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Everything posted by novakai

  1. I mean those where probably city Ogors the design didn’t look to be too though-out like it was just for the segment and nothing else
  2. I do wish they get another animation team to try their hand for AoS animation, sort of getting tired of the Hammer and Bolter default style. then again Warhammer+ has been whatever at this point in time and it feel they trying to hop on the Henry Cavil train
  3. They probably take cues from the Votann release and make something like the Hekaton Land fortress but I doubt new AoS Chorf would be made to use in OW. It seem they adamantly not going to cross platform i even expect that Chaos Duradin are not going to look like their Legion of Azgorh counterpart but be AoSified more.
  4. Except they be in FOMO boxes not spearhead vanguard box (unless it a completely new army like Cities) usually.
  5. Yes because I think that format replace the dual VS boxes and AoS probably will go the same path. Example: if your getting a single foot hero you get a battletome release, a FOMO battleforce with your new foot hero, and a new spearhead. if you have a decent model release you get a Fomo army box set with a early access battletome, and then a month later you get to buy the stuff individually.
  6. I mean new units would just be release by themselves individually like always? combat patrols release have all been relatively the same
  7. Mainly because they been slow and bad about updating the game this edition until now
  8. They said they taking a break but the 40K preview on Saturday is suppose to have the next big release for 30K
  9. They may simple do it if the design studio don’t like the current aesthetics of the Ogors though. simply put i don’t think they will manage to replace all resin models if a refresh happens. There units like Yhetees and Firebellies that seem too far out from the design from the Gutbuster that they not important enough to get new models. Minimally they could just give Ogors a plastic Butcher, Maneaters from Warcry, discontinued all resin models when the next battletome comes out and that it until 5th edition.
  10. Hence why GW are probably not done canning models this edition, and it can still happen when one armies Battletome comes out.
  11. Generally they like releasing a new army in October/November but they have been doing these year long teasing of new armies before they release. Example would be Votann and CoS. (Edit: also Bonereapers) that said it sounds like 2025 will be Emperor Children’s if Valrek new rumor is true (barring any internal problems)
  12. Well we shouldn’t be banking that they will get a refresh this edition either way. But it already a big task just to redo Gluttons, Leadbelcher, and Ironguts while also having room to redo every single resin unit (especially since most of them are on the BCR side) there also a possibility they sunset the whole range and reimagined them into a new range like what happen to Freeguild , High elves to LRL, or TK to OBR.
  13. Cutting the last units when a new Battletome comes out seems more of a possibility than not. of course I am expecting that every resin model be cut in this edition regardless if they are replace with a new version or not. (Looking at Ogors) Edit: the argument that they finish cutting models already until next edition feels false as there are ranges like Ogors, Spiderfangs, or ranges with lingering resin heroes that are still endanger this edition.
  14. I mean any possible Roadmap was not going to be release until after the New edition physically launches in June/July. It’s possible that the reason why this news cycle seems lacking compare to Leviathan is probably because Warhammer Fest didn’t happen this year since last year around this time in May, Leviathan was already fully revealed and they went into faction focus already.
  15. Eh they manage to get one for 40K last year and it has largely gone by without a hitch. they be force to get Battletomes out regardless of issues.
  16. They probably release a roadmap during the later part of this year. it could just be very battletome release heavy like what happen infamously to AoS in 2022 with few to no big releases.
  17. I mean didn’t the leaker listed all the new models coming out? like there not much else to spoils as this probably the last big AoS release for the year and thing like faction focus and rules are generally things that aren’t leaked by people
  18. depends if anyone is willing to leak anything. Happens in 40K but less in Sigmar
  19. lol we did get the Tau points article in the end
  20. People who can afford are generally not vocal on the internet about it either. Or they actually have lives. and Warhammer as a hobby, while is pricy, there are other hobbies out there that are more expensive. Or even somewhat comperable like going into hardcore Lego building.
  21. Must be why they announce the Squating of armies last month. like the outrage of BoC and Sacrosant getting discontinued has largely died down now. It probably still sting but people move on in the end.
  22. My iffiness on a potential Ogor release is that they have not really tease or shown anything that would imply they would get a refresh this edition (unlike Seraphon with Kroak, or Freeguild with all the witch hunters and narrative stories) outside the new Gorgers (which is a warcry warband of a previously niche unit) and them attacking the crusade, they are not really spotlighted in the lore that much either. of course it could be a case that they are like FEC and are the last release of 4th edition during 2027 (geez)
  23. Lumineath was probably an outlier I feel, the initial release was probably suppose to be release much earlier (maybe closer to 2018/2019) and then also got hit by Covid delays. The timing from the first and second wave and battletome was probably more reasonable. still Wave 1 and 2 where probably all design at the same time.
  24. My general sense is if 40K isn’t doing it then AoS is following in its track and not diverging to far, and so far it been single foot heroes though I guess you can be like Necrons and get 3 heroes instead.
  25. I feel like they will do both as some popular armies will always get more stuff but some desperate army will get an update (FS and Ogors). it wouldn’t really surprise me if Sylvaneth and Gitz where to get more stuff this edition (if the Broken realm/ Dawnbringer theory holds true) but I would also think a few of the smaller armies (but not all of them) would get an update as well. there going to be losers every editions like Adeptus Custodes, Ad mech, and maybe Grey knights and GSC, but then you get Tau with a much needed update.
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