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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    It was one tricky to spot. It is not listed under any army, but under the Order category where everything else appears as well xD

    Their cousin the Tenebrael Shard was long gone, which made it double tricky. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Asbestress said:

    But also, why are Dispossessed staying? Are they too stubborn to leave before a new Battletome? Are we, cough, getting new Cities/Lumineth style duardin this edition?

    Not even GW wants to earn their grudges. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Interesting that Horns of Hashut are getting squatted, considering they're a Warcry 2.0 launch warband.

    Optimist in me says it could be tied to AoS Chorfs, the cynic in me says they just sold that poorly.


    Considering that the Underworlds band for Flesh Eaters has dissapeared from the battletome, and that Underworlds bands have been called out getting Legends only next edition, I think that all underworlds and warcry bands will simply be seasonal only. Which is a shame.

  4. Oof. Hurts to see. Poor beasts and bonesplitterz (and surprisingly, stormcasts). At least they get some index rules, but small consolation.

    Thankfully I didn't pursue my cultist slaves to darkness idea. That would have sucked badly. 

    3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    That's even worse. It means they won't be renewed. 

    Maybe the ones making this list forgot that Night Runners existed. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

    After the trailer reveal, how are we feeling about this rumor? Seems like a mostly educated guess. It doesn't say that the other resin/metal weapon teams are moving away, though. Pretty sure by the end of the full Skaven release, the army will have no resin whatsoever - either due to being replaced or squatted. That's where Tyranids ended up, anyway.

    It didn't explicitly call the Clawlord(?) on Wolfrat(?) from the trailer, but maybe that's just part of "Wolfrats".

    RUMORS: New Skaven Miniatures & Sprue Leak

    As for how the new Clanrats might look, these comparison might give us some idea...


    Afaik Rat Ogors, Giant Rats, and Packmasters are part of the same set of sprues. So if Rat Ogors get updated to their own sprues, Giant Rats and Packmasters would either have to be updated or to go. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    Presumably either all priests just have warscroll abilities and there's no bespoke prayer system or (more ideally) spells and prayers are now operating under the same broad ruleset and are both classed as 'magic.'  Might get a little messy for factions with both spell and prayer lores, but I'm sure they can figure something out.

    In AoS in particular this makes a good deal of thematic sense, I think, where we know that deities are not infinitely powerful, like, what's the material difference between a slaaneshi priest or a slaaneshi wizard if they're both basically drawing from the same source?

    Conquest has a setup where you have a Priest and Wizard ability, but they work magic in the same way for rule resolution. There are some other rules that key of priests/wizards. (i.e. Devout makes it easier for Priests to buff you, but does nothing for wizards) 

    Which could be a nice simplified system.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    We will see 🙂

    Edit: it's not that they now do monthly FAQ/Errata's/battlescrolls, it's 2-3 times a year? Perfect doable for GW to replace it with a book instead. 😉

    Wasn't that attempted with the half a year seasons for AOS and 40k? And then they went to full year seasons.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The stealth reason for this is probably to save money on translations again. It's why they use symbols for Warcry and Kill Team, and in warscroll cards.

    But hopefully it also makes rules easier to read at a glance.

    Hopefully not like warcry, as I find those icons hard to differentiate. One day I'll see at a glance the difference between leader and elite.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    IMO, melee weapon ranges were a mechanic introduced to capture something like WHFB's number of fighting ranks in AoS. But, at least for me personally, I don't think that implementation was ever very fun. It was always fiddly to measure ranges from individual models, as opposed to just looking at your unit and going "spears -> 2 ranks fight" like in WHFB.

    True at that. It didn't work the way they wanted to, as the recent update to 2" melee ranges and the pervious ghb rules for fighting in multiple ranks can attest to. 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Yeah, same with weapon ranges, honestly. WHFB is a game that lives by its complex combat resolution, because the primary way to score is kill points, so combat (both the fighting itself and resolution math), movement and relative positioning of units need to be very detailed and nuanced. AoS is a game of area control (and recently battle tactics), so all these things can be simplified by a lot, since the mayor decisions are not just about taking points-efficient engagements and preventing your opponent from doing so.


    Melee weapon ranges (I assume you mean the reach here) aren't really a holdover from whfb, but more an implementation from skirmish games without rules or additions to make the ranges impactful. (like, for example, the ability to hit enemies without being able to be hit back. The addition of pile in and ending a charge within 0.5" makes this moot)

  11. 1 minute ago, Grungnisson said:

    And here come the alarm bells. 


    Depending on how you look at it, the same happened to 40k 10th edition. Core rules first, and the faction indexes spaced out over the week. It depends when the article writer interprets the edition drop, release of digital core rules or release of the big box.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

    I'm not quite sure how much more streamlined they can even make AoS army construction. It's not exactly complex as it is.

    One thing I'd love them to bring back from the old days, following the prompt of 40k 10th, is a return of points costs for general traits/magic items. This is, admittedly, probably the opposite of streamlining.

    The only things that I could see going that are convoluted is the reinforcements system, and the core battalions.

  13. 13 hours ago, Mcthew said:

    So after the Dominion unboxing, anyone feel blown away or hyped by the new set and rules?

    Neither Stormcast nor these new Orruks are my cup of tea, so the set gets a resounding "meh" from me.

    There also weren't enough rules shown off to really base my opinion of. So I will wait and see, though I'm close to having to take a break from the AoS rules.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So strange question, what happens to the molds for old plastic miniatures. If they released a true Dispossessed faction (Soup or not) would they use all new sculpts or revive old minis? I feel like with the change to Cities and the retirement of classic Dispossessed we lost a number of great sculpts. I know they do limited runs of old Resin/Metal kits could they bring back the Ol' Dwarves?

    Any plastic Dwarves will be new sculpts. GW doesn't return plastic kits.

    • Thanks 1
  15. I think its rather sad as GW did manage to make the various mini-factions feel very distinct and unique on their part. Factions like the Flesh-Eaters or the Nighthaunt managed to carve out their own distinct identity. Having factions like those being merged together later is a bit sad.

    Kharadrons & Fyreslayers for example, only have being Dwarves and holding Grudges in common, mixing them together will result into a uncohesive mess. Its not because lore. Its not because gameplay, its purely a buisiness driven decision.

    • Like 3
  16. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Weird how I am able to use the exact same models in Gravelords to play the exact same list I used to play in LoN, then.

    Legions of Nagash had various Nighthaunt units, Arkhan the Black, Morghasts and Bat Swarms that are lost in the transition to Gravelords. Gravelords has less soup options than Legions of Nagash. There were several people in the Gravelords thread decrying that they lost models in the transition, and thus unable to play the exact same list as they were used to in Legions of Nagash.

  17. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    Most likely it'll become:

    • Combined battletome
    • Kharadron become obediently religious
    • 3 infantry hero boxes are everything that's released. For 25 to 35 euro, without any customisation possible.

    3 is rather optimistic. If there is a combined tome then there will only be Grungi as god-tier model and nothing else.

    • Sad 2
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