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Posts posted by dasnation

  1. @Malakree ty for the comment. Want to pick your brain more on the subject. Why do you think the extra 20 stabbas into battle line is more useful than any one of those ploys(not sure what word to use there)? 

    I don’t see the utility in adding 20 more stabbas except for a little more board control and to life tank a little more. I would think the big block of 60 would be able to that but then again it is not as mobile. That is the reason I was thinking about hand of gork to throw them where they need to be. I also like adding the generic loonboss to give them the mortal wound out put. 

    All that comes from the stance that I have not tried the list or anything like it like yourself. Any insight into how it played out for you at throne of skulls would be amazing. Things you learned, what worked, what didn’t ect. Thank you again for your comment, they always help. 

  2. Yeah, I think I am going to do that instead. Thank you for your help. Should I keep the sword of judgment on the loonboss on mangler or take a different artifact? Or transfer the artifact to the loonboss on giant cave squig?

    EDIT: Thoughts on an all Gobbo army?

  3. @Malakree I love it. How do you utilize the fungoid shamans? They have a decent stat line for combat. Do you you get them close or have them sit back?

    Another question I had was playing with the stabbas numbers. Would I gain anything by dropping them down to 40? If I keep them are fanatics a must? Is there anything else to optimize them?

  4. 35 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Personal opinion. The colossal squig doesn't need support. It's job is to rush across the board and get into the opponents face.

    When I use it it's to pin the opponent back into their deployment zone and draw fire.

    Are you looking for a specific target when you use it?  What do you hope it draws fire for?

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