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Everything posted by novakai

  1. it came from Honest Wargamer but he himself admit that he didn't believe the rumor of Bretonnian SCE but wanted to put it out there
  2. well if anything i do applaud Grimdark live for being confident and upfront with their rumor/leaks anyway i am jumping the gun
  3. Creepers excerpt from the last page of the Behemat tome: "Olag sat deep in his cave, slow thoughts sliding like icebergs in the dark waters of his mind. He closed his good eye for a moment and listened hard, his forearms on his knees and his back flat against the wall where the strange paintings appeared as he slept. Sometimes, the night before a big fight, pictures appeared on his skin, too. Patterns of red, white and black. His hair got twisted all regular at night, sometimes and he heard skittering and scuffling on the cusp of hearing as he woke. He'd given up getting angry about it, given up punching the cave walls in frustration that someone or something was messing with him while he slept. It was the Creepers that did it, those pale, dirty little stick figures that always kept out of sight. Stick figures, like on the walls. Sometimes he heard them whisper-singing, in the tunnels, or saw torchlight glinting from eyes in the dark. "Olag. Olag. Olag the Great", they chanted in their weird hollow voices. It wasn't so bad, especially when they left him food. They could stay he thought, so long as they stayed well out of sight. (...) Back at his cave, Olag poked at the wound in his knee, wincing as the Creepers dug the sting-rocks out of his back. He could hear them whispering, feel their ropes tugging his mantle back into place, even feel their feet on his skin. He let it slide. They would sew up his wounds after a fight, just as they did his rags"
  4. i am guessing Be'lakor Chaos storm is causing eternal grimdark in some of the Realm (especially Ghur)
  5. But Robo Yak and TaunTaun riders though, though honestly they are similar yet really different at the same time really
  6. i didn't remember any of the LRL anime aesthetics came from WHFB you can't tell me Robo Mech Cow and Kitsune fox spirit was something from WHFB
  7. Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground - Commanding your Army
  8. Also GW seems to recently love relating the word Beasts with Orkz/ and Greenskinz lately. Obviously AoS, Gorkamorka is the Incarnate of Beasts and most of his Faction are based in Ghur 40K, the Beastz was the strongest ORK every seen by the Imperium. During the War of the Beastz, he beat up a Primarch, destroy a whole Marine legion, and nearly getting to Terra before eventually getting defeated. and then there Saga of the Beast with Ghazghkull. Beast Snaggas of cource
  9. well maybe the new Army is related to Kragnos who apparently hunted down the Dragons to near extinction in the Age of Myth. so they are going for the Kragnos Vs Dragon angle
  10. Generally starter set are aimed at newer player who are aren’t familiar to the setting and not for well establish player so it just perspective. Veteran player would just buy the set anyway
  11. I think the theory/ rumor of it being a new variant of Greenskinz that are not Orruks and Grot seems to make sense to me for right now. It clearly a new breed of creature we haven’t seen
  12. well i do hope that calling the new setting "The Era of The Beast" actually means something in terms of Models
  13. as much as i would like that, they keep using the word New like a New Breed of Evil, Something New is lurking in the Mortal Realms which i feel means it something we have not seen before or currently existing in the range.
  14. i don't really expect any more Teasers though, the next one is probably the full reveal. i think the Swamp is the main setting for the army
  15. yeah, it was just one sentence in the Gloomspite Gitz battletome "Other Sub tribes of Grots vanish into harsher environments - some to deep marshes, other under the waves, While those that will eventually become the airborne Grotbag Scuttler vanish up mountainsides and away above the clouds." i think it just to say mortal realms is big and there infinite possibilities for the players
  16. Could be, though the third Subgroup of Grots in the fluff that where name where Grotbag Scuttlers which are Sky grots. Granted they did hinted that there where other Subgroups too, one that went deep into the Marsh and other went under the Waves
  17. i don't believe those two units where in the Pitch battle profile page
  18. make sense though, the little information we got on Gitmobs grots are that they suppose to worship the Sun as oppose to the Gloomspite who worship Da Bad Moon. i am not entirely sure but the three symbols on the banner could represent the three Grot Subculture or at least that my guess
  19. Finally more Dragons for people who complain that there are no AoS dragon because Maw Krusha is a Wyvern and StarDrake is a Drake /s
  20. they seem to be still on the concept art phase judging by those picture
  21. yeah but knowing GW they can't help themselves and for every battletome that seems to be fine and dandy, they seem to release one that really stand above all else and you question what they where thinking. also Powercreep happens in general just that AoS seems to happen every other book compare 40K every book release is stronger
  22. TBF i feel Death rider as well as most OBR units are balance in the context of their army rather then against other units. stuff like Catapults and Mortex guard are pretty bonker at their price point but in their army it just alright. Death rider where balance as not as offensively strong for their point but it is OBR only mobile unit and filled a necessary role at one point in the game though every since Petrefix got change and other armies come out the rider could go down in points
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