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Skreech Verminking

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Posts posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. 2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    We shouldn't have any rat reveals until next week, remember warcom reveals are on mondays. This time the fantasy marine got anounced later on 2th because of festive day on brits land.

    About that, I’m amazed we haven’t seem any skaven models being revealed so far.

    not after this pole has been announcedf971dddd-6203-454f-8bab-c324ccf5ae76.jpeg.d9f0bb744a4b956f4d7a735848b7f094.jpeg

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  2. 16 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    The five people who play Bonesplittaz will be devastated at this news. 

    Well then there will more devestated  beast players then we have fyreslayer players😂

    6 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Wait, let me get this right. So The Old World doesn't have savage orcs... and now neither does Age of Sigmar? What the hell are going to do savage orc only players now?



    the savege orruks are basically hidden behind a wall of upgrades you’d have to choose for a unit of normal orks

  3. 11 minutes ago, Vakarian said:

    That sounds like an awesome project—make sure you share it! Love a good historically based Fantasy empire army, and who better than the originals??

    Thanks, as soon as the empire gets their models back I’ll happily share some pics

  4. 20 minutes ago, Vakarian said:

    Good mercenaries are always welcome! 😉

    I mean we did teach you guys to fight😂.

    so I definitely feel welcome, and about that, I’m likely going to build up a swiss Reichsläufer army for tow.

    its more of a fun project rather then something I’m trying to keep as warhammer lore accurate as possible (or swiss history accurate either way)

    Basically I’ll be combining different bricks of infantry with each having a different kantonal flag (kantons can be considered similar to what a state is in the united states).

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    I already read it, but this experience you just told makes me think it's more a question of you blaming your bad experiences on Double Turn instead of looking at the decisions in game that may have lead to said bad experience.

    That's why I wrote a game mechanism isn't bad or good in itself : to me, it's more a question of players who made bad or good decisions during the game that lead to bad experiences. Attitude play a role too ; if you're a bad sport and act like a ******, no matter the game system, the game is most likely to be experienced poorly by the player involved. And it doesn't matter if one of the players blame it on the game system itself, it will still be him deciding to play the game as he did with the attitude he had.

    Rather than blaming the game, look at yourself first. Then blame the game if you wish it so.

    I mean that’s a great point and definitely something we can consider putting into many game system,

    still that isn’t chancing my own distaste to the current existing double turn.

    like stated before I have never yet seen that tactical genius most people tend to state they have seen.

    i’ve taken part at 25 tournaments since this edition had its run and played between that around the 200ish more games (casual and competitive, although in the end it went more towards the casual direction).

    and still I have not met those conditions, maybe its because I play the wring army, list or my opponent was just playing the game wrong, very aggressively etc. 

    but in the end with all the factors I have so far seen and witnessed, I don’t like the current double turn as it is.

    that doesn’t mean I believe that it has to go outright, I personally just believe the benefits of not having the double turn or the negative of taking the double turn should be somewhat higher then it currently is.

    maybe gw has found a way to do so for 4th but without knowing or having played the fourth edition I’ll stick with the third edition and just state as the current double turn is I personally don’t like it

    (Oh and by inbetween that I mean I’ve played 200 ish non tournament/event games during the third edition +the 68 games of conpetitive games (games I participated at tournaments)

  6. 2 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Well, because most players tend to decide not to do that. Because it's basically refusing to play in the middle of the game.

    But Double Turn really has nothing to do with that. Your decisions from both alone are to be blamed.


    That may be so, but I never said I blame the double turn, just that I currently don’t like it from the experience I had.

    And if you want to know more see my first post on the double turn

  7. 48 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    So basically, Double Turn had actually nothing to do with how this game ended.

    In classic IGOUGO, you could also have decided not to move anything for 4 turns and your opponent still waiting for you to come at him. And it would have ended the same.

    It was your own decisions that made the game ended that way, not the game mechanisms themselves.

    Yep exactly like I said, I’ve never seen the things you have described.

    that example is probably the closest to what I had with my opponent not taking the double, out of fear I might double him later.

    and as you have said it if the double didn’t exist, well the outcome for at least that one game would have been the same.

    although maybe the thoughts would have been different.

    But possibilities if we would have ignored the double turn function in a long ago past time, seems to be not that easy, especially not when it has been a few years and the thoughts that we could have had if we removed a factor or added something else to the game isn’t easy to figure out without trying

  8. 13 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Let's face it, most people outside of kitchen-table-hammer aren't playing narrative though.

    I guess my club never went away from the kitchen table then😂.

    we’ve got around 20 people of 40ish that are playing 40k and aos with legacy/legend units,

    me included

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  9. On 3/13/2024 at 4:14 PM, Vakarian said:

    Hello, fellow Landsknecht aficionados! With thanks to the mod team here for opening up an Old World sub forum, let’s start tossing around some ideas for Empire lists and tactics. Has anyone been able to play a game yet? Just theorycrafting still? 

    Me, I’m just excited to put a Grand Master on a Demigryph and see what he can do along with his buddies on demis. It seems like Empire cavalry could be quite good and fun to use in Old World. 

    I’m still thinking through how to use state troops, but spears and shields on the main block with halberdier detachments (and maybe some classic archer screens) seem solid. Captains might be a must to keep Panic at bay. 

    How are you planning to play the grandest army in the Old World? 

    Say while not necessarily a landsknecht yet, can a fellow Reichsläufer join the discussion as well😜

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  10. 12 hours ago, Gailon said:

    This perspective I hear a lot and it’s just inexplicable to me. The priority adds variance that requires thought. 

    My last game encapsulates the situation with the priority I see in almost all my games. My opponent went first and in my first turn I needed to go in a way where I was prepared from him to go next (nothing crazy, that’s just you to I go). So I went forward, had screens and was careful. 

    I won priority and did not take the double. It would have been a bad decision. I gave away the turn. Now he has to take his turn aware that I could double. He plays carefully. We actually played the entire game ‘you go I go’ but the priority roll impacted the decisions we were making in an interesting way. 

    The more I play the more the priority roll has more of an impact when it isn’t resulting in a double turn. 

    priority definitely still decides outcomes of games. But when doing a post mortem on a game I can almost always point to several other rolls that had just as big a potential impact. (Like that last game I rolled a crazy armor save right out the gate that had more impact on the outcome than any of the priority rolls) 

    Well I can only talk from my own experience.

    if thats is what you have so far experience, great for you.

    I wish I could say the same thing but so far it hasn’t happened to me.

    funnily enough there was one game where my opponent gave me turn priority.

    although more for the reason that he wanted to fight me before I get to him, and I chose not to move anything for 4 turns.

    i just stood there in the backlines looking goofy at his army, while he did the same thing.

    that game ended in a draw

    it was the fastest game I ever played at a tournament in second edition

  11. 10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    No no. Steam Tanks. They were scarce in WHFB, but now they aren't anymore. I expect slight changes like this one to happen here and there to accommodate models, like the mages for example.

    I believe to have read a statement from the old world times where they basically mentioned how there are a total of 4 steam tanks in the empire, so yeah rhe production definitely i creased since then😂

  12. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    People who voted "no", with what would you replace SCE in the starter ? You need a good guy Order faction (so no DoK or IDK). Explain with which factions you would replace SCE with and why.

    Having seen stormcast getting their models edition in and out.

    I think it would be just far to give another faction the chance.

    personally my idea wouldn’t be to choose a single specific faction that replaces the stormy marines, but rather having a different faction each edition that would represent the good and evil side.

    maybe even have two armies that are neither fighting for the grand allegiance of order.


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  13. 1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

    Seriously, why not? Like every faction, there are people who like them and those, who are not interested. Only because you don't care, doesn't mean no one else does.

    Definitely although I mean more like we have seem then edition in and out.

    wouldn’t it be more interesting, especially for making up theories if another army or factions gets a chance.

    considering we have a few that could definitely use an update or some extra models, a starter with them instead of the marines wouldn’t be a bad idea in my own opinion 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Davariel said:

    I completely agree with this. It's hard to get excited about the new Liberator when it's essentially a weapon swap Vindictor with some very minor armour and shield differences (plus a slightly odd helmet), but it's ultimately a good thing for the game that the SCE range is moving towards a more cohesive, polished, and (by most accounts?) popular design.

    I mean considering the stormy marines releases.

    can one even get excited about that factions releases anymore?



    • Confused 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Luperci said:

    Very true, when I saw the leaked ratling gun sprue I did think "isn't this an older kit" before seeing otherwise

    I look at that kit and the only thought I had was, eh could  easily fit i to old world as well.


    I guess skaven are just this one awesome concept that can’t really be changed.

    truly the real poster boys of aos.


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  16. As the double turn currently is, I don’t like it.

    personally I have heard of so many people stating that it has a some what in depth tactic, yet I haven’t seen a single person ever taking the consideration of just not taking the double turn when it happened.

    this is the case for both casual and tournament level play I have seen, taken part in and witnessed.

     Currently as it stands, there is no incentive of just not taking the double turn.

    the benefits of taking it are much greater then thr negatives it comes with.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Haha, best gif for these. I remember when they first released and people called their lore like Machine Men and now they even have closer frames. 😂 



    To answer gws question,

    its not a skaven👐🏻

  18. My thoughts on the currently known 4.0 edition rules.

    personally I can’t say much it definitely has a few interesting buts that have been mentione like weapon range, battleshock etc. being removed, the double turn getting a new twist of not allowing a player to earn battle tactics, all sounds very interesting, but without any rules in my hands it pretty much stays that.


    certainly that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned of these new additions changing the game in total.

    All models being able to fight within 3 inches would mean the game could become a lot more deadlier, which in my oppinion isn’t really what I want, then again that’s coming from me not knowing what the warscrolls will look like.

    maybe we’ll ne seeing a return of the dreaded 4+ to hit stat for a lot of the warscrolls that lost it during the 3rd edition period.

    maybe will see a reduction of attacks or an increase on all safe characteristics.

    personally this is still more a mystery to me then I can state much more then that.

    as for the removal of the battleshock.

    I don’t really mind yet I do wonder if it may come back as some sort of a test to see if the unit can’t hold objectives. Which would make it a bit interesting.

    As for the double turn well I’m keen in seeing if the interest of not taking a double turn will decrease with the idea of loosing 2 or more potential victory points.


  19. 6 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    I think they mention that they only included results if there were at least some number of them. Bonesplitters just aren’t played in large numbers.


    I must say that ine guy getting 3 wins with an army most players consider unplayable, is quit amazing.

    now that’s a guy I’d like to see taking part at the next world event held by gw 

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