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Everything posted by novakai

  1. I guess also the morghast units are staying in OBR since they are also Endtime. In fact OBR where sort of base in them.
  2. TBF this thread has evolve into Warhammer General Chat
  3. Hey I am in the “Stop putting Doomfire Warlock in every Daughters of Khaine box” group. The army is called Daughters of Khaine lol /s
  4. The name of the model is called an Ogor Breacher in Warcry but I am guessing it more similar to a city Ogor then a Mawtribe Ogor.
  5. Well at least with the point of Firebelly. Since GW has been more aggressive in culling Resin and Metal model and Ogor Mawtribe (Yhetees, Frostsabre, Firebelly, maneater, and icebrow hunter) has the last holdovers of them in Sigmar, 4th edition is probably where their fate is going to be finally decided. Weather there get an actual Ogor release and all or some of them are refresh, being removed completely the Mawtribe range, or going the Drukhari route is all up to speculation.
  6. It possible that there could be more Weirdnob units in the future and they become like Beast Snaggas but for Ironjawz.
  7. I remember when people said that Era of Beast lead to a Beastmen update.
  8. Actually, thinking about it maybe it finally time they are retiring the Firebelly and Lore of Suneater because of this magic change.
  9. While they are largely a 40K channel, Poorhammer recently did an interesting show about 40K detachment the may give people insight on how AoS will go with Formation. They also really nail what makes a good or bad detachment, do they bring play and versatility to all aspect of an army and some of the inequity that happens when codexes are release.
  10. I just more hoping that Formation are flesh out and every army battletome has good ones. because 40K sort of stumbles in this area with their version of it (detachment). With OrK having good variety of them and Custodes and Ad mech having issues with their detachments.
  11. Well at least the unbespoken rule is at least your army and book release get a hero model every edition (unless your Chaos demon or Imperial knight/ Chaos Knight/ and maybe Sons of behemat in the future). I guess there always some armies like Grey knights and Drukhari who get left behind a little bit
  12. KBZ does have the Lumineath temple style expansion going for them with their 5 Tribe system. While all 5 tribes are represented currently in the range each of them (especially Breaka Tribe and Snatcha tribe) can be expanded upon in the future.
  13. Gameplay balance aside, it probably better for them to split in the long term in a model release perspective. both sides could use more model in general and every edition your one mandatory hero is at least related to the army you want to play. If not one side will end up like Harelquins who will never get anything when they are part of Aeldari. that and there a clearer biological difference and distinction between Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, even though they are both Orruks they are almost a different species appreance wise. if course this is all speculation base on a missing keyword from a warscroll.
  14. I was hoping they ported the hero model can be attach to a unit rule from 40K for this edition but nothing yet.
  15. Tzaangors had different point values between Tzeentch and Beasts, I believe the warscroll where the exact same with maybe a keyword difference
  16. I mean their army probably got gutted anyway because BSZ is being discontinued from AOS regardless. (Especially the Wurrgog Prophet who had a specific role in BW)
  17. Maybe Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are going to be their own thing now that Bonesplitterz are gone? I at least assume that both of them where to keep their seperate army rules in 4th
  18. No but the Horn can blow up a terrain feature
  19. There were also a few more broken realm plot point that got sideline as well. Morathi taking Anvilguard (may be relevant in 4th) Teclis getting greviously wounded by Nagash the Dark sky event in Chamon (maybe eventually when we get to focus on that realm) the whole Be’lekor plot has been on hold. Grugni coming back but then he just made new armor that fix the Dark sky event instead of helping dwarfkind Gordrakk decided to go siege the Allpoints. Slaanesh chain are always getting looser by the day and those two twins have yet to do anything after being defeated in Ghur.
  20. Considering that Broken realm Allarielle was scrap (allegedly) in 2nd edition which had her fight Beastmen and completing the Rite of life, it may have even been earlier when they decided the fate of BoC
  21. Well something did happen to Season of War during 3rd because it just release and hinted more incarnate but then they said Nope this was a bad idea and nothing came out of that release.
  22. Well it just maybe just me but I felt the narrative felt flat with Dawnbringer then with Broken realms, there not as much discourse or discussion about the storyline. though it could be the content of the books did feel lacking like some of PTG sections
  23. They for the most part did really well with Broken realm that Dawnbringer felt like a disappointment narrative wise. though I always felt that Narrative books in general just don’t sell well.
  24. Your Mum seems like a popular choice
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