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Everything posted by Deepkin

  1. So despite the name, haven't played Deepkin yet. Wanna play a competitive list: where to start?
  2. The Warqueen from the Malign Portents release was the Darkoath herald.
  3. Rules make no sense. Its a rumor thread where rumormongers get banned, we cant post leaked images, whats the point? Oooo sure am happy about [latest warhammer community post] isn't [mod-approved topic] quite interesting, eh wot? (stormcast, human or not?! Fantasy was better than AoS, dwarfs>elves, wololololololo!)
  4. The Darkoath in Warqueen worship Tzeentch. The Darkoath in Scourge of Fate are Undivided worshippers. They are the new Marauders, so will probably be able to be marked for any god I bet.
  5. Would having our Ironweld stuff back be that much of a change? Have never used any of them honestly, better allies out there. Are they any good?
  6. I, for one, welcome the return of the Dispossessed to their rightful place. There are grudges to settle!
  7. Squat pride worldwide! *zooms off into sunset on trike while Freebird plays in the background*
  8. Yes, but lower to the ground. More squat, if you will.
  9. I still vote for rune/steam powered construct cavalry. Like some sort of hog or horse but with wheels instead of hooves and some sort of metallic, bar-like reins. Maybe have three-wheeled versions that carry a small cannon on the back? Some sort of massive ancestor engine, mayhap with a landing pad for gyrocopters? Call it the Colossus or Leviathan or some such. It would all be very... epic.
  10. I suppose so, yeah. With darker hair i guess. More like a Carthaginian, which I guess would look more like a modern North African. Cant say it really matters to me, have only read one or so story about him, was just an observation based on the name.
  11. We know Grungni lives and is still very much involved with the dwarfs though. He plays a prominent role in the Spear of Shadows novel, where he lives among the dwarfs quite openly and even has a discussion with Grombrindal (which reveal that the Grungni of this world may not be the same as the Grungni of the Warhammer world, as he cannot remember if he is Grombrindal's ancestor or his descendant, from which I derive my theory that Grungni and Grimnir of AoS are Thorgrim Grudgebearer and Ungrim Ironfist reborn, perhaps in part due to their status as incarnates prior to their deaths.) I suspect we will get some sort of Dreadnought-esque rune golem, based off of the ancestor spirits we see in A Dirge of Dust and Steel and the fact that Grungni was heavily involved in the Stormcast process, so perhaps he did so by drawing on a dwarf practice of infusing particularly vengeful ancestors into golem bodies after they died, preserving their spirits from Nagash (though it is hinted that Gazul still lives, after a fashion) and allowing them to settle grudges into eternity. I will also admit I am partial to the idea of dwarfen bear cavalry and hope we get that too. Or perhaps massive chariots pulled by steam-powered beasts? Or dwarfs riding massive, beast-shaped golems powered by rune magic and steam power (which were referenced in the 8th ed BRB, but never made into models, alongside "ancestor engines"). Im quite excited, they could do so many cool things IMO. Priority one is give us rune magic back so we can tool up our thanes and kings into character-smashing, unit destroying, grudge-reckoning machines (it works in the ninth age!)
  12. Huh, I always pictured Hamilcar as looking more mediterranean or north african, cuz of the name.
  13. Dispossessed also sell strongly because GW dwarf models have always had a strong aesthetic. And they can be used for other systems, like the Ninth Age or Mordheim, quite easily. Something like Fyreslayers are a departure from an earlier aesthetic (too much butt cheek and helmet to blend in with old slayers) and extraordinarily expensive to boot. Slayers were always a cool part of the Dwarf army, but they were only a part. Outside of gimmick armies like the Storm of Chaos Slayer Cult army (Goblin hewer when!), they were never the focus of the army, but rather an opportunity for some very characterful models (and generally naff rules, unfortunately. They are quite awesome in the 9th age though, which is cool). Their lore is kinda terrible too: the lava dwarfs in their lava holds, burning with fiery rage that powers their fire steel axes as they ride into battle on their magma lizards while sipping magmalt ale. There is some cool stuff there to expand on (their mercenary nature, their collective addiction to literally consuming pieces of their dead god to make themselves stronger, the fact that they prospered where the other dwarfs suffered) but it kinda got buried in all the dumb of early AoS.
  14. He certainly means /tg, the 4chan tabletop games board. Would not recommend linking here, since it contains a repository of GW ebooks, armybooks, codicii and so on for free, and mods may frown upon such blatant freeeeedom 😛
  15. Its the Kharadron Overlords Shadespire warband imo.
  16. Hmmmm, perhaps someone grim and Thor-like? Who bears grudges? I like this. We could put him on a big mount and give him some kind of awesome rune weapon and a pile of special rules. We could call him...Grudgegrim Thorbearer? Hm, doesnt sound quite right...
  17. They could do awesome Kharadron stuff that uses Endless Spell rules but aren't "spells" per se. Like some kind of mechanical flock of birds used by arkanauts for reconnaissance, or a remote controlled missile, or an aerolized spray of aether-gold-derived stimms that enriches the mind and enrages the spirit.
  18. I think some kind of Rune Golem would still be relly cool. They even hinted at them in the 8th edition BRB, saying that rune-forged, steam-powered "ancestor engines" were being produced to spearhead the dwarfen armies. Anvil of Doom would be really cool, obvious choice for a center piece. A revised Throne of Power would be another cool choice: perhaps carried on the shoulders of rune golems, or in the form of a massive chariot pulled by steam-powered beasts? WHFB Dwarfs have one of the greatest aesthetics ever, particularly the 5th/6th edition models, like the old Ironbreakers (though new ones aren't bad) the old metal Longbeards, the old metal Slayers, and the Lord/Hero models like the one with the two-handed axe and Sutton Hoo helmet. EDIT: Responding to Raritan; A: Movement. Use of Runelore to allow Dwarf models to move, or force enemy models to move (or not allow them to move). Perhaps rooting enemy units in place, or making them fail charges, etc. Could also use deployment shenanigans: think a unit of miners leading other units onto the board at predetermined "Undgrin Ankor" sites, placed before the game like gravesites. Or something as simple as Rangers forward deploying. I particularly like movement shenanigans that involve either vanguard deployment via miners/rangers, or stopping/altering enemy movement through runes, since I feel that gives Dwarfs some tactical flexibility while preserving their essential character. B: Mortal Wound protecton/production. Make basic warriors worth taking might help, as a sort of cheap "horde bubble" type thing. Not very dwarfy though. Could obviously go the "a Runelord did it!" route with more runelore, or runes on banners, armor, etc. For production: I think this would be where either our artillery or our lords step in. I like having killy, awesome characters, and Dwarf characters in Warhammer could be runed up into monsters (though typically more survivability tanks than DPS machines). So I lean towards giving us back our "item crafting" via runes, and letting us make our heroes into mortal wound machines via their equipment. Runelore would be another obvious choice: stuff like the Rune of Wrath and Ruin for the Anvil of Doom. Or miners with blasting charges hurling their grenades into the enemy. C. Magic offense. Easy, make runesmiths/lords like Khorne priests and give them a lore they can cast from that are essentially bound spells.
  19. To be fair to the developers, much of these issues were directly due to EA, not the choices of the Mythic devs. The company was purchased partway through development by EA and absolutely gutted by them shortly before, or after (can't remember) release. A lot of the nonsensical decisions stem from this: the game was made, and then maintained, by totally different teams of people. It truly was a very fun MMO and it nailed the Warhammer aesthetic so thoroughly that the armor sets and zones in the game still rank among the best in any MMO ever released IMO. Also, there is a private server for the game out there that is decently active. The developers for the private server are legitimately unpleasant people however, which is a shame because it was great to be able to play WAR after all these years and relive the glory days. Ironbreaker and Marauder are two of the most fun MMO classes to date. Uuuuugh, the nostalgia, it is getting to me! Curse ye!
  20. Grungni is back in the lore. He appears in the Eight Lamentations novels. The duardin seem to know about him, since he has a bunch as his buddies and servants. He is out there doing stuff, though he isn't necessarily 100% aligned with Sigmar (pretty sure he is on Sigmar's side, but disagrees on how to handle things)
  21. I think giving Hearthguard Berzerkers two attacks baseline would be a good way to go. Give Runemaster and Runesmiter access to a "Lore of Grimnir" style list of prayers, similar to the Lord-Relictor from Stormcast or the Slaughter-Priests from Khorne. Give Runemaster some better rules in general, particularly an unbind. Give us the "chapter tactics" rules all new factions have gotten for our lodges. Make Grimwrath Berzerkers a unit instead of a hero, 0-1 for the entire army, retain the same points cost but make it something like a unit of 1-5 hero models. Three Grimwraths would be 240 points for a unit that has 18 wounds, and can put out some serious hurt. All that could be done without releasing new models, just a new tome ( or hell, an FAQ update, though that would be too nice even for new-GW). A single dual-kit that adds something like a chariot drawn by smaller magma dragons that can be built as either a heavy melee chariot or some kind of ranged one with a goblin-hewer-esque axe thrower on the back would be cool, and fit the "barbarian" aesthetic of the fyreslayers.
  22. Chariots and female fyreslayers would be awesome. GW lore on female dwarfs always alternated between good (they dont have beards, which was always an annoying trope IMO. Funny when Prachett did it, terrible everywhere else) and bad (only 1 in 10 dwarfs are women; aka this species should have died out literally the first time it fought a war). We know women take a pretty big role in Fyreslayer culture (the head of the Miners Fellowship in, i.e. one of the most important positions in a society that lives underground, was a woman in one of the short stories, and its not portrayed as abnormal) so having them as warriors would be cool. Plus barbarian dwarf warrior women with golden runes in their skin and gigantic ginger mohawks sounds so deliciously 80s.
  23. I don't see how playing by the rules printed on the card is rules lawyering in any way, shape or form. There is nothing to "interpret," it's literally what the rules on the card say. It's nowhere near the "creative interpretation" required to do nonsense like the Lord of Change on a Balewind, or the Anvils of the Heldenhammer CA spam. Hell, it's not even the most broken legal thing in the game right now. Perhaps take your sour grapes elsewhere. I'm quite certain it will be changed somehow as well, and my group has agreed to ignore that part of the warscroll for now just to sidestep the whole thing (I'm the only one interested in running it, and again, I only want Hearthguard that swing twice), but you're displaying an impressive amount of salt for something I'm fairly certain you've never been on the receiving end of in any recent tournament (because Fyreslayers, and Lords of the Lodge, have not placed very highly in any recent large tournaments, and are not a very popular army, at least where I live.) But until it gets changed, it's legal, and there are better ways to spend your time.
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