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  1. Going to have to get creative! I'm trying to figure out how to fit Teclis into my lists and still be competitive. AOS2 list went up 250 points. I don't believe the point increase makes us irrelevant. Looking forward to seeing/hear what others are thinking. I wonder what others perceive our new strength as. I keep thinking of lists that would include Gotrek or a Mega-gargant to throw in some more monsters and smash with some shooting behind.
  2. Not that I saw. Looks like we are stuck w/o it.
  3. So playing around with the idea with running a triple maw list. List: So thinking here is to not take a warclan to get the free mighty destroyers. Any ideas on how to make this better? Could always drop goddrak for a regular maw and switch out for some pigs and ironfist to get the extra mighty destroyer move. List 2: Thoughts?
  4. I do not believe so. I wouldn't do this in a casual game but in a tournament go ahead! Might not get a good sportsman score though :P.
  5. I will have to check that out, sounds awesome!
  6. @Malakree, I think you may be on to something with Big G. I ran him in a small tournament this past weekend. I went 3-0 against Tzeentch, Legion of Grief, and then Gloomspite. The list was: Big G, Maw w/ hulking muscle-bound brute, and then 5 units of 3 GG with bloodtoofs, ironfist, and 1 CP. My take on Big G, yes he is expensive for 560 points. Regular Maw is 420 so for an extra 140 points we get +2 attacks, 18 inches 3 dice charge, one more wound and a better attack profile. An attack is 50 points apiece if you use the same conversion for the WAAAGH ability. So with the leftover 40 points having a three dice charge is worth it. If you can line it upright, you can have your maw crushers smashing into backline heroes with ease. I just wanted to say I think you are the right track and I am excited to try the list again. With all pigs, it does seem to bog down into hordes, so I need to watch out for that.
  7. Fellow Bad Moon lovers, I would like to get your opinions on what route I should go to update my list. I have won a tournament and placed 6th with the best destruction at a GT with this list: GHB18 List: I would like to update that list and bring it into GHB19 with the new faq changes. I was thinking of a few approaches. Approach one, keep the Gobbapalooza. I like these little ******, they give a bunch of buffs to your grots which can be helpful at times. Also, people don't seem to know what to do against them, and it is just target saturation for the enemy. However, at 310 points, I think I could find more utility in my army in its current configuration. In the spirit of keeping the Gobbapalooza this is the updated list that I have been running since the FAQ: Approach number two, maximize the effectiveness of the grots. Instead of dropping the extra Loonboss I keep him, drop the palooza, two units of 60 and two units of spore splattas.List: The third approach is to add some rock-loving trolls into the mix. The question here is, do I get more by including 6 rockguts or a loonboss and extra grots. I want to include the rockguts, but I don't know if that will make the rest of the list suffer. Additionally, I could drop the 20 man unit of grots for a squig herd and add purple sun in.List: Overall this is a long post, but I would like to get everyone's thoughts or if I am just crazy on some mushrooms.
  8. How would you optimally deploy your Loonshrine during the Starstrike Battleplan? This analysis is my take on an optimal Loonshrine placement that does not take into account terrain nor tournament specific rules preventing terrain placement close to objectives. Do you choose placement A or placement B? Placement A provides you with more board control by placing in the middle allowing more flexibility to adjust on where the stars may fall. While providing you with 6" buffer if the second round star falls in the center, and 2.75" buffer on turn three if the objective does not land center on your side of the board. Or do you gamble and choose placement B? Placement B gives you 100% coverage on two possible star falls, but can leave you out of position should the start fall on the opposite side you place on. I believe placement A in the clear optimal choice to place the Loonshrine, however, depending on terrain and tournament rules we may be forced to take the less optimal placement B and hope Gork and Mork are smiling favorably on us. What do you all think?
  9. Hey, all, I was looking at doing this for myself and wanted to see if anyone else wanted me to do a write up on what I think an ideal Loonshrine deployment would look like based on battleplan. Attached is Battle for the Pass with a perfect Loonshrine setup with the 12" battle-shock bubble overlayed with the 6" range from the objectives. Deploying a little off center of the objectives will allow a little over 2" buffer with the shrine. This setup does not take into account terrain or some tournament rules of terrain pieces not being allowed within 1" of an objective. I want to start a discussion on optimal Loonshrine placement and what others are doing to optimize the 12" battle-shock bubble and unit replacement.
  10. @TheWilddog those look amazing. Ok all, playing in a smaller local tournament here. 1500 points. I am experimenting with minimum battleline. So far I've tested the below list against a Gristlegore FEC, and it did surprisingly well. Having the mobility of both the boingrots is significant along with the double threat of the colossal and mangler. I think I have the speed to get to objectives and should be able to take a good hit from a deep strike. With the moon and scuttletide, I can weed through some units and then go crazy with the mangler and colossal. Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzMortal Realm: GhurLoonboss on Mangler Squigs (300)- General- Trait: Fight Another Day - Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of GorkFungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: Squig Lure6 x Squig Herd (70)6 x Squig Herd (70)6 x Squig Herd (70)10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)Colossal Squig (300)Scuttletide (30)Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)Total: 1500 / 1500Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 112
  11. @Malakree how did the spear chukkas and MW spells/distance dmg work for you? in every game with the colossal squig I think I’ve only earned his points back once. Did you find that having lack of bodies is what did you in? Would that have helped negate the priority rolls? Also ty for the clarification about the great unclean one. Last tournament that is how it was ruled against my fight another day boss.
  12. So to piggy back off this. Since all attacks are made simultaneously this applies to saves that do damage back to you. So if you wipe out a great unclean one with the mortal wound bounce all your attacks are susceptible to be bounced back to you even if he is dead.
  13. So to piggy back off this. Since all attacks are made simultaneously this applies to saves that do damage back to you. So if you wipe out a great unclean one with the mortal wound bounce all your attacks are susceptible to be bounced back to you even if he is dead.
  14. Yeah, it makes sense as far as what you have painted. I can machine out some models to get the three color minimum, but it won't win any awards. I haven't used the felwaters extensively but I have used the mushroom, and it has been amazing. There has only been one game against Nurgle where it didn't matter much but did achieve some zoning. I think you can take both just for the extra CP generation. In my revised 2k list I am running both Skragott and Fungoid. That is also why I will be using Skragott as the general. People forget, you only get his CP generation ability if he is your general.
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