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Posts posted by Saiken

  1. 36 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    Imma throw my hat in the ring with a super left field suggestion.

    It seems there's a lot of contention over the cultural inspiration for the teaser's... well everything.

    What if that's intentional? What if the necropolis is made from bone tithes from all the realms? That'd explain the mix of cultural signals as the necropolis would have influences from everywhere. 

    As for the mortarch (or whatever this guy is going to be) it's probably a new character, but Krell is a solid choice. But how about Count Noctilus? Hear me out here, the vampire coast expansion for total war warhammer 2 has popularized undead pirates again and it's been long enough since that hype train for GW to have had something in the works as a response to that. While he wasn't killed by ghal maraz itself, his ship was rammed by the heldenhammer which had a recreation of ghal maraz as a battering ram. 

    I know I'm reaching for straws here but since the free cities are getting a full book, this would be an opportunity to turn their "rival" from firestorm, the wraith fleet, into their own army.

    I really doubt it. 
    If so there's a clear missed opportunity for a real pirate-inspired teasing. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    The term "construct" refers to artificially created creatures, generally stuff like Golems which are empowered by magic, however it could also be used for anything from Frankenstein 's monster to a robot. It was popularised by D&D where it is a major category in the monster classification scheme, however it wouldn't surprise me if it pops up in classic fantasy, albeit used less perscriptively. In AoS everythin from a morghast to an ushabti is a construct, they were most popular with the tomb kings.

    Thanks a lot ! That's crystal clear ! 

    There are definitely pictures from the rumor engine that look like a Necrosphinx tail. So, construct are very likely ;) 

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  3. 19 hours ago, spenson said:

    So at 1k points the 'core' of the army is this:

    Allegiance: Chaos
    Great Bray Shaman of Slaanesh (100)
    10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)
    10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)
    30 x Bestigors of Slaanesh (300)
    Depraved Drove (150)

    Total: 670 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 55

    It leave you only 330 points to add some stuff. It's a shame that you can play a KoS but the bestigors are really better at 30 than 20 (the last 10 are half price and the triple exploding 6 when >= 20 models)

    I think the best would be to take 2 heroes (e.g. the epitome and a viceleader) with the remaining points. This list is not optimal at all but you'll be able to play.

    Thanks a lot, that's kind of what I had in mind !
    I'll figure something out for the remaining 330 points :D

  4. On 6/10/2019 at 3:49 PM, Magnus The Blue said:

    That is a sweet alternative, but not for me.  Warhammer World is my local gaming store, which is generally great, but I ain't going to rock up with alternative models when they provide such amazing free gaming facilities.

    I'm currently working on kitbashing a Keeper of Secret from a Ghorgon and Give Tyrant parts.

    I'm pretty happy with the look of the claws so far. Going to try and finish it in the next few days. 

    Let me know what you think :)


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  5. 2 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Personally I'd drop the Taurus and Warshrine for more warm bodies.

    Warshine can't bless anything except itself (Beasts don't have the Mortal keyword) and doesn't seem worth it for just the 6++ aura.

    Taurus just doesn't seem worth it when you already have Locus of distraction.

    Those extra points could make the other two units of Ungors 40 strong, or add 2 *10 beast units of Bestigors and some cheaper endless spell fun.

    Thanks for you feedback ! 
    I definitely overlooked the "Mortal" Keyword on the Slaanesh-Marked Chaos Shine, my bad ! 
    True also that Taurus might be overkill given the Locus of Distraction. I thought it could be great to chew through chaff for instance.

    I guess Seekers could be interesting too if I make those cut. It could be 10 of them.

  6. Hi guys,

    I've been thinking about a Depraved Drove list for a little while, and I'd like to know if you had any feedback / advice for me. 
    I still need to figure out the details, but this would be the units I'd like to field.

    Allegiance: Slaanesh

    Keeper of Secrets (360)
    - Sinistrous Hand
    Great Bray Shaman of Slaanesh (100)
    The Contorted Epitome (200)
    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (220)

    40 x Ungors of Slaanesh (200)
    10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)
    10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)

    1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)
    30 x Bestigors of Slaanesh (300)

    Depraved Drove (150)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Wildfire Taurus (100)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 138

  7. 24 minutes ago, Rock Lobster said:

    Any tips on how do make that smoother, do people just do multiple additional layers to transition in, or do I need to look at wet palette and wet blending or something. I have heard this kind of thing is much easier with an airbrush but its difficult for me to conveniently set that  to work in my place with fumes etc.

    To be fair, it's more a question of "what time are you wanting to put into this". Most minis with super smooth transition and blends are display pieces or painted for competition. It takes a long time, unless you're using an airbrush. 

    Though , to get super smooth blend it's basically a mix of techniques such as wet blending, void blending, and again a lot of time and layers.
    Vince Venturella explains it very well in this video.  Also It can be interesting to check his minis for inspiration because he plays slaanesh.

    • Like 1
  8. The inclusion of Slaves to Darkness as a allegiance ability in GHB 2019 really takes mes aback. Who knows what's next for Archaon & the Darkoath !

    Also, the non-inclusion of Soulblight could be a telltale sign for out next death army ?

    • Confused 1
  9. It's even worst than than ... I still haven't started building a single army because of the amount of great ( better ? ) stuff that is supposed to come.

    Back to rumors, I have a hard time believing the Tomb Kings rumours,  though the fact Tom says so leaves me speechless.

    Wait and see I guess :)

    • Like 2
  10. I really think the Warcry models are fantastic so far. As much for what they are, as for the fantastic conversion potential they hold.

    However, I'm pretty annoyed personally because the way GW communicates currently makes it really hard to a know what to buy and what to focus on. 

    I think that we are experiencing a great period in terms of hobby, but it lacks clarity in terms of what is going to be released/supported and when ... I don't want to invest time and money on something that is not coming or something that might not get rules soon etc ...

    The slaves to darkness are a good example. I really hesitated to buy the battleforce, however the whole lack of knowledge about the future of those models makes it a no-go for me. 

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  11. 32 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Ahem... WHAT `

    Where did you saw that ? Did you save the non-high res version of the pic ? 😍

    And what was the art style ? Official, modern GW ? Old WFB stuff ? Fan art ?

    Same reaction ... Cause that could be our guy.

    Remember the guy we're trying to identify on the background of the confrontation artwork, seems to have either a 3rd eye or a crown !

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