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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. If that's the case then we're doomed to a never ending cycle of disappointment. I blame Nagash.
  2. Thank you, you're a real one. If these guys are the first step towards plastic chaos dwarfs I'm all in. I'll even give up my hope for Destruction Tikkis.
  3. They’ve stolen from each other so many times that it would turn into a slap fight.
  4. @Yoid, the original idea for zombies was indeed inspired by an actual voodoo ritual involving a neurotoxin from a certain species of fish. This got translated into a fear of mind control and “natives” stealing white women(I took a freshman seminar on the topic). This then evolved with the emergence of The Bomb into the Romero zombie, which evolved again into the modern zombie(which can run fast) due to a better understanding of parasitic organisms.
  5. While we were talking Tikkis CA dropped some Kislev goodness:
  6. Thank you your majesty, after all the most important rule is to have fun is it not? So all in favor of East Asian/Polynesian destruction Tikkis say aye!
  7. I just like to keep in character @Yoid, like when I type in all caps when responding to @KingBrodd, SWOLEST OF THE SWOLE, or claiming revenge FOR LONG LOST NEHEKHARA! I do this partially for fun, and partially to make other people laugh, and mostly to drown out the mess of complaints that fill this thread at times.
  8. I agree with the slaaneshi daemon here, Hollywood Voodoo places a focus on the creation of zombies and mind control alongside strange rituals. Bonesplitterz are more like Hollywood Natives: tribal, savage, and don't like anyone messing with their land.
  9. Of course, we could all be wrong and the new faction ties into either The Skaven or the Sylvaneth. The former is just a guess since this week's WD has an section on the Horned Rat's part of the warp, the latter due to the Broken Realms stuff and their theme of being scary ents.
  10. Can we just enjoy the fact that there's apparently a spell to summon a GIANT POLAR BEAR?! I don't know about you guys but I hope to god that the big boi gets a model.
  11. Some mad lad on YouTube managed to copy the Total War trailer before it was taken down!!!
  12. this is why I play undead, you can't tell who was a boy or ghoul anymore*badum tish*. In all seriousness if they are getting rid of endless spells(here's hoping we can still use them in some manner) I hope we get god beasts/some figure head character that can be used by the entire alliance.
  13. You're not wrong, guess I'll go look for a decent *looks around* recaster.
  14. You gotta post some pictures man, they sound cool. As for myself I actually like the bat-centaur, I figure with some bits replaced here and there it could make an awesome “Tomb Kings” themed beast.
  15. You should get an article I there, I just don’t know how they choose armies.
  16. Thanks @Enoby, you’re one heck a of an artist and an inspiration to us all.
  17. You know what? I'm going back to my tomb to sleep, can someone tag me if the gods tease the return of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! I would very much appreciate it
  18. Want: New Old World stuff(preferably Tomb Kings or Chaos Dwarfs), or Emperor's Children, or best of all: mk II plastic kit. Expect: Warhammer Animation stuff Don't Want: More video game trailers
  19. please don't let the stream be over already...
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