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Posts posted by robinlvalentine

  1. Love that Skaven Warlock - you can practically hear his maniacal laughter! That said, the Skaven side of the box feels a little odd. I guess that's just what a Skyre force looks like right now? But It's essentially a Skaven army with almost no actual Skaven in it, all warmachines and Rat Ogres. 

  2. 1 minute ago, JPjr said:

    FEC is one of those factions where I think the lore is just fantastic but I’ve always thought the old repurposed models, whilst not bad, have never come close to doing it justice and put me off.

    Be great if they revisit them more and release some more that actually lean into the idea of shambling, rotten cannibals wearing rags and rubbish but who think they’re courtly knights.

    would love to see some wearing pots and pans on their heads thinking it was shining plate armour, glorious pennants trailing in the wind that are actually stitched together flayed skin etcetc .


    Yeah agreed. They're in a tricky spot, I think - their existing kits are perfectly fine, and them appearing in this box set would suggest they're not being replaced any time soon, but as you say they don't really fit the lore. They'll probably do a couple of new kits with a new tome, so they could follow the new theme with those, but then they wouldn't really match the rest of the army. I'd guess this new hero model is an indicator of the style of anything else we'll see - maybe a little haughtier, but essentially following the same look as the existing stuff. Which, yeah, doesn't really fulfill their potential.

    Funny how the new lore totally changes the way you look at the models! 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I thought the pose was really weird too, until I noticed that he’s actually holding his club up to look at a spider hanging off it. I really like it now. 

    I think that'd be a really fun pose for a Grot or a shaman or something, but on such a big, centerpiece model who's supposed to be leading this horde of Troggoths... it just makes him look like a dope. He should be scary! The normal Dankhold Troggoth strikes that balance of goofy and monstrous far better for me... but just my opinion anyway 

  4. 1 hour ago, Orzo said:

    Uhm, guys, talking about lore, ket me ask a stupid question..


    Is there a reason in oore, why are stormcast mafe in bigger scale then for example empire? Should those guys be bigger “race” or whatever? Or it’s jist because low model army concept and easier detail paintjob?

    I love stomrcast models but I’m really upset about this, I’d like to use them in my dnd sessions too and I simply can’t because of scale...

    The Stormcast are 'reforged' into new, massive, super-human bodies with armour to match. They're demigods, basically, and they're supposed to be like 10 foot tall, not just humans in armour. 

    2 hours ago, Kako said:

    I do understand the idea of this character doing a war cry/prayer, like the Paladin Prime before him, but I'm not sure if they are priest/clerics, at least not to me.

    The Relictor is still my favorite character (both in game or books) and I still have this weird feeling that the Sacrosanct Chamber are made of Wizards doing what was supposed to be in a Lord-Relictor's job description. When I first read about the unopened chambers I was sure the Sacrosanct was a priest Chamber. But when the Soul Wars lore came out it was confusing to read about wizards doing what I've always thought was a priest job. I mean, Relictors had always this closeness to necromancers, Nagash, Shyish and Death stuff in all previous books. Ionus Cryptborn and Boreas Undying are great examples of that.

    It is written in their Warscroll that "their weapons and armour are replete with icons of Death, for these fell guardians keep the warrior souls of the Stormcast Eternals from the gloom of the underworld". Also it is described that "it is the task of a Lord-Relictor to keep the souls of his chamber’s brethren firmly tethered to Sigmar and the Celestial Realm. With frequent binding rituals and lightning-wreathed blessings, Lord-Relictors ensure that should a Stormcast Eternal fall in battle, his spirit will heed only the call of Sigmar, ascending as a scintillating bolt back to the Heavens. The role of spirit-warden is but part of a Lord-Relictor’s duties."

    I'm not even including the Veritant, a priest who unbinds and which is now is really dead and gone more than ever. They should reinvent him with a new profile. The "White Reaper" is one of the most amazing characters with just a few lines of story during the Solstice. He reminds me of an Medieval Inquisitor and GW should totally go for it.

    I'm not looking for an explanation, it's just something I wonder every now and then. I just have doubts about what actually is a SCE wizard and a priest and I understand where are you coming from when I read your post. Maybe Relictors are there to point the souls to Azyr during battle and that's about it. All the rest is a Wizard's job and now that they are in the battlefield too it's confusing. To me. And I've always wondered why the Lord-Exorcist doesn't have the Priest keyword. He is the only one in Sacrosanct Chamber that could actually be a priest considering what he does.

    Anyway, Sacrosancts are awesome no matter what they are/do and this miniature is amazing. Also, I'm really hoping for the release of a Relictor Chamber/Temple. (Please Sigmar, hear my prayers!)


    I think the point is that, for the Stormcast, there isn't so clear a distinction between a wizard, a priest, a tribal shaman, whatever. The lore for the Sacrosanct says they're drawn from all manner of magical adepts, arcane and divine. And they're the soldiers of a god, invested with his power, so in their new lives they're priests and wizards in one.

    Visually, IMO the Sacrosanct are designed to evoke both traditional wizard tropes and traditional priest tropes, with their robes, holy symbols, staves, etc. Which in a way harks back to the real world mythology of wise men, shamans, etc, where the role of wizard and priest have been seen as one and the same more often than not (IMO we only see the two as so separate these days because of D&D)

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  5. Here's that Sequitor Prime conversion I talked about - bit quick and dirty and the spear's probably slightly wonky but I think it works overall, and it definitely falls into the realm of 'if I can do it, anyone can'.

    It's just the mace and shield Prime from Soul Wars, made the spear with the blade of a sword from the multi-part Sequitor box, extended the shaft with the end of a Grandstave from the Evocators on Dracolines box, gave him a new left hand from that same box, done. Obviously conceptually not super close to a Greatmace but I figured it being two-handed makes it clear enough that it shouldn't cause any arguments.

    (Please ignore my poor abused fingernails :P) 



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  6. 44 minutes ago, Nos said:

    It is thanks.

    Still can’t get over that dude being so into his jewellery. He’s even wielding his weapon sub-optimally just so he can show it off. All of your mates have one too man.

    Visually, it's supposed to evoke Catholic rosary beads - to drill home the idea that Sequitors are like priests/clerics. As he's raising his mace with the other hand, I think he's supposed to be doing a kind of war cry/prayer to spur on his squad 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Nos said:

    I always thought that was supposed to be what this guy was doing. Otherwise he’s just particularly attached to his necklace maybe I dunno 


    Yeah no that's just an amulet. A Redemption Cache is a pretty large box.

    If you build your Prime with a Redemption Cache, then they carry the shield in their left hand and have a sheathed weapon at their waist - so they are definitely equipped with those weapons, GW has thought of that. 

    The rules are very clear that you can't have a shield and a Greatmace. What it says on the Warscroll is that Sequitors may choose one weapon option, either a maul and shield or a sword and shield, and 2 in every 5 models may replace that weapon option with a Greatmace. So you're replacing both the one handed weapon and the shield with the Greatmace - give it another read. 

    Hope that's helpful! 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Nos said:

    To further add to the confusion though the Warscroll also states that they can replace their weapon with a greatmace, not both weapon and shield. There’s also a Prime Model holding a Great Mace and a Redmemption Cache 🙃

    What, really? What model's that? As far as I'm aware there's only one model with a Redemption Cache 

  9. On 12/26/2018 at 5:24 PM, Nox said:

    Hey guys, I just bought a box of Sequitors and a box of evocators on dracolines. Have I missed something or does both the prime choices available in the box lack a stormsmite greatmace option? also there's only 4 greatmaces in the package overall so you can't make 2 groups of 5 with 3 in each? Same thing with dracolines and greatstaves. Says 2 out of 3 rider can carry them yet there's only one in the box afaik. Brand new kit but it seems I have to kitbash and convert some of the more obvious choices. Unless of course I'm missing something? 

    If I have understood this correctly. How did you guys go about this? Just assemble the Primes with regular weapons and just telll your opponent that they in fact have greatmaces or try to kitbash your own? 

    You can do two Grandstaves with the Evocators on Dracolines box, as long as you use the Lord Arcanum's staff as one of them, which should work fine. 

    For Sequitors... yeah, it's just awkward. The Greatmace arms work fine on the Prime bodies with only a little bit of messing about with shoulder pads, so it's easy to make it work, but obviously the problem is you then don't have enough in the box. So you either need to convert one (or two if you're doing 2 x 5) or get extra ones from elsewhere (e.g. the easy-build box or buying parts online). I think I'm going to try converting a big spear from one of the Prime swords and counting it as a Greatmace... 

    I think for whatever reason (probably a tight deadline) there was a bunch of internal miscommunication at GW around the Sacrosanct release. We know that standard practice is for the miniatures to be designed first, and rules written for them later, and I think this probably ended up being an awkward case of that, with stuff like the easy-build Sequitor Prime being useless despite being one of the coolest models GW's ever produced, and the Soul Wars box coming with all these random numbers of minis per unit. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Drakensgreed said:

    We‘ve got a size estimate for the Loonshrine now. Ironically enough the smallest guys get the largest terrain piece, the thing is massive.


    In this picture, it's sitting on top of another piece of terrain (a rock formation) which makes it look much bigger than it is. Original photo for reference: 


  11. 2 hours ago, Orzo said:

    Oh, I am new to wh and I totally missed that keyword. Does it mean that I have to pick Hammers of Sigmar stormhost to be allowed to play him of for example A streia insteda of lets say Vindicators?

    You can include units with the Hammers Of Sigmar keyword in any army, but that's their stormhost - they won't gain the benefits of anything that affects only, for example, Celestial Vindicators, which means that they often create a synergy problem. Equally, any abilities they have that only affect Hammers Of Sigmar units won't work on the rest of your army (which is why all the Gavriel Sureheart lists use the Hammers Of Sigmar stormhost) 

  12. Even on the store page for Wrath And Rapture, they *still* don't have any individual photos of the Infernal Enrapturess. I'm now wondering if they're worried it's too gruesome to show close up! Really odd considering it's one of the brand new models in the box - a casual customer might not have any idea what it looks like at this point. 

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  13. 18 minutes ago, michu said:

    Have you noticed they don't seem to have any photos of her? They keep using pictures where she's just in the background. Very odd. 

    Also seems weird that she's this big anti-magic character in a box that's already full of Khorne stuff filling that niche. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Overread said:

    I don't think GW does much tweaking besides just ensuring a good clean shot and lighting. After that its making sure the white balance is right and the photo properly prepared for printing. I don't think they do any recolouring or touchups or such.

    One trick I know they have done is that sometimes models aren't glued together for package shots, so that they can use one model and put different arms on it, I think they use bluetack rather than magnets (its a product display rather than game item). There was a case a few years back where the box art for, I think, the plastic wraith knights for Eldar managed to make it all the way through and they didn't have any guns on the models! 

    If you look at the 360 view for the Valkyrie, you can actually see some bluetack holding the back door on! https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Imperial-Guard-Valkyrie

    • Haha 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    The part you're talking about absolutely does not prevent you from taking a Stormhost of your own making. Middle part: "You can either choose one of the Stormhosts listed below, or choose another Stormhost you've read about or created yourself." This gives you two options: choose a Stormhost from below, or select one not on the list.

    The last two sentences: "If you choose one from the list below, all units [...] on the page indicated. If you choose a different Stormhost, simply pick the Stormhost that most closely matches the nature of your own Stormhost." This tells you what happens depending on what option you picked above.

    For sake of clarity, let's put aside Allies silliness for now and focus on a Stormhost that's actually in the book: Knights of the Aurora. 

    I choose a Stormhost per the Allegiance Abilities (sentences 1 and 2). None of my models are Unique, so do not have a Stormhost already (sentence 3). I read about the Knights of the Aurora earlier in the book, thought they looked cool and had a neat blurb, so I pick them (sentence 4). I did not choose one from the list below (sentence 5), so I pick the Stormhost that matches the nature of my dudes, which is that they're fast and like quick combat, which matches Knights of the Aurora (stenence 6). So, from following the exact instructions, all models in my army have the <Knights of the Aurora> keyword.

    Now repeat the process, only replace <Knights of the Aurora> with <Seraphon> or <Sylvaneth> or any other word of your choosing - could even be <Ultramarines> if you're feeling cheeky. 

    You're misunderstanding what the last sentence means. "If you choose a different Stormhost, simply pick the Stormhost that most closely matches the nature of your own Stormhost" means "Call it what you want, but use the rules of one of the Stormhosts below".

    So in your example, your Knights Of Aurora could use the rules for Anvils Of The Heldenhammer, with their Heroes Of Another Age ability being imagined as the warriors attacking super fast. 

    I think the over-use of the word 'Stormhost' is confusing you. The meaning is:

    "If you choose a different Stormhost [fluff-wise], simply pick the Stormhost [rules-wise] that most closely matches the nature of your own Stormhost [fluff-wise]"

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  16. The rule is perfectly clear, and even if it wasn't that would still be an exceptionally tenuous thing to argue you could do. You're just inventing loopholes at that point. As PJetski says, that last sentences clarifies the middle bit you're using to justify it. 

    I do think it's silly that so many in the community complain about GW's inability to balance things, while at the same time trying to read ambiguity into every single sentence in every book to create as many convoluted workarounds as possible. 

    I know you're not saying you'd actually do it, but even as a thought exercise it feels unhelpful. 

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