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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 3 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    Well, the  Beasts of Chaos Battletome came completely out of the blue without any hints or rumours, so it's perfectly possible for GW to do it again with another classic faction.  As a Wanderers player, though, I am trying very hard to be neither excited nor despondent - ohhhmmm.

    not exactly, BoC was leaked but it was suppose to have been reveal at Nova last year. that why it felt like it was release out of no where.

    and they did hinted of a BoC release with hammerhall herald before hand so it didn't come out of the blue

  2. 10 minutes ago, Overread said:

    No Glad Guard is worrying! I hate these stealth removals - I wish GW could be upfront about them! 

    And yeah its removed from the UK store, plus they are already on round bases so its not a reboxing - or if it is then its a major one, but there's nothing on the horizon for Aelves hinted at so its kind of a surprise. Mould broke? 

    well there is that possible Sylvaneth release that they teased at LVO but I feel that release is still awhile off.

  3. 6 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

     Maybe I'm just not a big enough fan boy to get warm and fuzzy feelings when GW keeps announcing record quarters. Unfortuntatly I'm a Warhammer fan, not a Games Workshop fan.

    well you got to remember that Brexit is right around the corner, it possible even with record number that it will affect GW once it happens

  4. TBH I though they where going to do something with Devoted of Sigmar when silver tower was release and they designed the Excelsior Warpriest, but it ended up that only the Darkoath Cheftain was the only hero that got a future release in the end.

    with regards of legacy army, I think GW is model and hobbyist company first and competitive wargaming seconds, that why they keep selling those models online without transparency if they get an update in the future.


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  5. i think it mainly is the Allegiance ability being unreliable and not affecting the board turn one that make it feel lacking.

    if the Bad moon was less wonky and worked more like other turn based ability, the power level would feel a bit better.

    but at least the Gloomspite didn't have the battleline limitation that the Skaven book has, so list building is flexible for the most part.

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  6. speaking of grot tactic, I mulled around the uses of Itchy nuisance and from one of the FAQ post I believe it can be use against Grisalgore Ghoul King and on your turn at least you can prevent him from jumping the battle que and attack twice with it command ability until after all your units have attack.

    also I believe Boggleye's spell also does this but last until your next hero phase which is amazing if it weren't for his wholly within range.

    and of course both negate High tide


  7. 37 minutes ago, ItzMercy said:

    What's the best Arachnorok spider varient... I'm mid building and don't know what to go for?

    the Shaman variant is  definitely the go-to option and probably the strongest variant. mainly because it both a strong monster and a spell caster hero

  8. well since they sort of phased out the Greenskinz, GW probably should least expand their remaining Ork line up for AoS since it probably one of their more iconic army in Warhammer in general (Skaven is more unique but GW greenskinz and Ork are also very iconic to their setting and wargaming)


  9. Skargrott maybe a bit squishy choice but his range attack seems pretty decent against the Warpfire thrower specifically, he technically needs to do only two damage to each thrower and they die from the mortal wound at the end of the round.

    I think there potential in using the moon now, just to mess with your opponent magic phase first turn and it damage could be useful in harming small units like warpthrower 

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  10. there also that realm artifact from shadow that once per battle makes your hero untargetable from range attack during your opponents shooting phase. could be good against skitterleap shooting units

    Lens of refraction could be useful in negating damage except maybe against the quad warpthrower

    • Like 2
  11. I believe in LVO they basically confirm Sylvaneath are getting a new BT which may also suggest that a KO maybe getting a new tome also based on the Nightvault releases

    So far though, it looks like every army release  came with a new hero unit, so at least there is that.

    TBH I could Ironjawz getting a tome in Orktober just so GW can disappoint us again and release in november


  12. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 1:38 PM, Amradiel said:

    Your strongest 1k lists? Go!

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz - Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Troggoth Hag (380) - Artefact :  Ignax's Scales 
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - General - Command Trait : Boss Shaman  - Lore of the Moonclans : The Hand of Gork

    60 x Stabbas (360) - Stabbas & Moon Shields - 9 x  Barbed Nets - 1 x  Moonclan Flag Bearers - 1 x  Badmoon Icon Bearers
    6 x Squig Herd (70)

    Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)
    Balewind Vortex (40)


    TOTAL: 990

  13. 2 minutes ago, calcysimon said:

    the real issue is that it will not be sold outside of the box 😥

    and from the image we can spot on thee right side maybe a mutilator, its similar to forsakens of total war (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/15/19/9e1519fb9a550b37c2789532c703c02b.jpg) , i hope in a similar unit type for aos too




    yeah that in of the down side of those boxes if you just want the hero and not everything else

    you either have to wait or scour on ebay for the individual kit

  14. 3 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    As much as I would love to see new kits for Ironjawz, I think they could also split the brutes and gore grunta units into 2 units each based upon the weapon options in the box.  That would allow them to play with the unit stats and abilities and make both options useful choices while also adding more unit variety into the army.

    That said, I really think that the Ironjawz are missing hero variety.  I would really like to see an Ardboyz hero or two added to the army and at least one other Ironjawz hero option.

    Megaboss on Goregrunta would be my pick for a new hero

    of course when Ironjawz get endless spell and spell lore, I do hope the Weirdnob get a bit of a boost. He not a bad caster by any means but he does feel a bit weak currently

    granted with the Khrone Endless Phenomena coming up there is room non magical endless spells too

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

    In a perfect world, Guts would get a Daughters sized release with endless spells and Maw terrain.

    Though, honestly, I wouldn't mind the spells being prayers instead.  Worship seems to fit them a bit better then magic.

    The troops range is just so solid. A great foundation just like Daughters had.

    Edit: Oh, and retire the Gorger and Butcher w/o cauldron. Hate those sculpts xD

    In a Perfect world, the Ironblaster would actually function like an Artillery piece and hits it target sometimes

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  16. 9 minutes ago, svnvaldez said:

    I at first thought that the banner was surefire confirmation of gutbusters coming. But someone pointed out that those pictures (other than chaos) are taken straight from the core book. The destruction one is on page 200 in the Forces of Destruction section. So I'm with you, who knows.

    well it possible that they choice those images from the book for a reason, like the Chaos blob use to be Blades of Khorne on the original banner before the LVO review and Khorne just got an update. I guess it just remain hopeful that it  will eventually happen but temper expectation on when it happens (this year or next)

    honestly the Gutbuster range is pretty solid for the most part it just need rules and a plastic hero

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  17. 1 hour ago, svnvaldez said:

    My feeling is that we will not see a "new battletome for every grand alliance" and what was meant is Destro will be getting a battletome such as Ogres. But that's just a feeling no evidence.


    of course destruction only has one up to date BT right now and chance are there will eventually have to be an Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and BCR release too. But Gutbusters probably has a good of a chance as any of the other destruction factions to get one. maybe the banner is hinting it the next one but who knows

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  18. I try to figure what artifacts are good on him

    there a cheeky combos you can do with the Mangler boss like Dopperganger cloak and Fight another day where you can escape from combat during your opponent combat phase.

    thermorider cloak, Glyphfeather charm, or any of the defensive one seems pretty alright on him

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