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Skreech Verminking

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Posts posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Never underestimate the power of the SCE book and its new edition wave.

    Funnily enough about stormcast,

    I’m amazed gw is still trying so hard with them.

    there are numerous aos and warhammer fantasy games out there.

    when it is a game without the stormy marines, the game is liked by people.

    does it have soaven it it, it is considered a great-amazing game.

    with the stormy marines in it, its dead on arrival😂

    (there are certainly some other aspect in it) but I kinda found this comment of a friend of mine quit funny 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  2. Love your armies.

    i’m currently trying to get my renegade militia army painted.

    but I fell in love with tow as well.

    I’m a huge fan of noghtgoblins but also fell in love with the new ardboyz which I’m currently using as black orks


    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    I have no idea what i'm going to do with with these Ogres but they're charm is just going to win me over to add them to my CoS crusade. Maybe I'll just say there Ogre Warhulk without the Fuisler Major


    No 8th edition night goblin, no spider goblins or Savage orcs huh guess Bonesplitterz sigh a relief for now i guess. 

    Classic Ogres.jpg

    Well they are currently available for aos.

    so buyable


  4. 5 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    😂the skaven release.

    it was all just an april fools plot released to early😂.


    jokes aside,

    I just had a look through the old world high elve sector of the book for the less evil armies.

    in the pictures you kinda see swordmaster of hoeth and the seaguards from the blood island kit.

    considering how many runors lately have hinted towards rat ogres and warlock engineers getting a plastic revamp, how likely you guys think will it be  that the blood island box makes a return with skaven and highelves being split.

    giving us the release of an old starter box for skaven.

    This would also make sense with some people claiming that a new clawlord on foot would be released

  5. 20 minutes ago, Peacaf said:

    If I gave you a like who you know...

    I mean officially I don’t know anything.

    I have met a few persons that did state they have been informed by gw at an Q and a meeting at the last event that beasts won’t be removed from aos.

    but I wasn’t there.

    and I can’t state if that is true or not

    4 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Ok, here we go: all the REs that look skaven-ish like enough


    Honestly, I think NONE of them is a skaven RE, but I know some folks might apreciate this

    Maybe the first pic?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I still don't correlate the new verminlord rumours with the new hornedrat-thing rumours. I may be too far off the mark, but I think those 2 rumours arent the same mini.

    There are too many people making up or throwing rumors around in the internet.

    even some of the same-ish stuff from second and first edition rumors of skaven have come up.

    Edit: Personally I don’t believe in more half of these rumors currently floating around.

    and secondly.

    pretty much all of these rumors will be correct with some of their prediction.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Peacaf said:

    Disappointing if there is no sixth book or book similar to Wrath of Archaon with the fall of Hammerhall.

    And very sad that we have not even seen a justification for the end of BOC.


    I wouldn’t worry about boc.

    the speculation began with old world.

    And considering that neither gloomspite, nor slaves to darkness really will be old world only, I doubt the same thing will be so with beasts of chaos

  8. 5 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Btw, I'm still curious about the Horned Rat thing. Leaks appear to not know if it's an avatar of the god, the god itself, a behemoth miniature, not a behemoth miniature, or not exist at all.

    My personal bet is going to be a demon with the size of the demon princes, I guess?


    I’m guessing we might see a verminlord representing one of the aspect the current verminlord range doesn’t.

    an avatar of the horned rat will never happen.

    maybe barely a chanpion, but we (skreech) exist for a reason as his right claw.

    • Haha 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think with the 3rd ed battletome CoS has established some cities that won't be touched as it would be a pain in the ass if you have an army painted following one of those cities' schema and they are destroyed in the lore. In the worst case it would be something like Cadia, which was destroyed but they make an excuse to keep it present.

    I mean the most interesting city of them all that started existing with the fall of Anvilguard, would be the city only consisting of old dark elves. Sad to see it didn’t make the transition 

    5 hours ago, Vaellas said:

    Tbh wouldn't be his first lie. I mean Soul Wars era was essentially Sigmar lied after the Necroquake unveiled all his Stormvaults.

    I mean we all know sigmar is just a mortal who’s haunted ghost possessed karl’s body.

    so my guess is sigmar died a ling time ago and in fact those stormcast where made with a flaw ordered by two skaven pretending to be the deceased sigmar

    5 hours ago, TheDayman said:

    Very much looking forward to the new edition and seeing all the new skaven/stormcast goodies! Not going to lie though, I am a bit worried with how the lore is going, feels a little like they are just trying to make AoS a reskinned 40k. Might just be me missing the kind of hopeful feeling of earlier editions though. I thought Be'lakor messing with the reforging process kind of sucked at the time (actually happy with how it turned out in the long run though) as it messed with the Stormcast's thing that made them unique, so I'm really hoping they don't completely mess it up and that Sigmar's 'lie' is just about skaven being in Azyr or something.

    I doubt we’ll see stormcast being tainted.

    after all they don’t really have a soul at some point and are more automatons then human. And a person unable to think is hard to corrupt.

    also slaves exist.

    And i doubt they’ll be an only old world army😂

    5 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    i just hope they don't 100% repeat the Horus Heresy... If some Stormcast do start to reject Sigmar, I hope they at least don't waver on their heroic properties and still ally with Order to keep each other safe.

    even if Stormcast turn to Death/Nagash instead of Chaos, it'd still be too similar imho


    5 hours ago, TheDayman said:

    Absolutely, that's the last thing AoS needs! I'm kind of apprehensive about letting Chaos into Azyr as well, I think it would be fine if it was just the Skaven, but if the realm goes into complete open warfare I'm a bit afraid they'll kind of write themselves into the whole 'inevitable chaos victory' box. However I have infinitely more faith in the writing team for AoS than the other systems, so it'll be interesting to see what they come up with!

    We all know, sigmar died a long time ago.

    clearly the lie is that he isn’t who he says he is.

    clearly its two skaven in a trench coat pretending to be sigmar😂

    1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Was'nt already said that skaven have gnawholes to Azyr?

    I think the lie is that Azyr is freed from chaos.

    Nah it’s two skaven in a trench coat

    9 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    The weapon teams are very old and not in plastic. It's a shame that the plastic warpfire thrower from IoB never was released seperatly.

    Maybe there will be 1 plastic set for all the weapon teams or maybe the weapon teams are removed for streamlining reasons. I suspect that the new jezzail kit wil have two weapon options, the long range option they have now and then some ratling gunlike thing for short range and huge amount of shots. In the same way as various shooting units have a long and short range option.

    I doubt the weapon teams will be removed.

    they are too iconic to even get such a suggestion.

    even stormfiends are more easily thrown away then weapon teams

    10 hours ago, Garrac said:



    Uff, from the few hundreds I have seen so far, this one seems likelier, yet I’m ver certain this is more of a wishlist like the others.

    officially I don’t believe any of them where made by any persons who officially knows what is coming.


    • Haha 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Would be pretty interesting to have:

    • Grungni - Kharadron (advanced tech)
    • Grimnir - Fyreslayers (slayers)
    • Valaya - Dispossessed (hearth and home/traditional dwarves)

    Grugnis true followers are those who stand to valaya.

    the traitor dwarfs also known as ko, left that place

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

    yep i know reikenor and the pyro ghost things, but if we are speculating on some Dispossessed future release 🤔

    I mean some normal less armored byt still quit heavily armored dwarf warriors would be cool.

    although I could see the return of some artilerry as well as maybe some mechanized stone statues.

    golems of this kind of sort have been mentioned as rumors of the old world, i see no reason why they shouldn’t have found the ancient rune magic that did that

  12. 5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Yet another hint that Skaven are getting something very soon (as if we needed any) : Darren Latham is starting to post pictures of painting Skaven all over his socials. As if he’s preparing for a big release…


    is he a designer of some sort?

    4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I wonder who the lead designer on the range is. There are quite a few Skaven fans in the studio. 

    For example these Jezzails were converted by Maxime Pastourel who was the lead designer on the Death guard project after painting his own Death guard army. skaven.jpg.2e0563bae59275a4f7871dde3eac74ef.jpg

    It's pretty common for GW to give the design job to someone who's a fan of the faction.  Steve Party designed some of the new Seraphon after converting his own army and Darren Latham, who is a massive Eldar fan, designed the new Avatar. 

    I’ve seen those conversion amazong looking models.

    although aren’t they part of the 40k skaven conversion, that can be found on the internet?


    2 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Btw, Ive been seeing this making the rounds:


    This seems 100% totally false. More elites than vainilla stuff? Only 10 clanrats with a box of 20 in the future? Weapon teams, which should totally be modular kits? Another assasin? No pressence of the new leaked machine? Nah.

    We’ve seen lately so manu leaks of which I’m 90% certain that most are just false.

    I mean rat avatar, or a new clawlord/ grey seer/ deathmaster on foot seems so incredoble false, when these are the newest skaven models we officially have.

    some even just barely being 2 years old (deathmaster cough.)

    1 hour ago, Verminentious said:

    So what are the most reliable rumours on skaven at the moment, any that predicted the new weapon sprue before it got leaked for example?

    Well… there are a few (officially there where I think 1-2 rumor sources) that stated there will be a new kind of artillery piece for the skaven, before it got announced.

    after the leak you had like a thousand comments or rumor sources stating that that was their prediction as well

    be  careful mate, not everybody stating their rumors to be true, truly is telling the truth.

    most seem to be more interested in becoming the big talk for the next 5 minutes before they get forgotten and left behind

  13. 1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

    Beautiful 🙂

    If you like a mini / unit and it happens to be from GW AoS or from another company and don't play in GW shops or GW tournaments you can use it for TOW or any other game you like to play.

    About the Kruelboyz, I think they actually look better ranked and on squares than on rounds. 😉 


    funnily enough, I yet have to meet or see a gw store that wouldn’t allow one to use aos models (they produced)  in tow😂.


  14. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    You all know this axe is some base decoration for a new grot hero right?

    Pr you know what.

    it’s the axe of Skaa bloodtail. (Small story part that can be found in the book queek headtaker)

    the character that never got his own model.


    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    Not sure. I can see a plastic kit like the Pegasus Hero from Bretonia:

    1) A king with 3 bearers

    2) A thane with 3 bearers

    3) 1 and 2 with a banner.

    - Scenario 4: 8th edition models stay with AoS, GW releases old sculpts for longbearers, hammerers and ironbreakers (ignire irondrakes), and this new rumour engine is a new Barak-Thryng hero. Win/win (/s)

    It’s possible.

    considering the photo gw used to share a picture of the old world treelord.

    i mean man is that model old.

    funnily enough as it is with the chaos daemon.

    the treelord comes with 2 differemt sizes of bases it can be put on.

    my guess is for those who want to use the newer released treelord that still is used

  16. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    I have zero ideas or guesses as to the relationship between AoS and TOW, but the fact that chaos warriors have an update range, now including marauders, allows TOW to differentiate them by claiming the old ranges


    1 hour ago, Peacaf said:

    There are very few TOW players who are buying AoS miniatures, first because all AoS miniatures break the scale and because of the prices.

    I see more players with 3D printing, buying old models or from other companies.

    Not to mention that the majority already have their army built.

    Well, it is true that there are a good amount of fantasy players returning with an army that they already own.

    but on the day of the release.

    I have seen as many people joining into old world.

    and next to those newer ones there are even some of the fnatasy players using the newer models.

    chaos warriors is probably the biggest example.

    i have seen so many chaos warrior player who started rebasing their entire aos warriors of chaos army onto square.

    just look anywhere on the internet and you’d be astonished how many chaos warrior aos models are currently used in old world

    and as for the ardboyz. They fit quit well.

    the bigger base sizes are incredible helpful to use those aos models in tow.

    and while some models are slightly bigger them tow equivalent, it still works astonishing well 

    after all black orks are in lore bigger orks in total

    • Like 3
  17. Just now, madmac said:

    I think that if GW wanted to completely purge dwarfs from CoS and move them to TOW they would have done it already. They certainly didn't hesitate the drop the axe on Wood Elves and Phoenix Temple even though we are still waiting for Kurnothi and Tyrion.

    Also being a primarily human army doesn't preclude sprinkling in other races for variety, even IG has Ogres and Halflings in it.

    Yeah I doubt it either.

    same reason I don’t think bonesplittaz or the beasts of chaos are going anywhere.

    most people currently tend to believe that if an army is in the old world supported it will no longer be in aos.

    and that’s kinda doubtful.

    Especially when a supported faction for tow is the chaos warrior.

    a faction that has gotten a full updated range in the last 2-3 years and is just getting its next update for their marauders.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    We also have an IDK model added to SCE in Neave's box. Unless we see a split of what is today CoS into an all (or predominantly) human faction that will build up on the Dawnbringers foundations and more cosmopolitan odl cities, I think this is the only direction. That army is still a mess of a soup and in dire need of sorting out. Too many warscrolls and too many Oldhammer kits. 

    Sure, I could be wrong, but that's how I read the signs we see at this particular moment in time.

    I mean cities had an interesting idea, yet it kinda feels like the current book kinda became a miss.

    the dawis barely fit i to the cities range amd as for the dark elves.

    I’m not certain how they aren’t part of Morathis range.

    they seem to have been fully misplaced.

    nothing against elves but the wood elves or even high elves fit so much better into the mixed cities book.

    dark elves just kinda fee like the elven kin that doesn’t except anybody else into their cities if he isn’t and Elves of their own kin 

    • Like 1
  19. Just now, madmac said:

    That's the thing that stands out to me too. It's partially a callback to old dispossessed designs, but it's more an evolution of them, like I noticed with past releases like Seraphon weapon and armor designs in stuff like their UW warband before the full release. In particular the style of gem and the square geometric shaft design are different, while the trim is very much like the 8th edition dwarf models.

    Also as I said earlier, that's no greataxe, it's too stubby. It could very well be TOW and that wouldn't surprise me but it's a lot more fun to think it something for AoS.

    Maybe, or maybe it is for aos.

    i mean the mosy interesting dwarfs I’ve so far seen are the dawis of old.

    sure we have fyreslayers (pantsless slayers)

    or the wrong doers (ko)

    but non of them are in particularly as interesting as the dispossessed 


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