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Everything posted by shinros

  1. I see so I imagine when they get to daemonettes they will be put on 32's. Still I don't see a reason to enforce such a thing.
  2. I don't understand this when basic daemon troops come with 25 MM in the box even the repackaged ones if I recall correctly anyway I am casual player I just hang out at my store.
  3. *nvm read the post further and a poster admitted he put it up other posters have noted they saw him do it*
  4. I don't think it's a deathrattle release considering new dwarfs are coming they did something similar with the necromancer where he was sold out for a time and rebased. Rebasing the skeleton warriors and giving them an increase count will enable people to start up death more easily. we already have a lot of elites already on circles we were just missing some infantry. Also what's interesting in my store we only have 1 box of skeletons they haven't been sending new ones.
  5. I think normal skeleton warriors are being reboxed they are sold out on the web store. I hope since it's quite annoying for base infantry we gotta buy 25's.
  6. Lore wise they lived in the city before nagash cursed the place. With only shards of their personality remaining. According to their page.
  7. I AM THROWING MONEY AT THE SCREEN NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Also this reveals why they kept all the VC stuff for death in my opinion it matches the aesthetic they were aiming for in AOS. They also note they were inhabitants of the city.
  8. Yeah, I think GW are also sending them free stuff to keep things quiet until a certain point.
  9. Well GW has been pretty good lately in ensuring leaks are not getting out, where is hastings when you need him? The last thing he gave us is that the new dark elves will have some cthulu like influence.
  10. So... are you saying that you are a rumor monger now?
  11. Huh very interesting you learn new things everyday, so she focuses more on parrying and striking back.
  12. Really? I see but I think her fighting style would match the other liberator's of grinding down the enemy via phalanx.
  13. I don't think she can do that considering she is wearing heavy armor Now the vanguard guys I do think would be able to do more agility like actions since they have said they are wearing a lighter version of the stormcast heavy armor.
  14. The nice thing is that people on facebook have said if we can get a box or upgrade sprue to make em many of them will be starting a stormcast army. I think she is having the right effect.
  15. I honestly think it's going to be Deathrattle, Soul Blight and Flesh eater court. I do think GW is going to do a new liche model hopefully along with new zombies and a plastic vampire hero. Since deathlords so far is only named characters. Also plastic blood knights they have to update those.
  16. Thanks, people in the topic made some good points in there as well, I made the topic because in the rumor thread it was turning into a similar discussion we had with slaanesh so I made the thread a few weeks back. I think it was relevant to bring up again since we went into that discussion.
  17. I don't think they will turn Death into a death knights faction that would more likely alinate death players considering they have been waiting so long for a release and gameplay wise in my eyes is redundant if I wanted that I would play stormcast or chaos. As alec said the overhaul already happened. "The design of nagash's staff alkanash, harks back to his past as a high priest of khemri, with motifs from both the tomb kings and vampire counts used in the final design" "Nagash is a landmark minature for several reasons. He enabled us, as a design team, to re-imagine the undead range and create a new aesthetic for undead characters such as Arkhan and neferata." Another part "Being able to create nagash enabled us to redefine the undead range, to establish a new ruling class with a grim aesthetic. Considering they released Flesh eater courts and their lore is no where near PG 13 if you actually read the battletome I think we have nothing to worry about. I do think the new undead zombies, skeletons etc will match how nagash and the mortarch's look on facebook people have been constantly begging GW to release new zombies they said they passed our feedback on. The new warhammer underworlds has been giving hints on the direction they are going with Death. As been said the reason why they kept the VC stuff I do agree because they don't look "historically" accurate like the tomb kings I could easily see the undead wearing the mask for the warhammer underworlds poster to be a new "liche priest" they look more gothic and grim and clearly does not just only look like an undead Egyptian skeleton. Anyway... before we go off topic again I made a thread about this.
  18. Yeah GW are going to bring this model back. I can see it.
  19. Gonna spoiler tag it just in case people haven't read the book. Of course I could be totally wrong but the last two rumor images I think fit the theme of scourge privateers also there must be some secret to their success a pact with Malerion or something like that.
  20. Yeah I am going to look through my book and type up the passage so people understand what we are talking about.
  21. Yeah I have a feeling it's them out of all the dark elves factions they have appeared the most in fluff the new warhammer quest does indeed show that Malerion is their patron. Also they have a clear aquatic cthulu theme going on especially how the witch hunter in city of secrets contacted the fleetmaster for a "favor". Also the image looks quite aquatic in detail with the small circles and edges.
  22. See here is the thing with me as a death player I refuse to drybrush my mini's and I run a Horde death army.
  23. Same, putting together the blood reavers for hammerhal and painting them is kinda fun they are actually quite nice models as well.
  24. Spoil what? In all instances of the lore that I have actually read dealing with slaanesh in AOS they haven't toned it down in the slightest. In my opinion as Marius said beforehand the toning down has already happened ages ago. Since when they do appear they are obsessed with spreading pain and killing people slowly over sex and drugs just like 40k, which somehow people think slaanesh focuses on sex and drugs when that's not the case. edit:Most likely when they DO update it GW will now just beat us over the head about it and be blunt than subtle.
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