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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. You know what really grinds my gears? That elves seem to have more models teased than the dawi!
  2. Thank you for posting this thread in regards to the next star quarterback of The Chicago Bears, but you forgot that there is some speculation that he is somehow related to the Dawi. Have a nice day.
  3. If they unleashed Grotbag Scuttlers or Furnace Kings(the often teased new Chaos Dwarfs faction from the books) they’d have my money. Or heck, just resell the plastic tomb kings kits. Firebelly as a faction would be very welcome.
  4. I concur your swoleness, perhaps disciples or Thousand Sons are getting an upgrade?
  5. Please let it be Tomb Kings returning..... If it is the Heresy starter then I hope we get plastic Mark II kits, or the classic assault squads(the ones with the airplane engine jetpacks).
  6. Dang it, now he’s a cool dryad mariachi band member!
  7. Cough* dwarfs in general* Cough, man Nurgle is really working over time if we're getting sick over the internet.
  8. Worse, she sent the fantasy equivalent of those late 60s-early 70s hippie commune leaders with a guitar and a big van.
  9. So the plants want to move on the Doot-Doot gang huh? I hereby order my legions to show them how it's done,*Angry skeleton dancing*
  10. So you want rebirth Poison Ivy. Jokes aside carnivorous plant sylvaneth sound awesome.
  11. Let's all agree that whatever the mini is tomorrow, we won't get disappointed that it wasn't the MVP that is Kragnos.
  13. Iowa born Chicago raised over here, I feel you brother.
  14. Skaven are doing what they do best: Backstabbing everybody.
  15. Sound the horns! We must summon @KingBrodd and his mighty Stomp!!!
  16. Kragnos then proceeds to win the next nine Super Bowls back to back before retiring, with his final win he celebrates by eating fifty deep dish pizzas and going to the bathroom on Tom Brady's front lawn.
  17. https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-us/ I know it's 40k related but dang what a Monday of reveals.
  18. So to recap what we can expect in the next book: Grombrindal is reuniting the dwarfs. Kragnos is some kind of bear/elk/lion centaur and is potentially destruction aligned. Lord Kroak is getting ready to nuke us all. Witch Hunters are coming. And The Murder-Peacocks are making moves. Did I forget anyone?
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