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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Depends because the scope of the TOW that they have shown doesn’t stretch to Cathay, it mostly been confined to the original Old world map so even Lustria and Ulthuan aren’t in it. it quite possible that TOW and Total war aren’t really related to each other at all or working in tantrum given the time table of releasing there seem to be more stuff related to AoS since it seem they are taking a lot of design cues from the new greater daemons
  2. I doubt is total war since CA does the marketing and reveals separately from GW usually. if CA are not saying anything about this preview then most likely their nothing related to them
  3. no but its just a preview teaser we probably know more tomorrow
  4. Sadly tomorrow 40K is going to be Sister according to today’s article
  5. also witch hunters too it like a Kaiju godzilla battle royale movie; lots of big monsters with obligatory human element in it.
  6. I hope that even though they are Grots That at least their Mongolian side would allow them to have a decent shooting profile instead of the current Grot shooting of 1 shot 5+ 5+ no rend attack
  7. They could still do this without combining them. Just pull a Yinari like in 40K, if you merge you have to compete with model releases too since every cycle of the tome release only one of those subfac get the release and two would just lavish every time a KO tome get refresh, they may get a chance to get KO model a mix tome, it possible only one of the three will get anything
  8. i think they are just going to skip April for a preview show and the next show is Mid May
  9. i believe the metawatch articles are Freelanced to someone outside of GW who interview community members and gather just community thoughts and data to write the articles but isn't really tied to the overall design team
  10. it depends but Soulblight and Kroak, Kragnos, Twins, Witchhunters are looking like its just two seperate releases each taking one slot in May or June, it really hinging on 40K release and if there is any other big releases outside Admech, Sister and Orks
  11. Sure but I know a lot of KO players don't want their armies to merge because it kind of dilutes your tome and Lore sections and it feel like your sharing your identity rather then being unique by itself. Disspossed players probably want it more because they are not exacatly rocking their identity in CoS. it kind of nice having your tome just solely dedicated on your army. i was not particularly fond with Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz merging either and i will die on that hill because of stubbornness.
  12. It a discussion to be had, the New Beastz Snagga boys has also stirred up the same conversation over between people who like Old Boyz (because of price and customizability) and people who want new Boyz GW has either going to replace (Necron warriors and Destroyers) or allow the old and new version to exist in the same army but the New one is laughably superior to the old one (Primaris Marines)
  13. pretty sure all rumor said it was going to be release in July
  14. well as long as they start replacing their resin heroes. the Ogor plastic range is probably the most serviceable and diverse product line of the older armies what really holds it back is the lack of Plastic heroes and maybe some of its random Resin models like Yeti and Maneaters. Tyrant was a start but they should have made a new Butcher model as well i also have a sneaking feeling GW wants to do something with the Firebellies (since it has survive this long) and expand them but unsure how.
  15. Also to note that Skraggrot is stuck in Ghur and is cut off from his Kingdom Skrappa Spill and his Loon asylum unless he went back into Chamon before it got isolated or he know of secret underground Realmgates that can still go into the realm. maybe this plot point also lead to the reveal Gholemkin and Grotbag Scuttlers who are very prominent in the Realm of Metal
  16. It really depends but i feel like a Starter set both armies are going to be uniform themes on both sides. these boxes are for beginner after all. i don't think they will do anything soupy with the armies and stick to largely one force identity like Indomitus was Space Marine vs. Necrons, it wasn't like Space Marine with some Imperial guard vs. Necron and.... Spittle drones as an example.
  17. i am going to guess that Bretonnian SC will look similar to either the Bladeguard Veterans or HH 30K Dark Angels and they will just be more Knight looking with Heraldry and Arthurian Medieval aesthetics. just instead of Power armor it is Sigmarite armor instead.
  18. I think it’s been speculated before but if Gloomspite worship Da Bad Moon, theory was that Gitmob probably worship the Evil Sunz given the limited lore we know about them. also Speed demon army
  19. I believe the Big Hot take was Stormcast Bretonnian Knights versus some Hobgoblin esque Wolfriders i still admit though that Hobgoblin esque Wolfriders in the starter set seems a bit far fetch thought
  20. well judging by the Intro bits we have on Kragnos from WARCOM He is definitely not a benevolent God creature, it almost like he going to cause a lot of problems when he is awaken
  21. I for one like the GA concept as it is, it sorta of like a MMO alliance system where player can feel like they are in a team trying to influence the Mortal Realms Order is like the Alliance, Destruction is the Horde, Chaos is the Burning Legion, and Death is the Scourge. i believe Warhammer weekly said that the GA system gave the setting a focus and structure instead of it being 24 random armies just screaming at each other
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