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Posts posted by mmimzie

  1. 2 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    You can physically prevent him from being seen, the only thing that can shoot him is Stormfiends. You can really easily physically hide the model behind a Luminark (I know because I did). Additionally the Incantor benefits from LoS and if in terrain a 2+ save. 

    I saw skip trying to prove you are out of line of sight and give them the -1 artifact if your gonna take the knight incator+comet. 

    I'm not saying the incantor is bad, i'm saying the knight+comet is fragile as is a lot in a small package that a lot of armies can deal with.  IF you take the comet you have to consider how you are going to protect the incantor, you don't want 240pts to be the vulnerable, and your proving it by telling me how you need to protect the model, which... is my point. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    There's not a shooting army I can think of that gets him off the table before you cast the Comet and even one cast is often worth the 100 points. Especially against bunkered characters. 

    This army is easily that shooting army, or that is to say the whole cities book. More so tzneetch and skaven can put out this level of damage on the first turn. 

    This army along 30 sisters of the watch will mence most heros and can be boosted up the table using the soulscream bridge allowing them to count as stationary for double tap. 30 dark shards with ignite weapons can easily rock a knight incantor, geting run and shoot potentially moving 13" 15 with wild form and shooting from 16" out if in hollow heart you could get ignite weapons. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    whatever my main engine is for the D6 MWs casting bonus. 

    I'm of the opinion that if you bring a general on foot they can also do this job. Honestly any one with ignax scales can do it as a D6 from even at 4 hp isn't super likely to kill your wizard. WIth all the healing hollow heart has access to you don't nessarily need the luminark or a big target to hit.  

    That said a pheonix with annoited made wizard via the artifact makes a decent target as he has that +4 wound ignore. 

  4. 1 minute ago, zilberfrid said:

    That need not be a suicide run, if you give him 4+ save against mortal wounds from Aqshi.

    It's not a sucide if you have 4 wounds remaining. The sucide is the melee attacks you are likely about to take back. 

    I think maybe if you take the incantor i wouldn't take the comet. As you have to think of the incantor as starting to cost 240 pts if you bring the incantor, as he's the only wizard who can that comet. If your incantor get shot off the table  your comet also dies. You'd want to make the incantor the general for protective retinue and take the artifact for ignax scales to protect against dying to spells or the artifact for the extra -1 to hit to save you from shooting. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Like you said, I don't see that implying that the Battlemages have to be from that given realm; otherwise I wouldn't see much reason when they're just going to have the same Aqshy spell.

    I absolutely think Phoenix Guard have the best home in Hallowheart. For 160 points you get an all-purpose unit as your math has suggested. Expensive sure, but I think their versatility lends itself perfectly for a list where you want most of your damage coming from spells and they will supplement that damage while also being great anvils and are perfect targets for those buffs. I mean they're even ignoring spells on a 4-5+ which makes them even crazier.

    I'm currently looking at a way of fitting in a Hurricanum, Annointed Fire Phoenix, 2 Battlemages and maybe a Sorceress, haven't decided.. along with all that I think an Incantor with comet is a no-brainer, all rounded out with 40-50 Phoenix Guard (a 3rd cheap BL if needed to fill) and the battalion + Endless spells (of which, Spellportal and BW likely being the most important aside from the Comet). Points are tight but I can definitely see it being great. I think the biggest thing is that I really want a retinue, but am not keen on having the mages be the General... anyway, back to the drawing board.

    I think if you run phoenix guard and phoenixs you're almost required to then take the emerald lifeswarm. The D6 revive will pay for itself with the first roll most of the time. 

    As for the knight incantor+ comet. I'm on the fence with that one. We do have the lumincark and the azyr battle mage with roaming fire that can shoot 2 back to back d3 aoe spells. That both bring abit more to the table, heck if you want long range bring a balewind vortex to put the azyr battle mage on to bumb him to a 24" range (+3-4" for the extra range you can get for setting him up closer via the vortex). While the luminark can't be dispeled when shooting it's 30" laser and can repoition 6-10".

    Edit: i guess the commet gets alot better if you bring the  command trait that lets you unbind endless spells on with +3. Hmmmm

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Charlo said:

    I also like the Arcanum because of his CA to boost endless spells movement range by D6,

    I don't think that CA is worth the CP. 

    Appart from that honestly any retinue can work well with 5 to 6 wizards likely you'll have a wizard throwing around seer wounds or the life swarm which is one of the best empowered endless spell  so getting them back up is no problem. From that  lets say you have a 5 wound wizards and do 6 damage, likely you just need to throw 2 or 3 die at trying to block the damage. WIth the healing as long as the wizard lives with one 1 wound you can likely fully heal them easily. 

    From there pheonix guard aren't the best targets as i believe they are 160 pts for 10?? That means with a +4 save they are the same as an 80pt unit with 10 models. Flagellents and free guild guard are 80 pts so can do the job just as well. 

    I do think with hollowheart endless spells will be a big thing as base line you can ignore the damage on a 5+ and with a spell make that a 4+.

    I think that the main concern is to see if battlemages are affected by the restriction of where you are from. I don't think so as that rule specifics strictly malign scorcerys and the artifact there in. 

  7. @Thiagoma I think i would bust one of the phoenix guard units to 2x 10 man. This would give you a screen from alpha strike, and more units to jump on objective or whatever.  You'd still have the 20 man units to buff up and send in to kill stuff, and the 20 man unit will be safe getting covered by the 10 man blocks. 

    My list idea:
    Sorceress (general w/battleshock immunity aura & -1 to be hit by shooting) (ignite weapons/reflect damage)
    Sorceress (eldrich protection/Cyclone)
    Battlemage (adjunct) (wildform) (ignite weapons/seer wounds)
    Battlemage (chain lightning, chain fire ball, cyclone)
    Whitemage of Luminark w/Ignax scales

    20xDarkshards (retinue)

    6xMorrsarr Guard

    Burning head

    Whitefire retinue


    2k pts

    Scales let you cheat the command ability some. Sorc is general for CP generation and to provide the sorc some additional durability. 

    Darkshards can act as screens, but can also get buffs to be come deadly. 

    Luminark because big laser. 

    Blackguard and morrsarr guard allow for quite abit of clean up, and are oppressively fast with support. Morrsarr guard are fast with need for little support.Both can get some great buffs for staying power and the +1 to wound (battle mage) and reroll 1s (burning head skull). I had considered emerald life swarm, but i don't have enough good targets in this list.


    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, WatcherintheWater said:

    If you are just comparing damage output, and put in the Pistols & the Arkanaut ranged attack, they go up to .048, so basically 40% more damage/point than the Darkshards vs heroes & monsters (.037 vs non-hero/monsters). And the Arkanauts can take 28 wounds before you have to remove a single skyhook.

    Darkshards have some other pluses though. They are faster, more maneuverable, and have +1 Bravery. Good point on using a mix of unit sizes, too.

    And that the darl shards have a longer effective range. The pistols and such aren't the real draw its all the sky hooks as it's about killing the target you want to kill not the one you are barely in range to kill.


    If i wanted to math all the ranged units damage id also add in all there melee damage too. 


    Im also not saging the company are bad, but just better than darkshard as a blanket statement isnt true. 


    The company gets better if you break a soul scream birdge or other buffs, and the company is better against stuff with a 3+ save or better. Also dark shards will likely have to move for every shooting they do.

  9. 1 hour ago, stratigo said:

    I agree. Although, strictly, company puts out more damage. Darkshards are a solid group to use as battleline shooting. If I had them, I'd try them out, but I can't push myself to proxy quarellors as darkshards like I can for crossbows. XD. Course, also, company isn't particularly elite either. Just good shooting

    Stictly speaking this isn't true

    Company with a unit of 40 with sky hooks getting thier bonus against a monster with a 4+ save: (only showing sky hook damage here)
    .029 wound/pts (this include khemist cost)

    Darkshard with no help against the same thing:
    .033 wound/pts

    That said likely you might bring a sorc, but the sorc will most likely be more for black guard, and any help to dark shards would be a secondary effect. 

    Darkshards can easily be a staple unit that you bring a big squad and hit with +1/+1 and give reroll hits and wounds if you want it to be a back bone to your army. Or a battle line where you bring 10/10/20 using the 20 to buff up with +1 to wound  so that you can snipe characters early in the game, and the other 10 as a screen that can also do decent damage. 

    Darkshards are no joke. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Undeadly said:

    So Black Guard are pretty decent already, and are on the higher end of the spectrum when given that +1 to wound, but loose out when up against Greatswords and Hammerers. Not too shabby.

    One thing that helps set them apart from those two is that they have a 2" range, as well as how easy it is to get that +1 to hit. Not to mention that they can get into position faster thanks to the Sorceress' CA that lets them run and charge.

    Not only does 2" range set them appart it makes them just plain better from a pure math point of veiw as it's basicly +50% damage when compared to units like great swords/hammers. 

    If you think of the units fighting in 10 man ranks, your going from 20 attack to 30 with that 2" range. Than as you say the ability to throw CP into these guys to make em faster make them about as speedy as morrsarr guard. They have a natural +1 to run/charge and you can cast wildform on them to give them another +2. WIth a auto run 6 CP these models can move 15" and have a +3 charge roll. 

    In hollow heart you can give them +1 to wound and bring burning head to provide reroll 1s to hit. They also get really nice milage off of emerald life swarm, since they are so pricey per wound 1 cast pays for the empowered swarm. 

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I would like to see how morrsarr guard and ishlean guard perform on this list too, just out of curiosity.


    Also, I realized something... A stardrake could get the cities of sigmar keyword and basically any awesome relic you want to give him. Like, for hammerhall I could give him the relic for the +1 armor save and he can sit at a re-rolling 2+ save to smash into enemy lines.

    Morrsar guard on the charge are at .0461862, with lightning .05795098 . 

    Ishlaen are at .03492063

    remind morrsarr guard are good because of speed, burst damage from the mortal wound thing, and they have a low surface area to points ratio which lets you get more of your points into combat at once. 

    For instance a 6 man morrsarr guard unit (as you know) will likely always get to fight with all 6 models against most targets. A Demigryph knight you will likely just get 4 and maybe squeeze in 5 models into combat. Just due to base size difference, and even more so when you take into account speed. 


    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    I find the performance of the Celestar Ballista a bit out of line for its points. Is there something I am missing or is it blatant favouritism?

    It's not so much actualy if you look at the numbers it rates about the same level as dark shards or shadow warriors, with similar levels of draw backs, and needs for support. 

  13. Im thinking of going hollow heart. I havent looked closely at the points but:

    Sorceress general: battle shock immunity aura, -to hit against shooting

    Battlemage ghur

    Battlemage hysh: adjunct

    Battlemage: chamon



    40x darkshards

    10x free guild guard

    10x free guild guard

    10x free guild guard



    6xmorrsar guard

    30x blackguard


    Burning head

    Quicksilver swords

    Purple sun




    Thinking of adding a hurricanum for bonus to cast for the battle mages. 


    Black guard are very fast, with wild form and a commandabout from the sorc they get a potential 15" move and +3" to charge.

    Morrsar are just another quick killy unit that dont hit as hard but don't need as much support. That said they can be buffed with hallow heart spells to boost thier punch.


    What do you folks think, should i bring the hurricanum? Maybe different endless spells?? Like palaisade, shackles, and gravetide??? Not feelingthe gemnids for the price. 


    Maybe the luminarch kill laser??

  14. 7 minutes ago, Rentar said:

    I feel like this would be a pretty solid (Maybe not A-tier, but solid) list. Your Phoenixes have 13 wounds each, with a 4+/4++ base, and the Luminark grants another 6++ in its bubble. With the Thermalrider Cloak, it can hopefully keep up with the Phoenixes and provide support while the Phoenix Guard protect it.

    The Battlemages are there to make sure there're enough casters to keep the +1 to save benefit up on the Phoenixes, and there's two Frosthearts to ensure they can cover enough ground with their -1 wound bubbles.

    The main question is whether (to maximise the benefit from the Phoenicum vengeance trait), I should drop some Phoenix Guard in favour of Freeguild Guard... and what to replace that with, if anything.

    (There's a lot of duplication of Golden Mist because quite frankly that's the only spell in that lore worth taking, even if I can't cast it more than once per hero phase, it's still totally worth it)

    i dont know which realm the thermalrider cloak comes from or any of the realm artifacts as i general just limit myself to one and don't gotta think about it, but each city is limited to what realm artifacts they can take. Depending on what city they are from. 

    There is abit of a question about if the battlemage can take whatever spell they want or if the city will force you to take one. Looking at the rules i don't think it matters but we don't know for sure. 

  15. Yeah the battlions are take it or live it. The white flame one which is most interesting to me, lets you get +1 to cast for all the wizards if they a near by, but the command ability they have can already get you up to like +6 potentially. That said it could take 3-5 drops off the top of your army. 

    I do wonder how battlemages will work with being in cities. The way i'm hearing the rules i feel like they still can pic thier own realm?? Seems like it needs and faq

  16. 4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Four-pack of Wizards are back on the store.

    good because hallow heart wizards are going to be nuts!!, command abilityl ets you roll a die, and your wizard takes that much damage, but every wizard within 12" gets that that much added to thier cast. ALso each hallow heart wizard gets +1 cast per turn. 

    ALso allies confirmed. 

    stormcast, slyvaneth, and KO are limited to 1/4th your army. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Fair enough. I think I was just disappointed by the huge grab bag of keywords. I thought maybe they would have some sort of consolidation, so you wouldn’t have to bring, say, three different styles of heroes for each and every army just to buff their section. Still feels like I would be building a single army focused on one force with other allies rather than one coherent mixed race army if that makes sense.


    like, in order to make the greatswords good you have to bring a general, but that leaves less room for the dark shard force I want to make, which also makes fitting in an artillery piece that much harder. It’s just a strange mess I feel.

    Interesting the way i see the army is it's 1-2 units lead by thier specific character. As most buffs are single unit or pretty range restricted. The way AoS works, outside of shooting you want big units doing big things, and thus you aren't likely 2 have 2 units of great swords side by side all trying to swing into the same combat, more likely you''ll angle to just have 1 great sword squad with shooting support. 

    I think you have modules and you can kinda plug and play the army.

    1 sorc with attached blackguard or dark shards as offensive units able to move quickly and hit hard. 
    Battlemage (hysh or ghur) with attached eternal guard or free guild (depends on points which will be better, right now it's looking eternal guard) as a cheap but huge screens that can take a punch. 

    As you say you can take the greatswords with your hero, but i just don't see the rangeds working out in your favor to have 2 big great sword units running around  trying to stay wholly within that hero. 

    So i see it as detachments with some mixed synergy between them. Not to mention some of the syngeries need CP to work, and thus you might quickly find yourself CP starved.

    • Like 1
  18. 30 minutes ago, Not-not-kenny said:

    The new battlemage spells are quite interesting, though I'm not crazy about the change to wildform (I'm gonna miss turning my horde of swordsmen into unstoppable killing machines). 

    I like that spears have a buff too, might mean they'll some more play.

    I like the new wild form makes those charges a lot better. Combine with the the sorc who can make a unit run and charge, and now you have easy cogs.

  19. 13 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    hmm, I think I still would need a book before I start really thinking about this. The elves just seem... i dunno, pretty lackluster? am I the only one who thinks the dreadlord isn't that good for what he does? 


    also good lord the amount of mortal wounds... i wasn't a believer in MW creep but now I think I am

    I think the darkshard look amazing. Combine with run and charge from the sorc and potantially auto run six, they have so much reach. Can put 10 wounds on a hero just about anywhere on the table. More would if they arnt getting look outsir. 

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