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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    Lumineth will be an interesting litmus test for the theory, since we don't yet know if they will include any of the few surviving High Elf models.

    I honestly would be surprised if we would see any old High Elf models in there. Its more likely to be their entire own thing. 

    It is possible that there is a subfaction that allows 1/4th to be specific high elf subfactions, but that is a bit of a stretch. 

  2. On 3/11/2020 at 2:06 PM, Vipoid said:

    That's a shame as I own quite a few of them. :P

    Are Infernals regarded as superior? 

    Also, something I just realised - would I be better off swapping out the Varghulf for a Ghoul King, given that the Archregent can just summon a Varghulf?

    An advantage of the Archregent summoning is the ability to pick what you need. If you rely on him to summon a varghulf (which isn't bad) you lose out on the option to summon ghouls for objectives or horrors/flayers for hitting power if you need them. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Here's the problem though. While warscrolls are free, the majority of the army rules are hidden in battletomes. And GW's stubborn reliance on expensive, slow to develop, print and ship physical books is going to hurt them eventually. We're already seeing rules bloat. For even the most basic matched play game you need the Core Rules, GHB 2019, Malign Sorcery book, whichever Battletome and that number again in FAQ and errata.   

    Didn't GW recently release a small A5 rulebook that contained the core rules, a bunch of ghb2019 missions and the malign sorcery artefacts/spells? So then you only need that rulebook + battletomes + faq/errata (especially now errata includes the points) Still a bunch and you still need the battletomes, but less books than you intially claimed. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I am a fan of the Middle Earth Strategy Battle LoS rules that requires an "in the way" role for any models that can only partially see another model, but I admit that it would slow down and add complexity to games which seems to not be in vogue. 

    It works there because if you have 30+ shots you probably have an optimized shooting list (so those are for your entire force), while 30+ shots might be just a single AoS unit. 

  5. Just now, mojojojo101 said:

    I think the bigger issue for some Start collecting boxes is the sprues that have wierd unit sizes in. 

    Sylvaneth for instance, the 16 dryads is odd in the current context. I wonder if they would ever consider reboxing them with 1 extra sprue so there is 20 in a box ( cant remember exactly how the sprues are laid out to be fair).


    From the open day, for AoS I'd like to see a tease, if not a full scale reveal for Seraphon and the, most importantly, a sort of statement on how the want to move the model range / game forward.

    If they were to add another sprue of dryads the box would become a size thicker, which has other stocking/storage issues.

  6. 29 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I am super hesitant for my next mini: a crawler OR a harvester. Both have ranged attacks but harvester is more powerful on CC + nice utility (revive/objectives).  The crawler is super long range.

    Price (pts) is the same .

    Any thoughts?

    If you have a bunch of morteks the harvester could be better ruleswise. Not to mention it looks better as well.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Izikail said:

    Immortis who take wounds dont get a save? Sad, does that also mean that for there death saves and such that they have to save against the D not the number of wounds, so three saves against one hit from a D3 weapon?

    As always -> Roll to hit -> roll to wound -> roll save -> calculate damage -> Allocate Wounds -> Immortis Intercept step (if applicable) -> roll to negate wounds (if any)

  8. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    This is exciting!



    Now that looks like a wing or a sail - could be KO; but could also be something more refined - an aelf airship or flying unit?! Though there are two spikes on the forward arm too. It looks too clean for skaven or grots. 

    Whatever it is I get a very strong AoS vibe from it. The only thing in 40K it could be is eldar but whilst they do have sails like that it looks not "eldar" enough to my eye (the edges are not smoothed over and there's non of those gemstones that they are fond of)

    New Doom Diver?

  9. 27 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    There are only 2 battletome missing now in the AoS 2.0 range: KO and tzeench (DoT). (and maybe  some ES for LoN and nurgle) I think that they'll be done in 2020 Q1. And then, everything will be 2.0. So, what next? new armies? new entries for some/many armies? Difficult for GW to maintain the hype 😋

    Poor Seraphon, so easily forgotten.... 😢

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