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Blog Comments posted by SlyRebirth

  1. On 9/17/2017 at 10:50 AM, Stevewren said:

    These are great - my only critique is the basing - its very much in the Games Workshop style, but on such large models I think there is so much more you could do to add interest, particularly now with the creeping vines and skull packs, as well as all of the different tufts and grasses that are available. 

    In terms of the painting I think that you have clearly got the hang of highlighting and blending effectively, but now you need to consider colour choice and position more. For example on the Treelord you can create a much more effective composition by repetition of the spot colours in more areas. As an example above you could use the ice blue from the loin cloth on the claws, head dress and ends of the spirals on the staff. Hopefully this will give you some ideas for your next army :)


    Thanks - you're right about the basing. I need to have a little more discipline and patience to finish that side of things too, especially on the larger models. The Alarielle base is huge, so I will take your advice and think of some good stuff to add :)

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