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Everything posted by novakai

  1. If they where going to put Ogors and Sons in the same battlebox, I could see them pull a forgebane (where they had Ad mech and the new knight armiger put on one side against the Necrons). One side of the box would be Ogors with a new hero and new Mancrushers versus another army with their new models who will get their tome sometime next early next year. Ogors In their new tome can use the mancrushers but they and Sons are still separate armies (like Ad mech and IK) of course this hinges if there is another battle box coming this year as I am more inclined to believe that Ogors and Sons are both separate individual releases like maggotkin was.
  2. I mean with all the Covid and increase internal cost with GW I wouldn’t be supprise. but it Faeit 212 and they are as clickbaity and inaccurate as Spiky Bit and I take them with heavy salt to not believing them straight up.
  3. If it is a new Ogor book, chances are high they will get at least one new model. The disappointment lies with how many new models one gets since the standard has been one foot hero release.
  4. I notice though most auxiliary game have the least amount of RE tied to them and only the launch boxes/initial launch get the most RE usually ( at least with recent RE not those going back years ago.) mainline games by far have the most REs
  5. Whatever the dawnbringer release is, it suppose to bring normal human into the Mortal realm and being distinct and different from the old Empire range. at least that was biggest emphasis on the warhammer feast stream.
  6. You go the way of the Black Templars and the crusading never stops lol winter start on December 21st so I am assuming that the bulk of the STD release would be release in January at the earliest. however if there is an army box (which usually contain an early battle tone and other stuff) coming that could be release in November careful now I remember people screeching about the Year of the Rat and there where zero skaven releases that year
  7. i believe Robb was trolling on the second rumor but the idea is totally lost to people on this forum
  8. I mean it a preview for models and usually every system that they announce beforehand get some sculpt preview, I don’t think that the low expectation here is to expect no model preview.
  9. My opinion would be any new units for iron jaws would be amazing and needed (waited for seven bloody years for it to happen) and I don’t think bloated or army change should be the concern, people want models to paint for their collection not necessary about keeping it one dimensional play style alive
  10. Assuming they are also getting an armybox, Slaves are not likely to be in a battle box with another army. however there is a possibility of their being another battletome in Winter beside Slaves as it probably will not take up the whole quarter and GW keen on keeping the battletome train rolling. The roadmap in winter may not exactly be showing the whole picture.
  11. I think the RE creepers are also suppose to be related to Sons, the old tome had an excerpt in the pitch profile on a Megagargant that befriended small creature in a cave. (If I am right, sorry to those who thought it belong to a new shaggoth kit lol)
  12. Yes And foots have always been related to mega gargantua and Sons if you read their tome
  13. Sure but one of the next tome is still probably Sons, if Sons ability to be in a battlebox or not is irrelevant to what next in the schedule. edit oh saw the teaser
  14. it not proof but expecting more from GW often leads to disappointment granted I learn not to doubt whitefang rumors here, and the argument isn’t really about a fifth battle box but rather if one of the destro tome is Sons. And you think with Gitz battlescroll update and the megagargant going out of stock all of a sudden wouldn’t put it out of the realm of possibility
  15. They have only launch one AoS battlebox per quarter though, it was more of an outlier to cram in 4 book release in one quarter in all honesty. TBF I feel it would be more egregious if both Ogors and Gitz came out of this edition with just a single model and book release. It feels better if it was Sons get their extra variants in Fall just to make it feel bigger as a release. But if it happens it happen. TBH if GW did better online update this really wouldn’t be a problem but they are adverse to make grand sweeping change like to warscrolls. The wait would be more bearable but in the end it probably better if your books are release in the middle of the edition instead of the beginning or being dead last.
  16. They had the biggest change in the battlescroll update compare to most army where Ogors and Sons had zero update so there that. and the rumors was one of the tome was going to be Sons anyway
  17. They did hint of another ocean sea race that where archNemesis of the Deepkin in the new tome but it was just flavorful fluff and lore at least for now anyway. they even gave them a name drop but I forgot what they where called.
  18. The STD battle tome leak that happen had a special battletome cover that would imply that it was meant for an armybox release (like the chaos knight one that was release in May). Army box often are release earlier then the main release. granted I did forget that Eldritch omen happen in 40K, where it was Eldar vs CSM in January. Eldar got release first within three months after the box while CSM where finally release just last month. But Eldritch Omen is such an outlier when it comes to battleboxes (a battlebox of all brand new models for both side) and the two release where speculative to have a lot of internal delays. In AoS nothing like this has happen before and no president has been set.
  19. GW release tend to be rather straightforward unless there an internal delay. Models and tome usually comes around the same time and as much in the same quarter as possible and the next battlebox might actually be the Slaves to darkness army boxset I also assuming not every AoS tome release is going to relate to a battlebox and that single releases like Maggotkin is still a thing.
  20. I think it less of a competitive of SoB ( and let face it GW doesn’t account the competitiveness or meta representation of a army when it come to their schedule) and more have to do with their internal balance and rule set. yes out of all the three they could have been later but all three where getting a new Tome regardless of what the order was. and I don’t really think 3D printing really have hampered SoB, people still buy the three current mega and use their bits for other stuff.
  21. Considering how often in the dark the Facebook team is I think they have no idea what’s coming up as usual.
  22. It could FEC honestly upon further inspection but I doubt scale means anything in Warcry and most units in SBG are not even vampires to begin with lol (there mostly thralls and minions) you could get a war band of one random vampire dude and a bunch of minions and call it a day
  23. they been heavily hinting about them recently but when will actually happen who knows. With GW, it’s often not anytime soon or it not in the pipeline until 5 years later
  24. I think they heavily hinted that Bloodhunt is between Khorne and Soulblight in the new book
  25. It can happen but so far they have all been brand new units because they have to function in Warcry first so they have to be allotted differently then regular AoS unit. it works better in Killteam and 40K because weapon options are big thing in both games
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