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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Must be why they announce the Squating of armies last month. like the outrage of BoC and Sacrosant getting discontinued has largely died down now. It probably still sting but people move on in the end.
  2. My iffiness on a potential Ogor release is that they have not really tease or shown anything that would imply they would get a refresh this edition (unlike Seraphon with Kroak, or Freeguild with all the witch hunters and narrative stories) outside the new Gorgers (which is a warcry warband of a previously niche unit) and them attacking the crusade, they are not really spotlighted in the lore that much either. of course it could be a case that they are like FEC and are the last release of 4th edition during 2027 (geez)
  3. Lumineath was probably an outlier I feel, the initial release was probably suppose to be release much earlier (maybe closer to 2018/2019) and then also got hit by Covid delays. The timing from the first and second wave and battletome was probably more reasonable. still Wave 1 and 2 where probably all design at the same time.
  4. My general sense is if 40K isn’t doing it then AoS is following in its track and not diverging to far, and so far it been single foot heroes though I guess you can be like Necrons and get 3 heroes instead.
  5. I feel like they will do both as some popular armies will always get more stuff but some desperate army will get an update (FS and Ogors). it wouldn’t really surprise me if Sylvaneth and Gitz where to get more stuff this edition (if the Broken realm/ Dawnbringer theory holds true) but I would also think a few of the smaller armies (but not all of them) would get an update as well. there going to be losers every editions like Adeptus Custodes, Ad mech, and maybe Grey knights and GSC, but then you get Tau with a much needed update.
  6. Realistically about 2/3 of the army (not taking Sons of Behemat into account) are probably getting only foot heroes this edition
  7. Looks to spiky to be Seraphon, probably something Chaos or destruction
  8. I think they usually do countdown on the week when the preview is happening. Then again putting it during a weekday is pretty eh to begin with, like Adepticon really mess up by revealing 4th during a Wednesday and expecting people to watch the show live. I bet more people will tune in to the 40K show on Sunday then the Sigmar show on Thursday/Friday TBH
  9. I did like those FW Fimirachs (Fimirs) when they were still part of AoS. and they where push as a Destruction race.
  10. I think GW clickbait and rage is rather small and inconsequential to matter. Nothing happen that moves the needle of events. it definitely not the same tier of drama to Hasbros/ WoTC which may have more ramifications which actual get proper media coverage sometimes.
  11. I mean the current rumor is Chaos dwarfs so shrug
  12. TBH I though they where Huns but that only because I watch Disney’s Mulan and though the Ogres look like the Huns from that movie.
  13. If you didn’t count the Yhtees and the Icebrow hunter, that was what Beastclaw raiders were and sort of still is.
  14. Hobgoblins were the Mongolian theme army, they had a character called Oglah Khan. of course in Sigmar, the Hobgrots are taking in the Chaos dwarf Assyrian aesthetic a bit more and it looks like the Gitmob are going to be somewhat more Mongolian theme going forward.
  15. I do want more OBR samurai dude TBF Samurai > Mummies
  16. Vampire pirates with new Pirate Mortach , Frankenstein necromancer army with Necromancer human mortarh, and then Blood knights get a Mortarch for SbGL destruction: Grot sky pirate, Kragnos Beastmen replacement, and Deep lords
  17. Well maybe one or two of the last three end up leading the Blood dragons or Vykros Dynasty. i just assume that not all three would all be put in Soulblight grave lords. (Granted I forgot Arkhan got put into OBR)
  18. Well eventually there will be three more Mortarchs for Death in the future and I assume at least one or all of them will get to be a brand new army in the future. maybe Franksteinian crazy tech army idk
  19. I mean only one or two of them look it could be Stormcast and skaven, most of these don’t have the 40K sci fi look to them. i don’t expect the spider one to be solve anytime soon. (Maybe the next Gitz tome if we are lucky)
  20. We say that, it probably very inconsequential development at the end of it all.
  21. The FF for 40K where more rules heavy so the community writers must know it important to some degree
  22. No that be Season of War: Gallet/Andtor/ Where on Ghur is my Spider Incarnate, GW?
  23. I don’t think one crusade pack mean much atm considering 9th did the same thing also 40K is just bigger then AoS (hence why their additional supplement get sold out on Day one sometimes)
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