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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. 6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Yes finally a Rumour Engine that could very well be AOS!! Could it go with the Ghoulish arm we saw with the Sword? Maybe Soulblight? Maybe part of a model for the Warhammer Quest boxed set? 

    What about an army of Giant Crows?

    • Like 3
  2. Tamurkhan's Horde, Legion of Azgorh and Monstrous Arcanum have 16/07/2020 versions on the Downloads section of Warhammer Community.


    Doesn't look like there are changes.

    6 minutes ago, Fyrenn said:

    I was wondering ...  

    There's a bit of talk about if/when Shadow Elves and Malkeith, but also how DoK needs updating and a second wave.  Isn't it possible that they would merge to make Dark Aelves 2.0?  I think DoK lacks a bit of diversity with units, and this could just become a new faction where they're combined... I mean, i don't really think we need another faction with only a few kits... and CoS is letting them phase out the older units (serepentis, etc) to make something new.  I'd even wonder if the new warband sort of shifts the aesthetic of DoK a little bit with some of those shadow dudes to be more welcoming of that sort of expansion.

    TLDR;  is there any reason why a Shadow Aelf release wouldn't just be an expansion on DoK? Just give it a new name with DoK as a subfaction, etc?  Is a lore reason or something?

    The Shadow Aelves people are talking about would be those whose souls were drained from Slaanesh by Malerion, and he is unlikely to share power.

    • Like 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    I'm pretty sure the giant Khorne dragon was listed in the Khorne profiles. I'd love to see CD in plastic but we don't have any evidence to indicate that.

    Currently the best we can hope for are Dwarves in Chaos Warcry warbands.

  4. Good news that the gitmobs return. Bodes well for the other legends miniatures.

    33 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    Yes we can - and we should. The same with the dreaded "Salamanders List" -  I think I know what to do with that one (he said confidently)

    Famous last words. :D

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Also, as an actual rumour/bit of news, folks on B&C have spotted a new domain on games-workshop.com: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Warhammer-Forge

    Warhammer Forge was the old branch of Forge World that handled resin stuff for WHFB, including the Tamurkhan and Monstrous Arcanum books. They were around between 2011 and 2015. Possibly this domain is a sign of (i) the Old World revival getting its own team or division name, and/or (ii) a more focused effort on resin stuff for AoS?

    Clearly it is (iii) A way to customize and buy your personal AoS character. (akin to heroforge) ;)

    Its a new page, not a new domain. As such it is something under the Games Workshop main site, making it unlikely that its something for Forge World. Unless GW is moving away from Forgeworld and putting it under their own site.

  6. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Not anymore. Tomb King points are still from 2017.

    Latest Tomb Kings points were printed in the Pitched Battle Profiles booklet of GHB 2019. (Additional Profiles -> Death) I do think they're the same as the points from 2017, but still a recent enough release that people can take them to tournaments.

    I do think they'll still get printed in GHB 2020 pitched battle profiles, even if its just to give it an additional page count.

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, Fellman said:

    Way do they have the sam reroll 1 ass in the GH is change coming?  Big deal for bastiladons if they lose reroll save of 1

    It is not the same as the GHB Command Ability. This one doesn't require a nearby hero.

    • Like 1
  8. As somebody who has playtested a bunch of games (non-aos), you would be surprised how much doesn't get caught or filed under "this is fine" and going on with things that the testers deem to require their attention. And of course the classic last minute buff to an underpowered option making it overpowered. It is quite possible that Petrifex bonus was different for a long time and changed near the end, leaving not a bunch of time for fine-tuning.

    52 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    Im litterally this close to getting a Combat Gauge tattoed on my hand. I keep misplacing and forgetting where I put it!

    Misplacing and forgetting your hand sounds like a bigger problem.

    • Haha 3
  9. I have played a bunch on the Hallowheart (the 44x60) table and that didn't feel too limiting. No big problems with setups either.

    It wouldn't really surprise me if those showed up as minimums in a GHB. We already have seen a bit of the idea of a 44x30 board with the Meeting Engagements and the Close Quarters battles in GBH2019.

  10. 6 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I have no basis for this, other than that there is no new plastic for Cities, and recently it's the only faction without Warcry, and one of the few without Underworlds.

    As for the freedom, I feel that's quite limited with only pregen cities from two realms.

    In lore, they only need to take out these cities to wipe the faction.

    At this point I suspect you'll only be happy when they finally squat cities so you can dance on their corpse.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
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