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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. 46 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    Do you think we can expect some normal points for Cursed City Death units? I mean other than 680 points for the whole hero pack? It's basically unplayable on any other than total amateur level.

    I wouldn't expect it. The Cursed City characters are primary intended to be used in Cursed City, with bonus rules for AoS.

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Honk said:

    The way I read the fluff, Nagash is gone (again) sleeping in his black pyramid or whatever and Arkhan kinda fell off the world (like that dude in soul wars)

    so both might be a goner for SBGL (but still available in obr)...

    if Nagash gets the same rules as in obr (knows all spells heals all units) I’d be a happy vassal

    Fair point about fluff. Maybe his model will be repurposed as a non-unique Avatar of Nagash? (In the vein of Eidolons of Mathlann)

  3. 45 minutes ago, Sception said:

    I doubt the guard will need rebasing if you want to use them as skeleton warriors.  IIRC the new ones have been confirmed to be on the same bases, though I can't find the facebook post about it anymore.

    I'm fairly confident that everything which isn't in another codex and does currently have a plastic model will remain in ~some form~, though it may be getting a new model and it might be merged with another unit.  The long list:

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    • Nagash - probably gone, that's an obr hero now
    • Arkhan - probably gone, that's an obr hero now
    • Mannfred - Almost certainly there, probably with the same model.
    • Neferata - Almost Certainly there, probably with the same model.
    • Vhordrai - an open question, since he doesn't have a bespoke model.  Could get demoted to 'generic vampire lord on zombie dragon but with a name in the background lore'.  Or he could be promoted to bespoke model with a partial re-sprue of the existing zombie dragon.  Or could be left as is, a special character with no distinct model to speak of.
    • Kritza - Basically confirmed
    • Radukar - he'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Torgillius - he'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Gorslav - he'll definitely get rules.   Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Halgrim - he'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Annika - She'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Vampire Lord - confirmed with at least one new model
    • Vampire Lord on Steed - very likely, but still crossing fingers for signs of a new model though
    • Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - Basically confirmed, I expect with the same model
    • Blood Palanquin - Very likely to stay imo, and with the same model.
    • Coven Throne - Very likely to stay imo, and with the same model.
    • Wight King on Steed - confirmed with new model
    • Wight King on foot - almost certainly there, may or may not get a new model
    • Necromancer - almost certainly there, may or may not get new model
    • New generic zombie hero version of Gorslav - very likely
    • Cairn Wraith - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Tomb Banshee - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Other new heroes we haven't seen yet: I don't know.  Probably?  At the same time, though, this is already a very long list.  One could even call it 'excessive' or 'bloated', especially if all the warhammer quest heroes make it in and Nagash/Arkhan aren't removed.  And that's not even touching on the rumors that FEC might get rolled back into the gravelords.


    • Sepulchral guard - Probably included, but not clear yet whether they'll have bespoke rules or just count as Deathrattle Skeletons'
    • Crimson Court - Probably included, but not clear yet whether they'll have bespoke rules or just count as Vampire Lords
    • Faction Terrain - Probably?  Then again, the mausoleum kit already exists and fits this faction's concept and aesthetic, so it's plausible that kit might get re-packaged as soulblight faction terrain.
    • Faction Endless Spells - Probably?  Then again, the FEC spells - a stampede of dead horses, a cemetary wall, and a floating chalice of blood - already exist and fit this faction's concept and aesthetic.  There are rumors of FEC possibly getting rolled back into the Gravelords, and if that happens we may just end up sharing their spells.  Otherwise, yeah, we'll probably get new endless spells of our own.


    • Skeleton Warriors - confirmed with new models and name change to 'Deathrattle Skeletons'
    • Deadwalker Zombies - confirmed with new models
    • Direwolves - basically confirmed, still crossing fingers for new models
    • Black Knights - basically confirmed, probably with the same models imo
    • Hexwraiths - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Spirit Hosts - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Grave Guard - not clear yet whether they carry on as their own unit, with or without new models, or get demoted to 'Deathrattle Skeletons'
    • blood knights - confirmed with new models
    • fell bats - confirmed with new models
    • bat swarms - basically confirmed with new cursed city models
    • rat swarms - will definitely get rules, almost certainly in the book since kritza's basically confirmed
    • ulfenwatch - basically just deathrattle skeletons, but might get bespoke rules if halgrim is treated as a unique unit champ
    • vykos bloodborn - will definitely get rules, no confirmation that they'll be in book or get a separate model release, but imo very likely
    • cursed city zombie ogres - I forget their names.  Will definitely get rules, no confirmation that they'll be in the book or get a separate model release.  imo somewhat likely, but I'm not as confident of them as I am with the vykos.
    • Morghasts - probably gone, that's an obr unit now
    • Vargheists - probably staying, probably with the same models.
    • 'legion black coach' - almost assuredly gone
    • Other entirely new units - possibly?  Again though, that's already a pretty expansive list, without even touching the possibility of FEC units getting rolled back in.

    big single models

    • corpse cart - probably staying, probably with the same model, nothing confirmed
    • mortis engine - probably staying, probably with the same model, nothing confirmed
    • Unridden Zombie Dragon - nothing confirmed, might go as it's a FEC unit
    • Terrorgheist - nothing confirmed, might go as it's a FEC unit
    • Vargskyr - definitely getting rules, not confirmed for book or separate release but imo very likely.
    • Other big individual centerpiece stuff - probably?  GW does like their big expensive centerpiece models.  Though between mortarchs, dragons, engines, thrones, palanquins, and maybe terrorgheists we're not exactly lacking here, and not every battletome update has seen a big new centerpiece, especially if you don't count faction terrain.



    Is that everything?  Did I leave anything out?  Do my assessments of the possiblities / relativel likeliness of different things seem on point?

    Personally I think Nagash can hop in the same way he can hop into OBR. He doesn't have the OBR keyword, but can get it as part of the allegiance at the cost of allies.

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, novakai said:

     i guess we went from the Activation wars into the Pile-in Wars

    I do find messing with Pile Ins (both as a buff or debuff) to be more interesting than messing with activations. It gives more opportunities for interesting game design, and gives more difference between short and longer range weapons.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    New article on BR Teclis: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/26/how-to-survive-a-godly-smackdown-between-teclis-and-nagash/

    Of some note is that Neferata is shown with the current Grave Guard minis. Could be significant RE: their presence in the new Soulblight tome but then we can see a few current skellies on the left, so it's probably just an older picture reused.

    Perhaps more notable is some details on the new Sloppity Bilepiper rules.  I am not too mature to admit that 'My Love Is Like A Ripe, Ripe ******' got a smile out of me. EDIT: I cannot believe that f_a_r_t is blocked out by the filter, that's hilarious.


    These rules make me jolly.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Jacek said:

    Depends on your build.

    If you take avatar on foot - no need for circlet (as it rerolls 1s, not unmodified 1s - that is my understanding so far) so if you are near avatar on foot (+1 to prayer rolls) you just succeed on 2+ and on 1 you take no dmg. Then you can replace circlet with something else.

    Rerolls happen before any modifiers have been applied, so a reroll 1s is the same as rerolls unmodified 1s, per the core rules.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    This is where I'm at too. My HOPE is that Gravelords gets elite Vampire foot infantry. Basically non mounted Blood Knights. Maybe min unit sizes of 3-5 with max unit size of 6-10.

    There is a 3-man vampire foot infantry squad in Cursed City, so we might get something similiar in a regular kit. Foot infantry are also likely to have multi-kit, so there would be a chance for a bestial and a armoured variant.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, HanShot First said:

    Quick thought, what if Kragnos leads the kurnothi but they are destruction? They are basically wild aelves and the whole centaur vibe is really cool.

    Destruction Kurnothi remain less likely than the return of Tomb Kings in AoS.

    We have two instances of Kurnothi (in Underworlds and Cursed City) and both are Order Sylvaneth. Lorewise Kurnoth is very closely linked to Sylvaneth as well. As such, it is safe to assume that Kurnothi will be order and either part of Sylvaneth or closely linked.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Doko said:

    If new skeleton kit gonna replace the old kit. What gonna happen to the skeleton horde start collecting?

    Gw wont keep it if the skeleton kit is disscounted and replaced for other.

    So i dont know what do,start my vampire army getting this start collecting?but i have fear because it isnt safe even if all the units gonna stay in the tome but if i wait to see the tome to see what units are there maybe be too much late and the start collecting is  deleted allready

    I would expect Neferata & Mannfred to be in the tome. Skeletons get an update. Black Knights are likely to carry over, we have seen a mounted Wight King and it would be a bit silly if there wasn't skeleton cavalry for him to lead. Wether or not Black Knights get update is something I don't know.

    Nighthaunt I expect to not be in Gravelords. At most there is a Bloodline that can take 1 in 4 Nighthaunt units, like how Living City can take Sylvaneth. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    What do you think are the chances that Kurnothi just become a Destruction faction, instead of Order? Without knowing much about Kurnothi fluff, that seems like the way foreward if we want to have our cake and eat it, too.

    I think those chances are even lower than Squats becoming a playable faction in 40k again.

    • Like 3
  11. 14 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Do you guys think Black Knights will make a transition as well? I concider the risk of getting a SC! Box of Skeletton Horde and Maligiants which would net 10 Black Knights, a Coven, Manfred or Neferata, some Hosts that can be used as additional details as well as 10 Skelettons. 

    I would be shocked if the Black Knights wouldn't end up in Gravelords. So far, it looks like all Vampires, all Skeletons and all Zombies are crossing over.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:


    Also, No one finds it weird that Nagash sent reapers to get a tithe from silent people but they are "gone"....

    My bets on them or something BoC, Ogroid related still. 

    Just because you're dead doesn't mean you don't have to pay the Bonereaper tithe. Just makes it a bit easier for the collectors.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Svalack said:

    Do you think we will get a duel box and a few more bundle boxes for the teclis book revealed tomorrow at 6pm for preorder next saturday? Im assuming it will be like the morathi book. It would be a lot to release at the same time though if the lumineth are coming out with it all.

    I think that if there would be a duel box coming we would have known it by now. GW tends to advertise these in advance. Broken Realms combination boxes are still possible.


    1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


    So so so happy for everyone who was looking forward to Soulblight those Blood Knights are stunning!! 



    All I know is I am hyped as hell and I personally believe regardless of what race they belong to, these guys are going to be DESTRUCTION. We are expanding beyond Greenskins and Hungry lads people!!

    If he is a Dragon Ogor he would be a giant-sized Shaggot. Age of Myth Dragon Ogors were big enough to blot out the sun.

  15. 4 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Tomorrow is the big day guys!! What are your hopes and dreams for the Preview?

    Hopes and dreams: Special ghoul courtiers. Royal Fool, bard and people like that.

    Most interested: Ossiarch warband reveal for Underworlds & Redemptionists for Necromunda.

    Neat: Broken Realms Book 4.

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