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Posts posted by Jator

  1. 1 hour ago, Thraugh said:

    Am I the only one who thinks that the starter can carry old bands? the image looks like one of the skaven from shadespire and a daughter from beastgrave. Another inter-season recycled minis.

    There was a skaven armed with claws in Spiteclaw's warband, but he doesn't look at all like the one in the pic (he wears armour instead of ninja-rat outfit).
    Also, I don't think that kind of set would be as appealing as new stuff, ad GW knows that (specially if they keep charging 80€ for it!)

  2. 2 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:





    A multi-kit that let you choose between helmets or ridicously tall hats. Here, you have two armies for two different systems, and everyone is happy.
    You're welcome GW.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    Love the art but (ofc purely personal taste) I am not a fan of the "thing on a swirl" mini. Might be different when I see it in real life, but from the picture it gives "very low effort" vibes for something that should be so central in the narrative and that might pop up in every army

    Agreed. They could have done something better for such a cool concept. For reference, this was FW's one:



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  4. I always loved special  characters in Fantasy. Never used them, as I prefer to play with "my dudes", but they add relatable faces to root for,  and insight about different aspects of their factions. 
     So yes, AoS could use more named characters, specially from the not-a-god tier. They don't even need to create minis for them nowadays, as Bael-Grimnir shows. Just write a cool backstory.


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  5. This is from Bob, the guy at War of Sigmar when asked why does he think the Chaos Tome will be Khorne instead of glorious Skaven:


    Good remark, from what i know, skavens are on the line with a few rejuvenated kits (not a lot but a few). Khorne should only have 2 new characters (valkia and a rider). I was told recently that 2022 will have very low number of kits for AOS ( no more than 10) . Considering they teased Valkia wings this week it probably mean that the chaos secret book is Khorne.

    But maybe skaven will be this summer and Khorne in fall but i would be surprised

    Summer or not, we may get Clan Eshin updated this year! 

    • Like 3
  6. For me, being able to use Magmadroths as battleline makes the idea of collecting fyreslayers much more appealing, compared to painting 50 clonic naked dwarfs.

    I still won't, but now it's something worth considering.
    Wasn't AoS supposed to bring  this free and fun approach to list building?

    • Like 5
  7. 8 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I like the fyreslayer models. More variety of poses are needed but ultimately what can you do with short, naked bearded dwarves with mohawks? 


    You could bring some expression to their faces. They could be watching TV for what is worth.
    I think their concept is neat, and Realmslayer really warmed me up towards them (horrible pun intended) but the soulless models dissuaded me about it (well, and the money/model count).

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  8. Dungeon Bowl made my day. It just looks so fun.

    The ogre pirate looks so awesome that it's bitterswet: All the ogres released since AoS is a thing look great, and yet their range is so...let's say I'm not a fan.

    All those conan an he-mans are cool too, even if they seem too classical for AoS.

  9. 7 hours ago, Beliman said:

    I think that @Neil Arthur Hotep and @EMMachine already explained everything about TOW. I just want to add how Warhammer 30k or Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness works.


    The game is based on 7th edition of Warhammer 40k, without following the main rules of Warhammer 40k (9th edition at this moment). The main rules are tweaked so it's not just a 1:1. You can find all basic rules in the main Rulebook:

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    The main game is about Space Marines vs Space Marines (Legions). So, everybody is in the same ground (appart from some special guest, as Talons of the Emperor, Solar Auxilia or Mechanicum). That measn that there are 18 Space Marines Factions, and all of them can be played as Traitors and/or Loyalist.
    That works really well because the balance is on the special rules for each legion/weapons or Rites of War, and not on units strength (that's not 100% true but you get the point). To pack all the rules, Horus Heresy has 2 books dedicated to Space Marines rules, one with all the special rules for each Legion (there are a few missing btw...) and the units that are shared by all the legions (that's 90% of them).

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    Those books are the "Red Books", in other words, rules to play. There are a few more Red Books with rules for other non-Space Marines armies too but that's another story.
    Note: there are a lof of units with rules but not models.

    To follow the main (and ongoing) story, the game has Black Books. They are a bit diferent fro the Red Books. They have a lot of Lore and sometimes updated profiles/Legion Rules or even new Rites of War (imagine if rules for subfactions and warscroll battalions had a baby). The last one released was called Crusade, and it is the IX of this collection that talks about some wars between Night Lords and Dark Angels (with their rules, units, etc...).

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    That's how the game works, but not how the game deals with miniatures. You can buy a lot of them from their Forgeworld webside (btw, some of them disappear for a few months or even a years to reappear later, magic!!), and they are really expensive:


    But from time to time, GW release a Box based on the Horus Heresy timeline with cheap basic armies of infantry/walkers/whatever. We had two before and it seems that it will be another one at the end of the year:

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    The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth | Board Game | BoardGameGeekThe Horus Heresy: Burning of Prospero | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

    Both boxes pack two little armies that can be expanded in to any Space Marines Legion, giving you a good backbone for your army (burning of Prospero has two named characters, but whatever...). The other "special" units, as I said before, are expensive and most of the time, people just convert other units with some decorations and special weapons. Take in mind that the last rules even encourage people to convert their units, some of them don't even have miniatures! We can see some covnerted ones in the last free oficial rules/minicampaign:


    Btw, every few weeks (or months?),  Forgeworld releases new/old units. The last one being the Sons of Horus Praetor (yep, a generic leader for the Big Man Legion!):

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    Not sure if it will help, but I'm a big fan of the Horus Heresy!

    If TOW can take the best parts of the Age of Darkness, I think we will have a really good game!

    Those look like beautiful books! If TOW followed that route  my rulebook fetish would be enough to hook me.

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