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Posts posted by Jator

  1. 16 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Some Seraphon pics for anyone wanting to know how they look and how big they are.

    apparently one can build two Skinks out of the new Starseer Model.

















    Thanks for sharing these pics. What an stunning range! Seriously considering an army of kroxigors, those crocodiles are dope.

    • Like 1
  2. This look good! I was expecting a crappy movile game, but this is for the big consoles and PC, and I think it can be big for AoS. I'm sadly not much into RTS (a shame, those kruleboyz look dope) but might give a try whenever the price drops.

    For the death faction I think either the Avengori vampires or FEC would be the best fit for Ghur, but Nighthaunts are cool and probably the most popular option, I won't complain.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Blood Bowl Monday.

    Blooday? Monbowl? Yeah I got nothing.



    Grashnak Blackhoof was cool, but I'm not really feeling this guy, maybe with a different paintjob...then again FW is such a hit or miss when it comes to star players. At least they have kept his original helmet, I guess that's a nice detail.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    Realistically, I think this is about as good as we could expect.

    I feel the same. We have an offically supported game, and can buy the miniatures again. 

    Not being a "main" game could potentialy have some benefits: Longer edition cycle, stable "meta", lack of FOMO releases....new miniatures are always nice, but even a slow pace in new releases may be a benefit, at least for our wallets.
    I'm ok with all of this.

    • Like 1
  5. The same guy that asked about an starter set says that TOW, at least, will have vanguard/stat collecting boxes. Considering those will consist in old minis, more than amortized, no reasons (beyond greedines) it can't be priced nicely, and still remain profitable for GW. That may compensate for the lack of an starter set.

    He also wrote that "rules will come in part as online resources for all armies as well as new books for the included factions in the setting." New books, obviously, doesn't equal army books for each single army, I'm thinking more in terms of compemdiums.

    Overall, this kinda confirms it's going to be a low effort project to stop other companies from profiting too much of  WHF absence. Well, no reason we can't make the best out of it.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm thinking Bretonnia and Tomb Kings will be early releases. Simply because they have had the most spotlight so far and have already received renders for new bits.

    I'm not 100% sure they will be the launch box. They might be, but I think something like Empire vs. Orks or Empire civil war is also a strong contender for a launch box. Kislev might be an early new faction, too. They were the first faction to get concept art on warcom after all.

    My vote is for Empire VS Orcs too, that seems the more believable rumour to me. Bretonia and TK are great to show that the old gang is back, but GW wants their starter boxes to sell like crazy, and I don't think they would trust two of the less popular armies to do the trick.

    No disrespect to the fans, both armies are cool and have great lore, but that was the state of things.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    What's great about Lizardmen/Seraphon and why to collect them is that you don't need to be a five year old to love dinosaurs... I'm in my 20s and still haven't progressed passed that point. 

    Great if you can get new blood into the hobby ! Kids are always one of the best part of the community. 

    Oh, I still think they're cool, but that's almost all I know about dinosaurs nowadays*, while kids have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the species even if they can barely read. Its fascinating.

    It's soon to see if he will fall for this hobby, but his parents are geeks too, so prospects are good!.

    *That, and that dilophosaurus didn't really spit venom, a heartbreaking discovery that made me rethink everything I took for granted.

  8. Whats tempting me are the new lizardmen. That they can do double duty is interesting: AoS isn't precisely big in my town, and I don't expect TOW to be neither, but being usable in both would increase their chances to be deployed on a table.

    They also happen to be gorgeous miniatures but without going barroque with the details, which combined with the fact that you can go with any wild paint scheme would make them realy fun to paint.

    For last, my nephew (as any five-years old I've ever meet) loves dinosaurs, and these may seduce him into ̶  ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶s̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶ the  hobby. 

    It's been really hard to come with reasons to not to buy at least a box of saurus.

    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, Segersgia said:

    If I'm not mistaken, both the Slann piece and the painting of the Dawnbringers look to be made by Thomas Eliott, who has done a lot of artwork in recent years.

    Also, I want to bring to mind, that these are definitely handmade digital paintings. Eliott also did this piece of Celenar.

      Hide contents


    Thanks, it's always cool to learn the name of another warhammer artist. I recommend to check his portfolio, the guy is really good:


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  10. 4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    WarhammerFest's Underworlds and Warcry previews are on Saturday at Noon.

    The Age of Sigmar preview will be on the Sunday at Noon. The Old World at 2pm BST.


    A bit dissapointed at the lack of Blood Bowl. Are they just going to release a team each year?. I understand it's a low priority as they can't milk it as much as other systems ( and alternative companies are well stablished), but still. Just a few star players doesn't cut it.

  11. 19 hours ago, Chikout said:

    This makes me worried. There are quite a lot of kits that have come out in AoS that are just resculpts of old units. I worry that the official version of this game is going to ignore them. We will see the new Chaos warriors or new Saurus warriors in official Old World books? I suspect not. This isnt a big problem. So long as base sizes are appropriate people can sub in whatever models they like. But what about minis like the the black coach or the new cold ones? The new versions of these kits are much bigger than the old ones. When they get round to doing vampire counts are they going to use the new black coach kit?  Surely they wouldn't put out the old one again....

    I think it's just a matter of being visually consistent. They won't use AoS models for photos in books or the initial promotional material, but they'll make easy to use them in terms of rules/base size. Your guess is as good as mine, but that's my bet.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Has anyone compiled a list of the current boxsets that will adapt directly to Old World?

    I am contemplating between Beasts of Chaos and the Anvilguard Starter Set. Although I think the Greywater Fastness, Goblin and Skaven sets should all work fairly well?


    About the skaven one: In theory, the Stormfiends were a latter creation during the End Times and shouldn't be on the Old World.But GW isn't past retconning stuff to sell more minis, so who knows.

    All the other stuff you mentioned is perfect, I think.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Umm, I wonder why they would act like that 🤔... maybe because they were the subjects of toxicity from the WFB community, that got them embittered and toxic themselves ? Gaze into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. This is bad, sad and stupid, but predictable. Still, I have seen many WFB toxic fans over the Internet, I've yet to see AoS ones. 

    And so, being gatekept from WFB and harrassed by WFB players, some AoS players turned into gatekeeping AoS from WFB players wanting to join in...

    You've become the very thing you swore to destroy Meme Generator - Imgflip


    I've been booed and scorned by WFB players for playing AoS, and liking it and defending it on the internet, and that's why I remain on edge around Fantasy players, but I don't want to do on others what I've been done. Everyone is welcome in his branch of the hobby. 

     I'm sorry your experience around WFB sucked so much, @The Lost Sigmarite, I really do. But as entitled as you are to your hate, the Fantasy fans like me around here are probably not guilty of that and don't have to pay for it. 

    As I perceive it, you are the one being toxic here, and breathing out the air out of the room with your strawmans and your disdain, if you really believe everyone is welcome in his branch of the hobby I'll politely ask you to reflect on your contributions on this thread, the one we have to share the joys and worries about the TOW project.

    I hope you don't feel atacked for this, as I really don't harbor any bad feelings toward you, but not gonna lie, I find your contributions here rather annoying.

    • Like 9
  14. 33 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Seeing the reactions of some WHFB fans (I mean grognards) about the latest article is pretty fun :

    - WHTOW fans : Don't give us AoS models we just want the old WHFB ones back
    - GW : Ok, we are returning WHFB ranges for WHTOW
    - WHTOW fans : What ? You are returning the old ranges and not giving us entire new ranges of plastic minis ? It's outrageous, it's unfair !
    That's before factoring in the base size increase and the realisation there's going to be a lot of rebasing that needs to be done. 

    Dude, we got it. Fantasy fans are the worst. You can move on.

    • Thanks 6
    • Haha 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:

    This isn't from a well known source but over on Dakka, they are saying there will a tombkings Vs Bretts starter in November or December. There will be new plastic kits for knights, men at arms and longbow men. For Tombkings there will be skeletons, horsemen and chariots. Both sides are apparently also getting 'new kits' too whatever that means. The minimum base size is apparently going to 25mm. 


    I'm sharing this because it all sounds very plausible. Three units plus heroes is very typical for GW starter sets. That's what Dominion had. Winter to dodge AoS 4th makes sense as does the base size increase. Even if this is just a guess it's probably a pretty good one. 

    Bear in mind that after the lattest TOW article anyone trying to pass as a reliable rummour monger it's going to say something like that. That being said, Hastings also talked about a starter with Bretts and TK. and that was way before GW show the kits for those armies. 
    Great news for fans of those factions, but none of those where big sellers, and GW seems to measure the interest on games for how well starters sets sell. It's a bit worrying.

    The increased base size would be great and confirm the cross compatibility, let's hope GW is sensible enough to do that.

  16. 12 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Really? The new Seraphon have a lot more tech-elements or even diferent dinosaurs than Fantasy LM. Feels weird.

    It sounds like a wishlist to me but hope that I'm wrong.

    Not saying the rumour is true, but I don't think the tech is a problem here. They had it in Fantasy too (ziggurats flew to the space, after all), just wasn't reflected in the miniatures.

    • Thanks 1
  17. You cant fall in love for a setting like when you were younger.

    When I read about the new aos factions, or recently about HH's legions,s I notice that, although I find many of them cool, I can't feel the awe, the "THIS must bemy faction" feeling I experienced when I discovered warhammer fantasy. And I realized that it isn't the fault of the setting, it's just that I've changed. Maybe your issue is the same?

    • Like 4
  18. Since this was being discussed in the Rumour thread....

    I think the "proof" is not exactly strong, but it is believable because it makes sense. It would explain how GW plans to support so many armies and make it profitable (using them in both systems), and it would also explain the "conservative" releases we're seeing lately in AoS (looking at you, "snarlfangs").

    It's still mere speculation, obviously, but we don0t have much more, and this is more juicy to chew than the warcom articles.

    • Like 1
  19.  @Swamp Trogg I'm not familiar with the High Elves part of Island of Blood, but the skaven are probably the easiest to build and paint  I've ever had.  And as @Ogregut has said, just because it was overproduced doesn't mean it was a failue.

    The only thing I agree with you about Island of Blood is that it didn't expanded the playerbase, but it's unfair to expect it to do. If I need a much bigger inversion to properly play and players are harder than ever to come by, it doesn't matter how tempting a boxset is, most people won't bite.

    I hope this doesn't come as a personal attack, I was going to leave it at a confused emoji, but I hate how passive-agresive it feels

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