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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. What I meant with it was, that I am unsure, if the person who told me that, was lying, telling the truth or something similar, so literally said I’ don not know if it is something to be particularly true.
  2. Well like I said it might be false , but the only way to know if it’s right or not is more or less just waiting until the time reveals it
  3. Like I said it might be ?? could also be false alarm
  4. Well I was only joking, I hope I didnt upsad any of you guys?. anyways yes I like the fluff of the stormcast eternals as well and I also like to play against them since they are a interesting folk. Fighting in small groups of elites Warriors and not in Hordish army’s. But like all army’s have their issue, so do stormcast eternals have their share. anyways Stormcast eternals are a great army in their own way, but they really aren’t my taste so you will definitely never see me play them
  5. Let’s vote who wants a discontinuation for the stormcast eternals? (I’m am just joking?)
  6. It somehow looks like the laughter of a Moonclan greatshaman (because of the tip of it’s nose)
  7. I hope not, they already got to much. 30Battalions to choose from 19units and 18Heros. i literally don’t know any faction with its own Battletome, having so many units and Battalion to choose from. the time has definitely come for other army’s, which lack off literally everything like Slaanesh, Moonclan, Skaven (verminus, Moulder, eshin, masterclan), Grots, Gutbusters and all the other faction I forgot to mention
  8. Well I heard some rumors about a battletome coming out sooner or later. not sure if it’s true though
  9. Hi everybody, I’m not sure why most players are crying. after all , Darkling covens as well as other army’s from the old world wars are still playable, and probably will be even after 2020 in matched play the way I understand it, is more like that they wanted to give us an army, which symbolizes the old world dark elves, which is more like a little bit of added sugar for player (like me) who miss the old army’s which ones were one and not one of a thousand factions. And yes I get it that many of you guys are sad I probably would be the same, if those army’s of legends would be a discontinuation of like the whole Dark Aelves factions, like darkling coven, those Elves who ride on lizards and dragons, the privateer guys etc. There might be even a possibility, that Gw is making a Legend Battletome for every old world army’s, which would be great. So anyways don’t worry take it cool, the only army which has a high chance of loosing everything through the legend battletomes will probably be the most favored (In my opinion) Tomb Kings which is really sad since some of their miniatures look so cool (like the tomb guard riding on the skeleton snake) and the Bretonnians (it might be spelled wrong)
  10. Well I really don’t mind it too much, but it really would be cool if Gw gave them some points, so you could at least use them in a small matched play game. there might be even the possibility, that Doing something like this would bring back old Warhammer fans, and maybe just maybe be one of the most favored army amongst players. but than again it could also just be me hallucinating
  11. Yeah, an example would be the Har ganeth executioners. in 2015 they had two attacks with a 3 to hit and wound no rend and 1 damage. And for every 6 or more to hit you would have done 2mortal wounds. Now they hit a little bit worse than bevor (they only hit on 4plus now) but there Rend has been changed from 0 to -2 as well as their damage from 1 to 2 similar updates have been done with the drake spawn knights, Dreadlords and Black Guards. but the best part of all is that missile units like dark shards now hit on a 3plus instead on a 5 or more in the combat phase
  12. Let’s go a little bit further. Rats which will stab-kill you from the back?
  13. Well I wouldn’t say that the skaven are unworthy, but rather, them being very untrustworthy. we will give you battle yes-Yes, Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle must all die-Die. there can only be one true chaos God!! (and it will be the great horned one??) just wait and see-sniff when we skaven come-scurry back from beneath, and show you weakmeats, how it feels like to be overrun by a true Vermintide. ((ps: this isn’t meant as a threat or anything similar but rather more like a joke) I might have read to many skaven story’s uips?)
  14. Well there was somebody ones saying (I think it was Archaon) that the skaven are also a part of chaos But we all know the truth about the skaven having their own corruption. afterall Chaos is interested to destroy and kill everything in their way, and the skaven race is more interested in enslaving everbody, doesn’t matter if you are a part of chaos or of a different factions. the skaven race would take part of any battle fighting with or against another army doesn’t matter if the others are from the order or destruction allegiance, as long as their desires can be reached with some help of some other stupid-meatthings, which will be eaten or betrayed by the skaven afterwards. so literally said there should be a Grand alligaince skaven, since they are they are the only factions which has a Highscore when it comes to betrayal
  15. Hi everybody, has there been any rumors about a skaven or Grot release lately?
  16. That would be nice?? (giving skaven some love, which they really needed.) (((hopfully they’ll do the same to other faction like for example ((((moon clan, Wanderers, etc.)))) ??)))
  17. Skreek Skulltaker Warlord of clan Mors, hates Greenthings and Aelvethings.
  18. I never really Rage quit Warhammer aos, but stopped playing it for a wile, since the Modells didn’t hade any points value, and playing 100clanrats against 100Stormvermin (for example) just wasn’t really fair and fun. but I probably will rage quit in 5years, if Gw won’t give some love to old factions, like highelfs, skaven etc. (I’m still waiting for a Verminus allegiance, or a Battletome for just all Skaven units)
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