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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 41 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    More Idoneth would be awesome, i suspect Ironjawz getting the Savage orcs on board may be all they get for now. I wouldnt be sad if they just forgot all about Fyreslayers and maybe did some Grungi following dwarves or Grimmir dwarves that dont suck. Or Chaos Dwarves, basically any Dwarves but Fyreslayers.

    DID SOMEBODY SAY CHAOS DWARVES?! All jokes aside I'm hoping that in the relative future we receive some form of new plastic kit.......

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  2. 46 minutes ago, xking said:

    Those are not traitor stormcast, they are redeemed chaos followers, celestant Prime Smacks the chaos out of dudes and they get reforged into stormcast eternals.

    But they no doubt still have traces of chaos in them, which is why they’re being watched by everyone from knights Excelsior to Hallowed.

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  3. 4 hours ago, xking said:

    I don't, traitor Stormhost are a terrible idea and  I would like Age of Sigmar to not be 40k.   Also I don't think it is possible, as stormcast have a part of sigmar's very being and divine essence infused into them.

    Two words: The Redeemed.......

  4. 1 hour ago, Browncoat89 said:

    Yeah I am actually currently converting my army to run as Slaves to Darkness until we get a new battletome with officially updated fluff. I figure that way if they get discontinued it won't effect me at all and if we do ever get a battletome I can easily just go back to running the faction specific rules. I'm also doing it because they really started altering a lot of the army without updating the fluff at all to tell us why. I'm thinking I can actually make a way more lore friendly version of the army based on a StD army than I can with the compendium, based on the last official 8th edition lore. 

    These are the substitutions I am planning to make:

    • Hobgoblin cutthroats - mauraders / cultists (same base size)
    • Hobgoblin wolf riders - maurader horsemen (same base size)
    • Chaos dwarf infantry - chaos warriors 
    • Black orcs - chaos chosen? maybe reverse this with the chaos dwarves above.
    • Drazhoath - chaos sorcerer lord on a manticore (the base is the same size even if the wingspan is way wider, can just play by base)
    • Shar'tor - chaos lord on karkadrak (same base size) 
    • Demonsmith - chaos sorcerer lord or maybe even run as gaunt summoners
    • Skullcracker - gorebeast chariot (same base size)
    • K'daai - Chaos spawn (same base size)
    • Dreadquake mortar - hellcannon
    • If I ever really wanted to run my magma cannons in a fluff list I could take the black smoke battery mercenary company 
    • Bull centaur renders - chaos knights (this is the only substitution I'm super super concerned about making work. I just don't think the centaurs would fit on the smaller bases.
    • Custom mod a chaos warshrine to be all Hashut themed and maybe custom mod some of the endless spells to have the symbol of Hashut rather than the general chaos symbol.
    • Maybe custom mod a K'daai Destroyer model to run as a slaughter brute, soul grinder, votex beast, war mammoth, etc

    This is just the basics of the army idea to utilize all the Chaos Dwarf models I already have and keep them releveant, updated, and competitive if the army gets discontinued. I figure it will allow me to run the original concept of big blobs goblin slaves along side a few elite units of dwarves, maybe even sacrificing slaves to empower spells if I go with a cabalist list or just a straight combat list with ravagers. It will also be a way I could field beautiful models like Drazhoath and Shar'tor almost every battle, where as they were never effective enough to run in the actual chaos dwarf lists, as well as bringing in old lore favorites like the K'daai destroyer that were cut from the list. What do you guys think? Any other ideas to keep it chaos dwarf lore friendly, on different substitutions, or anything like that? I'm gonna start working on lists and see what synergies I can come up with. 

    This is an execellent idea if one has the models for it.

    for myself I’m slowly converting models to be Azgorh in style and lore, as in chaos Kharadron and Fyreslayers. So far the best way I’ve figured out how to do this is by using Thousand Sons part with Kharadron overlords, as for Fyreslayers...... honestly it’s too easy, their background as mercenaries allows them to be easily corrupted. Plus the name of their priesthood is the Zhargrim(I know Zhar is just the khazalid word for fire, but come on).

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  5. 3 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    "Welcome to the Eightpoints Spitoon how tough are ya?"

    "I walked here from Aqshy"

    "Ye-haa so?"

    "Without any suncream or sandals...."

    "Whaa uhh right this way sorry about that"

    “Welcome to the Eightpoints Spittoon, how tough are ya?”

    *looks down and sees it’s Gotrek*


    ”Right this way sir.”  

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  6. 20 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I'm curious to see how many points a Mega-Gargant is.  They look so huge, and I bet they'll have impressive stats...will they be over 400 points?  Going by what Imperial Knights cost in 40k, I don't think anyone can quite fit 4 into an army over there in that game.  Usually 3 with a couple other little ones, or 4 big ones.

    Should be fun to see one with the Thermal Rider Cloak !

    But yeah, to have an allied one to really gum up the enemy advance would be great.  Put all kinds of blades, bull heads and flamey Chaos symbols on him to make the closest thing to a K'daai Destroyer that we'll get.

    I think the sons might be more in line with a Siege Gargant than anything else, but they still need some flames painted on them. 

  7. Give praise to Hashut, the Ash Smith, Father of our people.

    Honour him with industry purified with wrath, and of wealth taken by force.

    Give thanks to Tzatza the Changing Wind, our true mother. Gift her the magic that has been stolen from her by the heathens below.

    Return their breath from the cowardly, the arrogant, and the heretic...

    Oath of Barak Zhar-Ramad




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  8. While I was hoping(once again) for chaos dwarfs, I have instead been blessed with many new kits from which I can convert a monstrous amount of different units(chaos and otherwise), and no doubt my army is getting a gatebreaker somewhere along the line. @KingBrodd, glad to see your devotion has paid off.

  9. Chaos Dwarfs aren't getting squatted anytime soon, barring forge world we're maintaining a decent trickle into AOS proper with Warcry and various battle tomes and black library books. I am truly hopeful that we receive a plastic range somewhat soon.

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  10. You want to know how I received my name, runt? It’s quite simple really, I am a ravenous soul.

    My cravings are not for such simple things as wealth, ale, or even women, no my appetite is only for one thing......

    I crave only the blood of our hypocritical cousins, who mock those who submit to a higher power when their society relies on the gift of a “God”!

    Introducing a filly painted Feraq the Ravenous! Man he was a challenge(especially the eyes), but so much fun to paint. Don’t worry, he won’t be alone for much longer..........DCC7B3CA-1D34-4E64-B332-97A05A0F727B.jpeg.c4a417b0e7c72a0b0f360f0a9f49dc2f.jpegF9E54EEA-B120-4E6F-BBDC-0947B8252B37.jpeg.0f2473bf4e9ede6722d4efcd74e7110d.jpeg1FA9396A-5A2F-4421-9C87-C0F8C8808A28.jpeg.e7bcd2f331aaa551a29953bc11cdc50a.jpeg

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  11. On 4/7/2020 at 5:04 PM, erasercrumbs said:

    I really, really want to buy more Azgorh, but I'm paranoid that GW is always five minutes away from casting them out entirely.

    the answer is simple, convert other factions to look like Chaos Dwarfs, that way if GW gets rid of Azgorh you can still play your army.

  12. 2 hours ago, Sttufe said:

    I would pray for your soul and hope that the dwarf dragon wizard is optional. May it come out of that conflict with it's beard untainted.

    Also what is your dream army? Mine would just be expanding the Dispossessed army into more hammas and axes + cavalry. I mean if you want artillery you can take the ironweld and stick a dwarf crew on it, maybe I would also vote for a dual kit with the steam tank to make it dwarf-y becasue it seems SO close to being proper dwarven ingenuity, but not quite there with all the symbol stuff on the sides.

    If we’re talking dream armies I want to see what the Furnace Kings that Gw has been teasing in full caps throughout various books to be released.


    In my mind these guys have taken the whole weapon train theme of the Legion of Azgorh to its natural 11. I’m talking full on steam engine based armor, their wizards summon fire and ash, and the mechanized daemons known as the Kdaai look like cannibalized train cars. 

    of course, if they do actually release this faction, odds are they won’t look like this at all.

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