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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. 54 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    Well, they are going to release new, proper elves - and gave them magic steroids and magic coffee - so it’s likely that some earth realm shattering ****** is going to happen. Just give the Lumineth a bit of time to warm up. 

    More like they were given red bull. 

    • Haha 8
  2. 15 minutes ago, Kugane said:

    Is it too late for pirate vampires though?

    On a side note, glad the new warband finally discovered that walking barefoot on a battlefield full of spikes and debris may not be a good plan. Kind of wonder whats up with GW and making bald bare chest, bare feet miniatures XD

    Crab vampires maybe?

  3. 23 hours ago, Mad Doc Grotsnik said:

    Mortisan Soulreaper, eh?

    Compared to his mates, I’m just not seeing him in a list?  Am I missing something here?

    He doesn't provide much, just some more additional damage. And he needs to get close to deal it, not great for a low-wound hero. Compare this to the healing of the Boneshaper or the rerolls from the Soulmason which offer more utility. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    OT of the Rumour Engine I've seen a few people on Facebook calling for a Destruction based Ocean army. Thoughts on this? 

    Personally I'd rather the Idoneth players get an revisit with some new models, even if they're just for Warcry or Underworlds.

    If we get an army of destruction crab-people I would be in for it. 

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    100% agree. Maybe in GHB2020 (one can hope), but IMO, the Legion of Grief should be part of the LoN (new) battletome and Lethis Defenders should be another City in Cities of Sigmar (same as Excelsis...I'm lookint at you "New GordrakkvsAzyr Campaign").

    I love the mnultiple directions that they can go with AoS. Everything is possible!!!

    A create your own city allegiance generator?

    • LOVE IT! 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    I'm really curious to what are they going to do with the GHB2020. No need for allegiance abilities, so they have some space for something new appart from point tweaks.

    Point tweaks were in a seperate booklet in GBH2019 anyway, and are now all online in the Errata documents iirc. 

    Personally I am hoping for an update & expansion for Meeting Engagements. For Open Play I would like to see some experimental gameplay changes. i.e. alternate activations or a round structure more like the lotr game, so that people that like those can mess around in Open Play. 

    Not sure what matched play would like in GBH2020. Just some new and updated battleplans? 

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

     Nagash has nine books and nine mortarchs, but I don't think that is specifically a holy number in the way they are with the chaos gods. I feel like Nine is already taken by one of the big four, Tzeentch perhaps?

    Clearly Nagash is secretly a Tzeentch cultist.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I think double is perhaps the best you'll get on average. At 200 points each for a unit that adds up fast, especially when you want it to be supporting guard which cost points of their own. Triple might make it into some specialist lists where its mostly harvesters and guard with few leaders. 

    What kind of specialist list would take triple harvesters?

  9. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:


    I’m still missing that skaven part of the book
    clearly it’s a campaign book giving us the story and some rules for the disbelievers of the great horned rat.


    Pfwah. Everone knows Rodents of Unusual Size do not exist. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Exactrly -Flesh Eaters can already run an army almost only comprising undead dragons and terrorgiests and its not really made any big "OMG Broken" waves at all. 


    Time will tell if AoS can maintain this as I expect that as GW expands more armies the amount of ranged weapons will increase. Right now there's armies like Flesheaters with no ranged weapons and armies like Daughters of Khaine and Bonereapers with only one perhaps two ranged options. 

    Hey now, Flesh Eaters have more ranged tools than Bonereapers! 

    In more normal times, I suspect we would have seen the full  Lumineth army by adepticon. 

  11. 1 hour ago, JPjr said:

    we're already on the backlash to the initial backlash!

    and on some corners of the internet almost certainly even on the backlash to the backlash to the backlash of this reveal.

    Pretty sure I have seen some backlash to the backlash to the backlash of the backlash of the reveal. 

  12. 14 hours ago, Crashnarf said:

    Maybe if you have 2/3 of those beast it could be fun but I don’t think it will be competitive. But if you want, use at leat one kharybdyss as a bravery bomb with felgaze. A hydra with acidic blood is always « good » to. Then at least one big unit of corsairs or two (maximize the bodies). I thing a fleetmaster has to be taken,  then one sorceress or two and like 2x3 scourgrunners. Won’t be so much competitive but sure it will be fun to play 😉

    Most monster mash armies aren't that competitive due to lacking bodies for objectives, but they do always look cool. 

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