unit within 30" of the High Sentinel and fire above Terrain! :D (They have to use their long Range Firing mode for this)
    Also the Sentinels have 2 Profiles: Point blank and Volley Fire in a high Arch.

    My dreams have come true - so much pew pew.
    I can understand the People who are disappointed though. :(
    Not even in my wildest dreams I anticipated that our only ally would be Deepkin.

  4. I was already anxious about Subfactions - so far we have Iliatha and Syar confirmed and I hope we wil get atleast 4 Factions. (Ymmetrica and Zaitrec also seem semi-confirmed when considering the Cards from the Box-Promotion Video and the White Dwarf Report.)
    My expectations are kind of naive towards the Battalions, however I hope we will get ample possibilities to tinker around with them.

  5. Haha - tell me about Battleline :D
    My Ex-Wanderer Allegiance Army is now ALL Battleline: The Ex-Glade Guard being Freeguild Crossbows, the Wildwood Rangers, the EternalGuard, the Sisters of the Watch, even the Sisters of the Thorn are all labeled Battleline. Listbuilding feels dull at times to be honest. However Cities of Sigmar is an odd special case of a Battletome.

    What Armies are defined by Elites and Heroes in your view? To my untrained Eye the Armies in AoS vary so much that one Factions Elite is another factions screening Unit and vice versa.^^ Which is such a nice flavour in AoS :)
    I was honestly expecting for the Vanari Auralan Wardens to cost at least 160! I am itching for some Warscroll reveals 😬

  6. to continue the CoS talk:
    You know what I really missed about the CoS Battletome were the Lore Sections for every Unit/Warscroll which one would find in any other 2.0 Battletome. 😢 Even if those are not sophisticated Literature by any stretch of the Imagination, this Lore sections feel vital when you as a Player want to have more of a feel for the Units. The short Stories were nice but couldn't cover up this loss in my view.

    This is in my opinion the strongest argument for the Rumour that Cities of Sigmar is a "bandaid" Battletome. Does Legions of Nagash have a Lore Section for Skeleton Warriors, Grave Guard, Spirit Hosts, etc? I do think yes but I am unsure.
    I dont want to sound nitpicking by any means, I am glad that every warscroll has a Battletome now - the Lore part is just something to consider and be aware of. As @Greyshadow said, the Range will change quite drastically in the Future and on the Road towards 3.0.
    Random completely irrelevant fact at the end: An Eternal Guard Bannerbearer was labeled as a Wildwood Ranger in the Army painting section of the CoS BT! This goes into my personal Aelven Scroll of Grudges! 😆

    • Like 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    I agree that with everyone saying we're not going to see new models, but I remain baffled as to the design choices behind it. Not only is Lumineth one of the smaller factions, as has been discussed endlessly, the distribution of warscrolls is really weird. Unless there's some details we haven't seen, there's more hero warscrolls than unit warscrolls, and fully half of the hero warscrolls are unique named heroes (Teclis, Eltharion and Avalenor matched up against Scinari Cathaller, Alarith Stonemage, and the basic Mountain King). There are almost as many named heroes as there are unit choices, especially if the Stoneguard weapon options are part of a single warscroll. Further, we've got at least three mages, compared to a single non-monster melee hero--and even that option ends up being one of the named options.

    It feels like it will seriously limit army construction options and playstyles, above and beyond the already present issues with the size of the range. I just don't get the design choices here, especially when combined with the scope of the marketing (which was already in unusual amounts of hype before COVID forced them to stretch things thin). There's a part of my brain that is screaming that there has to be more, even as the rest of it is pointing out that if there were more, we'd have seen hints of it by now.

    Exactly, could not have said it better. 

    • Like 3
  8. I could see Sylvaneth fitting as well, afterall the Lore we got for the Lumineth emphasized their connection to the Land itself and to the Spirits that reside within.
    If I remember correctly the Sylvaneth have some Allegiance Ability which is  connected to the Landscape:  "Places of Arcane Power" or something like that.  -  Also the Sylvaneth do not have many Allies at the Moment so from GW's perpective: More Allies = more in between Faction impulse purchases, may seem likely. 
    Alarielle and Teclis in the same Army anyone? :D

    • Like 1
  9. @Ian Wallshyeah its is definetly better than no High Elves! :D
    I am content with what we have and do not expect anymore - I was even unsure about Endless Spells until they were revealed.
    However regarding Terrain: I think that Ship has sailed by now .... but well it is what it is.

    Lumineth have inspired me a great deal with Terrain-Ideas, I think a few pages back somebody already linked the Video about making Elven Waystones out of cardboard, by Miscast on youtube --> you should chek it out! 
    Because of the Wheat on the Lumineth Bases I want to make a Lumineth Farm lol ^^

    Edit: Personally the Stoneguard-Helmets grew on me, but People who don't like them could use Shadow Warrior Helmets - they seem perfectly made for this!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  10. Overall its great to see this many news :D
    Can't wait to "entomb" the Undead with this new Spell ^^

    I aleady started Listbuilding because seeing the pointcosts got me excited again:
    (just going for the Models I like)
    1 Stonemage as General

    1 Scinari Cathallar

    2x 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens
    2x 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinels
    overall 790 Points
    (-room for endless Spells) to go up to 1000 (for now) :P

    It is interesting that the Sentinels are also named with both prefixes (Vanari Auralan) --> before they were only named as "Auralan" .... :D
    I may invest predominantly into the Sentinels to send deadly arrow barrages as befits the (A)Elves.

  11. 14 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    you and me both. I mean we could use the Celestar Ballista as a proxy, but it's not the same at all. Do you know any non-GW products for this?

    I came across this miniatures from "Gamezone" , they seem to be modeled after the old Warhammer Fantasy Line, even having "Empire", "Chaos", "Vampires", "Feudal Knights" and so on.

    • Like 1
  12. Yeah I would be over the moon if we could get a Bolt Thrower. I always liked the Details like the staked ammunition. Whats not to like? ^^   Simple yet elegant, efficient, deadly, you can have several of them and they look formidable. 
    If Lumineth get some sort of Warmachine, I would like to theme my army around them, like some sort of "Siege Combat Group" or a defensive Garrison to defend a glittering Lumineth Outpost.


    • Like 1
  13. Maybe it has been discussed before- but the almost apocalyptic use of Magic by the Lumineth during their civil War(s) led me to some wishlisting:
    I was mainly thinking about the role of "Artillery" Units in a Lumineth Army, which could be filled by a cadre of Mages whos sole Job it is to rain death onto the enemy.

    2 or 3 Casters on a Single Base who focus Light or destroy enemies with their negative Emotions (also see Scinari Cathallar, as others have pointed out, she could be channeling the Emotions of the Lumineth around her). 

    This could be a fun concept which, to my limited knowledge, has not been on the AoS tables before: 
    For example a 120x92mm Base with 3 or 4 Mages who are fairly fragile but can dish out large amounts of damage. :D Maybe that would not correspond well with the Lore we have, the Lumineth are making amends with the Spirits of Hysh afterall, but who knows? 
    It could even be a multi kit with various rules: You can put 4 River mages or 2 Earth Mages and 2 Zenith Mages together and combine the different Elements as you like!
    Let's take this further by cocneptualising a mock up Unit:
    "Lumineth Battle Mage Cadre" 
    Made up of one Mage from each Element, 4" Movement (cause they are so focused on their rituals), 6+ Save, 8 Wounds, 7 Bravery
    120x92mm Base (like a Warplightning Cannon for ex.)
    1 Missile Attack: "Fused Elemental Beam", 4 Attacks, 3+, 2+, -2 Rend, D6 Damage, 32" Range 
    4 Melee Attacks, each Mage Attacks with their elemental speciality . (shrapnel Rocks, Hot Air,  I dont know :D)

    Some ability along the Lines we have already seen in the Game, "Arcane Channeling" -  "When an attempt to cast a spell wholly whithin 12" of the Lumineth Battle Mage Cadre was succesful and not unbound, increase the Attack Characteristic of the Cadre by 2."

    They would not be able to cast or unbind Spells themselves, but they could have an innate buff for other Lumineth Mages or Spirits. 
    So in the end you would have an "Artillery" Model without the Keywords "War Machine" or "Behemoth". 
    Quarantine is not good for me ..... 😁 

    • Like 4
  14. 25 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    In my case it is because I want to like the models so I write down what bothers me about them as well as some more objective feedback based on my field of study. I usually hope then that someone comes up with a good explanation or makes me rethink my opinion based on something I might have overlooked. Also It vents frustration rather efficiently.


    yet usually I receive either answers of people who didn‘t read what I wrote or took it out of context or of people who are angry or feel insulted that I don‘t like the models. Some might be in the same boat as me yet they dislike what I say since it is not riding along the hype train(?). Yet my goal is not to make others feel different about the release but for others to make me like the army, otherwise I would not bother writing into the faction thread. 
    it‘s frustrating to write anything even remotely critical on these forums.

    (Sorry for the double post) :/
    Thanks for explaining your reasoning, because sometimes your posts were along the lines of (forgive the paraphrasing it is not meant to be insulting)
    "this is bad design, I know this because of my field of study, but I dont care to explain the Theory, cause this would be way to complicated".
     So your statements can come across as harsh and people might fail to see your point of view. I usually tend to ignore posts such as these - So I am all the more happy when poeple explain their motivation.  So in the end, I would be interested if you could explain some cornerstones of your field of study in regards to the Lumineth Models (Graphic Design?  Art History? etc.) because the more detailed a post is the more misunderstandings are prevented.
    Poeple who are not interested can skip it - people who are interested are enlightened. :)

  15. 1 hour ago, ArchaicArc said:

    Has anybody thought out a colour scheme for themselves? I’ve been thinking of using the Lord of the rings high elf scheme, or something at least a little inspired by it!

    Oh boy. Colour Schemes ^^
    I was very intrigued by the Orange and Red Robe snippet GW posted in the Lowdown about Architecture. Honestly it depends largely on the Element or Subfaction which will appeal the most to me. However I always liked the classic "Avelorn" look of the old High Elves with Deep Reds and Bright Greens - can't go wrong with that. :)
    A Mixture of gold armour, and grey clothing with turquoise accents might be really fitting.
    As a fan of the colour Blue I might lean more into the Original GW Scheme because I like the Blue Feathers on the Wardens and the White armour.

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  16. If this would indeed be all there is, than I suppose the Lumineth would be the only Army with only 2 "generic" Hero Models (Stonemage and Mountain Spirit)? - I refuse to give up hope for unnamed Heroes. Some sort of High-Mage, A mounted Lord on Antelope, an Infantry Commander, just .... *looses sanity and dies* .... 😅

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