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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. On 10/17/2019 at 12:52 AM, dmorley21 said:

    So there's a rumor that Nighthaunt might be getting a battleforce box this year. Any thoughts about what might be in it?

    A vague rumour calls it "Court of the Craven King", so I would assume the Craven King is in there.

  2. 9 hours ago, Grdaat said:

    The Morghasts do get better when you put them in perspective with the abilities they now have access to (+3" move, +6" pregame move with a cheap battalion, +1 save, additional Rend), as well as the fact that your healers now heal and resurrect on a flat 3 which naturally favours Morghasts. Nagash however is way overcosted compared to what he offers, and I don't think you'll ever use him to get those points back.

    I personally am not fond of the thought that their points are made with taking the +1 save legion in mind. That throws balance out of whack.

  3. I'm honestly not sure how to build the Bonereapers. I have Arkhan and 2 Morghasts laying around, so I'll probably build from there. But as I usually play meeting engagements, its a bit hard to fit the stuff I like in there. I am tempted to pick up some Cavalry and a Harvester and go rather elite.

  4. Surprising to see no Battleline if there. I would have guessed that either Immortis Guard or Stalkers would have been battleline if.

    Harvester is also beefier than expected. Based on size I would have guessed it wouldn't be a behemoth. Oh well. Not that I really mind.

  5. 10 hours ago, Panzer said:

    The Harvester is definitely not small. Just not gigantic. More like Dreadnought sized for the 40k players amongst us.

    Small as in not big on a 120mm base and an expensive big box. Makes it also likelier to be sub-200pts. 

    Will be interesting to see how its healing system work. My current guess is that it works similiar to the Spirit Torment, but only counting models within range. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, Sandor said:

    After seeing the Gothizzar Harvester on the newest artwork, he doesn’t seem that big. He seems to be on a 105x70mm base. But compared to the size of stormcast and khorne next to him, he seems more like a Khorgorath size.

    I actually don't really mind the Harvester being small. Makes it likelier for me to run multiples of them.

  7. I started collecting when during the Innistrad prerelease I saw a box of hordes everblight sharkdragons on the lgs shelf and decided to grab them. Eventually I had to grab some paints and stuff, and I ended at the gw store whose salesman sold me the island of blood starter. (he was good)

    And thus here we are. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. No. AoS isn't ever going to be as balanced as you want. It might get better balance, as the biyearly FAQ/errata might fix big issues. (slaanesh, for example) But overall the designers aren't competitive players nor are they aiming exclusively for tournament play,. There are way too much armies and units for things to be properly balanced. 

    So there is a lot to balance, and GW lacks the skill to properly balance. Best we will get is a DnD-like sort-of balance. 


  9. 15 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Was unit sizes counting towards the 1 per 4 discussed?  All this talk about max size Arkanaut Company. Is that 1 unit of 10 per 4 or one unit of any size per 4?

    1 unit is 1 unit, regardless of how big it is.

    On a different note,  my friend has a bunch of old dwarfs (as in, metal marauder hammerers old) and I wonder what the best city would be for him to try them in. And what the best choice is for his warriors & thunderers.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Wait!? There was announcement of legendwarscrolls getting points😦😧😯😮😲😀😃😍

    "What’s more, in the near future, we’ll be giving all Warhammer Age of Sigmar Legends the same treatment, meaning they too will be getting matched play points for your battles. You’ll see these rolled out in the new year."


  11. 36 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Kinda curious that the competition doesn't start until November and yet they are advertising it now - a month early I'd say ;)


    Still neat looking mini and nice to see another from the distance past getting to reappear! 

    Christmas stuff showing up way too early? What a surprise.

  12. 1 hour ago, Gecktron said:

    Its important to remember that the Realms are not one homogeneously landmass. They can be very diverse. 

    Aqshy isnt just heat and desert everywhere. There are also huge grass plains, steaming jungles or swamps. In my mind Anvilgard is a good analogy for New Orleans; the swamps of Louisina but turned to 11. 

    EDIT: Thats what I mean:


    So 45 degrees C with 200% humidity?

  13. 6 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Skyrgots has always seemed to be a bit like skyskaven - ergo neat ideas that are more thrown out there to encourage someone to go buy a load of two armies and build their own conversions based on the KO models (esp since a lot of those sky factions are described as having gained their skyships by stealing and modifying KO ones). 


    They might also be the sort of things that could be fleshed out if GW ever does a warmaster scale game for AoS or a Man-O-War style game. Ergo games where big skyships and dragons and leviathans and such work within the game well. 

    Yeah, I don't really believe in the skygrots, but they've had more rumours than a Slaves to Darkness book, so I felt I had to mention them :P

    Aeronautics of Sigmar is something I can see existing, with skygrots and Ko and shiprats.

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