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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Posts posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. Well, I appreciate the optemistic outlook.  I just wonder with the definite lack of love that they've gotten since AoS started.

    I'm not trying to Bestigor on anyone's banners but I just want to see where the community stands.

    Trust me, I want Beasts to be more pronounced in all settings!  Give me EC Slaangors! Khorngors! Pestigors! More for everyone!!

    As for my other questions, I always worry and sympathize with Whitefang likes because the poor chummer can't appreciate a comment without TGA adding it to a gospel somewhere.

    • Like 2
  2. Doesn't anyone think Beasts will not be filtered out of AoS in exchange with The Old World?  I hate to think of it but Beasts frankly have a negligible narrative presence in the Mortal Realms.  I love the faction so much but I think of all the factions listed between TOW and AoS they're by far the most likely.

  3. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    Seraphon catapult? 


    I know it's most likely Kroxigors, but this does look like the Mace of Ulamak. Yeah Sunbloods are a thing but how funny would it be if it was from a new Gor-rok model? Dude just face-tanks the apocalypse and shows up like "Yo".

    • Like 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

    If I have one hope for Seraphon tomorrow. Its that Kroxigor please should get a new model.

    They cant keep getting away with them and rat ogres

    Yeah, especially with how good the Blood Bowl and Total War Kroxigors look it's a bit of a tease. At least Rogers got the fantastic Island of Blood models (little comfort that may be).

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, boyadventurer said:

    "Let's do lizard riding Lumineth!"
    "There's already lizard riding aelves and, yknow, there's the Seraphon"
    "Ah yeah you're right. So Seraphon riding Lumineth then?"

    The model will be two Saurus and a train of feathered Compsognathus-like critters carrying a platform with a Slann that's holding up a sign declaring an obsessive fan's declaration of love to Teclis.

    Kroak. It's Kroak's sign. I've blacklisted myself from GW by revealing it this early.

    Edit: It's Warcry terrain.

    Edit 2: I was mistaken. It's Necromunda terrain.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    There is a wargame that is already crafting it's narrative with a "living world". Conquest, the Last Argument of kings.

    Each day, any player, painter or whatever can cast a vote in their main web to see what all characters are going to do, what new factions are going to enter the setting/narrative and all this stuff. It's up to you If you want to base your vote using games as the main source but some TO can send their tournament results too.

    At the ens of the year, the narrative will advance and reflect what people voted. Even if there are milions of trolls, you can't just nuke a civilization and remove an army from the game, but maybe some cities will fall, some sellswords are going to change flags, some characters are going to die... 

    Btw, really great game!

    Infinity did the same.  In fact I think it was player-decided when Bit and Kiss joined the Combined Army.

    Honestly it was really fantastic feeling your decisions having an effect, even if it was just a small battlefront on one planet.  In one campaign Haqqislam and the Nomads had an early alliance through the community, so when Nomads lost one of their territories Haqq rallied to take it back and essentially surrender it back to their allies.  Some of those communities were great.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    The gaslighting in that video of how powerful Seraphon are is mildly infuriating. They act like it's been balancing itself out somehow, but they are and have been the most overpowered faction in the game. The stuff they can take and do is egregious. Multiple people at my shop refuse to play against them, it's that bad.

    "Gaslighting" is a strong term to use for a game about toy soldiers.  I mean I don't really give a hoot about how people choose to phrase their thoughts - how can anyone truly consider themselves The Authority over personal expression?  That's just how I feel about it.  I won't push the point since I know that's my stance and all.  No need to bring it into the AoS Rumor Thread.  Just something I feel should be pointed out.

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  8. 48 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    What's up with Deepkin? When was their latest Codex update? It just dawned on me I don't hear much about them here, and none of my local meta plays them. I havent seen any new models for them in a long time on the community site, so I guess I'm out of the loop on where they are as an army.


    Time to do some research I guess..

    Wonder if its a good time to pick up a used army?, My wife doesn't play AoS,  but she does enjoy painting. She likes the fish elves, perhaps I can get a 1000pt painted army out of it. 😘

    They got an update earlier this year, their only new model was the Akhelian Thrallmaster. Is that what you were wondering?

  9. 2 hours ago, Fyrenn said:

    It looks like from the screenshots I've seen that the new "Tzaangor Hosts" no longer have the BoC keyword.  Can't tell if it's the same for enlightened but i imagine so.

    What does this mean?  Do we still use the old warscroll without concern, or does this mean they're being removed from the faction? (or are they fine for now but probably have their days numbered and will be removed or restricted to a subfaction whenever a new BoC book arrives)?



    It means they didn't include a keyword that's esentially irrelevant for the purpose of Arcane Cataclysm.  I'm sure we're fine for Tzaangors for a while still.

    • Thanks 2
  10. 8 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    Time to believe:

    Tzaangors (200pts)
    WS is simplified
    hero phase 12" for each wizard enemy unit roll a dice 4+ D3 MW

    Tzaangor Enlightened (215pts)
    3" enemy can't receive CAs in combat phase
    +1 wound if you are going second this round

    Kairic Acolytes (120pts)
    Shield ward 6+
    18" each time a enemy cast a spell with a 4+ 1MW

    Sentinels (165pts)
    24" range & ignore cover

    Vanari Dawnriders (160pts)

    I hope a Tzaangor flock will be reasonable this time around. I love those funky wizardbirds.  I'd be pleased if they got a subfaction, too.

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