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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 20 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I think people are forgetting the production schedule on these boxes. Gloomspite only came out 3 months ago. The Looncurse box was probably planned at least a year ago. White dwarf magazine always used to be written three months in advance.  Any products they covered in the magazine would already be designed and manufactured before that. 

    About white dwarf, Ever since the revamp this year they don’t put their releases on the cover anymore

  2. Well since Looncurse was advertise and tease by GW themselves I would think it not a mobile games but in the realm of what they usually releases. (miniatures and board games)

    usually games are advertised by the company that GW licensed to makes them.

  3. 1 hour ago, zamerion said:

    I hope so.. but surely then the miniatures will have too much musculature instead of thin depraved.. :(




    Speaking of rumor engines, with the new rumor about the renovation of bonesplitterz, maybe the scales pictures, are from a new wurzag/shaman in plastic?




    I don't want to get my hopes too high, but Bonesplitterz do need a legitimate Plastic hero (not one that has his foot sculpted into a square base) and the Wurrgog Prophet is the most important hero in that range, so I be glad if it was Plastic Wurrzag

    • Like 1
  4. I think simple reason is that Fyreslayer are more related to Grimnir and Disspossesed are going to be  more for Grugni (with KO not caring for the Gods). I think GW are at least playing the each Incarnate has their own armies in AoS.

    And for release I think not all battletome release will get new models, but I have a feeling certain ones will.

  5. 1 minute ago, Walrustaco said:

    Why should they compete? Other armies have more than one wizard unit, and they represent two vastly different types of magic. The firebelly looks far better visually too.

    I know they could give them different spell lores but it be odd to give that much to a stand  alone unit.

    I think my point is that he can be easily be forgotten by GW unless their are more future plans or works for the Firebellies

    • Sad 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

    It would really dilute the heavy winter theme for BCR honestly. I'd much prefer them to stay separate and Gutbusters to get a fleshed out tome to be the ogor's who populate the realms at large. With the BCR being the cursed, niche tribes so GW can really focus on the winter theme/ upgrade yeti and other winter beasties.

    Buuuut, If the fluff was written right and I wouldn't be against combining the ranges again. THey fit well together, but it would likely mean losing the heavy, heavy winter theme. As most Gutbuster units don't fit it at all without conversions. Would have to see BCR become Gutbusters, not the other way around.

    it would be weird having a firebelly wizard next to winter themed BCR.

    granted I am not entirely sure about the future of Maneater and Firebellies since all of those models are resin and they are basically one warscroll each, I can see GW making plastic Maneaters but the Firebelly wizard is in a weird place since is so different from the other Ogors and competes with the Butcher as a spellcaster.

  7. 3 hours ago, Walrustaco said:

    Never triggered DTTIG in my life fml

    I too like @Ajay29's ideas. I wonder if a 12 block of bulls counting as 48 models would be too good? Or is that what we deserve? 🤔

    I know the BCR guys pretty commonly say they dont want us two to combine again, but I'm all for it, dunno bout you guys. Gloomspite lets you run troggoth or spiderfang lists pretty independently, an Ogors tome could do the same. 

    BCR players probably want GW to fixed their weakness to objective securing and they don't want that solution to be bring 60 Gutbuster grots in every army list.

  8. 1 hour ago, Walrustaco said:

    Those marines are pretty samey though. Might as well be full books for Kharadron skyports or Stormhosts, if only for the grace of these chapters having established characters. They all play pretty similarly and can take near identical options.

    Armies like ironweld and dispossessed are completely different and ogors and bcr are pretty damn different too. I gotta put stock into something, pretty starved over here lol.

    well they combined all the one with different codex's (space wolfs, Blood angels, and Dark Angels ) and the traitor legions (Death guard and thousand sons) and even Adeptus custodes with sister of silence. I think they didn't want to physically list out every single army for both system

    I only give the chance of merge being 50-50 but I regardless I feel like because both Ogor ranges lack true Plastic hero it could be that GW can't release an Ogor release without put substantial work on at least one or two new models especially with state of the Maneater, Firebelly, Tyrant, Butcher, Yehtee, Frost saber, Frostbrow Hunters, and the Gorger. I feel like GW has to put some effort into the release 

  9. 26 minutes ago, Walrustaco said:

    Anyone else feel like our best chance to get updated rules is to be included in the inevitable Beastclaw Raiders Battletome update? 

    Given that there’s rumours now abound that bonesplitterz might be next up, even before hedonites, they too much like beastclaw and Sylvaneth are among the first AoS 1.0 tomes to have gotten artefacts and allegiances.  GW did it with Skaven and Gloomspite, but we could be up for consolidation with our snowy brethren, especially given that the GW survey had us, bcr and maneaters under one selection. 

    I not sure about the Bonesplitterz release before Slaanesh though, that seems out of place to say the least and the survey did the same thing in 40K where they consolidated all the Space marine and Chaos legion into one choice, I wouldn't put to much credibility on it.

  10. I feel if they where planning to merge them, they would have not phased out the regular Greenskinz since their soup tome are usually in a combo of three. 

    for the Bonesplitterz rumor I remember their was a unsolved rumor engine that looked like a Bonesplitterz spear released quite a while ago.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    But it's easier for Games Workshop to increase sales by combining them rather than investing in a full release.

    They could make more sales by selling two different battletome with terrain, endless spell, and OP rules like they did with previous tomes. 

  12. 31 minutes ago, Neffelo said:

    Ironjawz are plenty popular to remain a stand-alone army, but the range is very limited, and there are some noted issues with selection.  Bonesplitterz are not popular enough to remain a stand alone army (IMO) and there doesn't seem to be a greenskin LON style book on the way. This is why they would be getting rolled into Ironjawz and not the other way around. 

    I mean Ironjawz just need a real release, if they do get new models, then problem solve, they are not far off from the amount of unit Fyreslayer and FEC has

    I would say that Bonesplitterz are at least in Fyreslayer tier of popularity or above, so they might as well get their own release as well

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Neffelo said:

    I did say some consolidation work, not all. 

    That being said, Bonesplittarz would aesthetically roll into Ironjawz much easier than Fyreslayers would in the other Duradin armies. For FEC, the LoN book had already come out, and FEC was considered a popular enough stand alone army to keep it's book.  I don't think the same thing could be said for Bonesplittaz 

    Yeah but what makes Ironjawz not popular to be a stand alone army?

  14. 51 minutes ago, Neffelo said:

    I would honestly be surprised if Bonesplitterz got their own tome again. 2.0 Seems to have been doing some consolidation work, and I think they could be rolled into IronJawz pretty easy. 

    depends since it looks like during the warcry reveal that Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz where still separate forces

    not to mention that they kept FEC and Fyreslayer separated so it not all about consolidation

  15. I don't think they are going to reveal what the next battletome is going to be until Warhammer fest TBH

    they also have a lot of other stuff to release like Killteam Elites, Slaanesh, Blackstone chaos Commissar, and the bloodbowl halflling team that probably will fill the release schedule until then

  16. 3 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

    It's that time of the week ladies and gentlemen(plus skaven), PLACE YOUR BETS!RumourEngine-Apr16-Content2ujcds.jpg.468198657b62d696ab02239b520386bb.jpg

    well I am stump it could be literally anything

    Edit: they say decode on the article and KO has their Code of living so I will guess that

  17. 13 minutes ago, SolarBur said:

    Hi all

    I have a bit of an odd question for you with the Gutbusters. 

    I'm slowly getting out of the  hobby now (well over a decade and never really finishing up a project ^^;;), but i've decided to pick up a small lot of Gutbusters to just build and kitbash up. I went to my local GW over the weekend, and they told me they were doing a little build and paint campaign, and what you needed to start was a start collecting set, or the equivalent of one. 

    So my question is. Lets just say for arguments sake that the Tyrant and Butcher models were plastic. What would be a good start collecting set for them ? In my head i've got a Tyrant, 6 Ogors, 3 Ironguts, and an Aleguzzlar. But i'm thinking that might be a bit too much for a start collecting set. Any ideas ? 

    I bet they would throw in the Ironblaster/Scraplancher in the box instead of a giant.

    it probably be 6 Ogors, 3 Leadbelcher or Irongut, Ironblaster, and a hero

  18. 10 minutes ago, Furuzzolo said:

    I don't want to start a flame, just to make you re-think the popularity topic. 

    2 weeks ago people were chanting that the fyreslayer topic had 7 pages and none was interested in the faction cause of the looks of the models. Well, I kinda surf all the duardin-suburban-cluster around the internet and now I see a LOT of people start collecting the army and hyped around the frigging 2+ save and hearthguard berserkers....

    Still, same models. 


    Edit: the point is that, MAYBE, rules that make an army fun to play weight more than people think regarding popularity.

    from what I gather it possible it going to cause more rage inducing moments for your opponents then anything else just like the Infamous kunnin rukk did to people

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