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Posts posted by Honk

  1. 25 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Can you pick red? No, obviously not.

    True, but turn that around…

    1. can’t choose red

    2. choose any color you want

    and then, that’s the kicker, sprinkle 

    Rule 1.6.3 (the Second ability trumps first) over it aaaand voilà „red, please“

    And of course the „cannot shoot this turn“ points directly at UH, because the trigger is the enemies movement phase 🙄 what else shoots during enemies turn 🤔 (skinks iirc).

    one additional sentence could have prevented pages of heated discussion and infectious spittle flying over the table screaming at the opponent.

    Best rules ever, clear and concise, sadly my Gravelords will suffer for it.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, stratigo said:


    "We can't know the intent of the rules"

    The literal writer of the rule "Here is what I intended"

    …then why didn’t you write it down like that? 

    Rule 1.6.3: in case of contradiction, the 2nd ability overrules the 1st

    1st: …but you can’t shoot later this turn

    2nd: You are hereby permitted to shoot in this phase…


    and this is how you write rules for highly competitive people, who think they play the „casualties go into the fire pit, winner gets 20k and the remaining models of the losers army“ variation of AoS


    just to throw some dirt at the poor guy, whose apparently one&only slip in etiquette and sportsmanship was broadcasted worldwide 🤣

    and this dumpsterfire of heated discussion is as old as 3.0, so they could/should have had the time to faq a quick: c’mone cheesemongers, of course u can’t have both… 

  3. On 7/18/2021 at 7:15 AM, Kaizennus said:

    still enjoying myself but advice would be welcome!

    First what @Warbossironteef said…  a bit too „all over the place“, think about things that will crush / concern your opponent. And if you can built 2 maybe 3 little  „deathstars“ your opponent will be pressed for right target priority.


    if the shooting is too oppressive, maybe you can wedge in the palisade 🤔

  4. 11 hours ago, SpectralHunter said:

    I am half hoping for a BOC or a Chaos dwarves book as if they do Skaven then they will need a massive line refresh.

    Chaos Dwarves vs. Skaven…

    enough of this monster magic mayhem, let’s build some rockets, cannons and crazy machines and see who invents the fines boom for your buck 


    Legions for the win

    • Like 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, Virtus-XIV said:

    Could make unleash hell -2 to hit, so you’d have to work harder to negate the modifier.

    My flayers just do mortals and the real trouble seems to be the LRL Sentinels, fishing for 5+ mortals or some crazy warpflamethrowers… leaving a „normal“ attacking unit in tatters

    personal preferences aside, -2 to hit? If they want overwatch, do overwatch… on a roll of 6, maybe specialists on 5+. Or you’re allowed to choose to use your ranged profile during melee. First shooting and then also doing melee? That’s more then the charging unit does

  6. 4 minutes ago, azdimy said:

    s probably me stigmatising the 40k crowd

    Naah, just the NRA part of AoS… there probably are some Khorne Players wandering the warp or stuff

    I Never see a problem with my FEC or LoN (SGBL) cheese. 

    finetuned, nicely balanced and easy on the opponent… then I regenerated my squads up to full and continue to crush them *chefs kiss*

    it‘s a buff for shooting, and some of them lists are hard to play against, sooo… internet rage 


    • Like 1
  7. Since, to my knowledge, we haven’t seen big tournaments yet, I guess it‘s all „cry wolf“ up to now.

    I can’t wait for some poor gloomspite to charge into my flayer brickwall or marauders or whatever low bravery needs to die with burst eardrums…

    I remember a time where my 40 skellis were the immovable object a nobody knew how to deal with it 

    „unleash hell“ is just another factor in the cheese equation and as balanced or unbalanced as all of AoS.
    My Flesh Eaters always struggled against relevant shooting, kurnoth hunters oneshooting my imba King on gheist, karadron clowncar wrecking my heroes… FEC or LoN I always had troubles protecting my heroes and needed to work around it. We once had a skyfire meta, which I had the doubtful fun to get my cheeks forcefully clapped by.

    Which doesn’t mean the gristlegore GkoTg or eel-spam are fun to play against, same goes for Kroak…

    every book has certain builds, that hard counter others or are just more competitive than your funny fluff list (LoBlood Moral-Debuff was a nice try) and Sun-Tzu (m/w/d) will leave you outflanked and 30 points behind end of round two no matter what you field.

    Lumineth have never seen a big tournament if I recall, Nurgle kindly prevented that.

    redeploy and unleash hell are serious options, that need to be closely monitored, but I think there is counterplay, even if it might not be fun (scoring&dying) and that might force you to decide against the heroic epic cinematic last stand and retreat from combat to score objectives.


    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    some flayers


    thinking about :

    2xRegent, GkoTg ,Infernal

    2x6 Flayer,10ghouls ( 120pts left)

    against hordes the stampede or maybe chalice and barricade. Warlord and Vanguard Battalion 

    Lots of spells, lots of summoning, fast and brutal

  9. 27 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Here's the core rules,

    The Horror…😱🙀😱.                   (Thx)

    But that leaves options for command/vanguard/warlord play 🤔 and the option to field 5+

    I tried menagerie in 2.0, it was fun but not competitive…. looks the same now, awesome game, great fun, but probably not too high up in scoring

  10. On 7/13/2021 at 11:08 PM, Liquidsteel said:

    Terrorgheists and Zombie Dragons lose their Behemoth status,

    🤔 I thought they only don‘t count against the behemoth limit… faq20 so you could built 2k lists with 5-6 TGs

    the loss of exploding 6s is a bummer, but maybe it puts the ZD in better spot against the TG.

    but a regent, ghast, gkozd with 3x10 ghouls and three Tgs and cogs could go all the courts with summoned hero support.

    In blisterskin with +4“ movement and +2“ charge

    in gristlegore the ZDs get a buff and you could go crazy, throw out the ghouls and get another beauty, throw out the ghast (chalice) or make him wizzard-general 🤔

    I don’t know about battalions

    don’t think Tg/Zd count as troops for the warlord battalion. Linebreaker and Vanguard are doable 🧐 should still be fun


  11. 4 hours ago, Obeisance said:

    I suspect I'm going to be heading down the Vyrkos path .

    Just don't know how dudespammy I need to go.

    I think the core of my list is going to be

    Not sure I like them in Vyrkos, though.

    I don't think I like ... or …, instead?

    I don't know if I'll actually pay points for…

    QfT 😹

    I‘m juggling and thinking and scrapping too, sadly not playing - fuNurgle

    but hopefully things start to get normal again and we can try out what we are scribbling down. Really interested for the first 3.0 cutthroat events, to see where the meta went and how people tried to counter 🤔 

  12. 3 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    I won't name names, but there are some people on this forum who are very vocal and speak with great confidence and authority about balance issues


    Hov dareth he questhion meh authorithy? Imperthenth vool… meh tacthical acumen vill slaughter thee 👻

    5 hours ago, Obeisance said:

    I'm genuinely worried that I won't be able to handle top meta armies.

    All is new in AoS 3.0, even Nagash lists are discussed again 😹

    so caution yes, playing WAAC is brutal, but fear and despair? No

    SBGL has gotten a lot of fancy tools to ruin your opponents fun, grandma’s lycanthropy spell, 6“ pile in ninja zombies, riders of ruin to retreat&charge… 

    It might not be too obvious, the choices not forced (take eels&win, teclis&sentinels, kraok&skinks), which makes it tricky to find&use the sweet spot combo of units-buffs-playstyles-objectives-counters, but once you found your „best suited for me“ composition, your opponent needs to adapt and adjust and might not have the right tools for the task at hand…


  13. 5 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    If I did compromise and went for the Coven Throne, what synergies exist around that?

    1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's main draw is the ridiculous command ability. +1 to hit, wound and save

    Model wise you could go crazy with old tomb king mummies… the handmaiden could be tossed for other lackeys.

    as stated above, the CT has a very nice buff CA, and the spell is a neat trick in a tight situation. Not really much damage, not really tough, but pretty fast…

  14. 2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    do you think this is enough distinction as not to get confusing?

    Guess that depends on your opponent…

    wouldn‘t mind, since the models are very easily distinguishable, but if someone tries to be complicated 🤔

  15. 14 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    likely won't be playing at all until then.

    If you’ll ever end up in Far North Germany, I‘ll happily play against your „imba fantasy“ rules


    but to be honest „insert Khorne-Tourette here“ GW can’t write rules to save their lives

    and then one has to read through „YouTube’s how to win an argument“ Latin fancy and step-children Darwin rule inheriting and still under Core rule 14.5 last sentence „MWs are allocated in the same way as wounds and are treated in the same manner as wounds for rules purposes.“ 

    I guess the move from 4 pages of rules to 44 pages, a ghbXX and a battletome with each having a faq and a design commentary didn’t make for an easy to play wargame 🙈🤣👻

  16. You might just go for 20+20 and if you’ll really want the big blender mob, just sprinkle in some shield guys…

    the greatweapon vs shield discussion started when Nagash invented them and us still undecided…

    • Haha 2
  17. Not for free, but pretty cheap…

    Lost Kingdom Miniatures


    they also have Atztekian Ruins, and other stuff,

    the Ishar Gate is printed at 25%, so will end up being huge, the towers have stairs inside.


    another thing, also not 4free, but cool:

    printable scenery 





  18. 47 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    somehow, mortal wounds are left out of the ability.

    While I think, that this is one of those fatal RAW vs RAI mess up,

    I would love for GDubs to implement „damage“ instead of the wound/mortal wound distinction. That would make things a lot easier and clearer…

  19. 9 hours ago, Emissary said:

    They would not want to repackage all that.  

    Or they just wouldn’t…

    I still got direwolves on square bases two years ago 

    but there are a lot of infantry on 24mm bases, so a general switch to 28mm would be kinda stupid and the uproar a sight to behold.
    Almost as stupid as measuring in inch and defining base sizes in mm, but that’s just my metric talk 🤣

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  20. 5 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    The problem with unleash hell is that it is very devastating and supremely easy to execute, yet there is little counterplay.

    The FEC threat confirms, that 20 chaos marauders might not get into combat with 6 Flayers… (Roll 2d6-bravery= MWs scream per model 😱)

    10 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    players can feel powerless while the opponent decimates

    QfT +1000 

    and one of the most fundamental problems in all games, especially cross-compared to player abilities and faction tier…

    played an undead horde against Kroak on vortex and starpriest… all was kinda ok, but my necromancer couldn’t get his magic buffs off, cause kroak said „nope“ and my skeleton and zombiehordes got crushed by „roll for each model, mw on 5+“ then some character sniping comet spells from orbit…

    you drive an hour, set up the game and after 15 seconds of glancing over his list, you’ll know you’re outmatched.

    I did the same in a 1k game, Azgorh vs tzeentch, small table, brought a Death shrieker launcher and the quake mortar, his heroes were dead in round two…


    but I fear, that there is no real solution, because back in the days of old flesh eater court, we were crying, moaning and loosing… then along came iirc Ben Souza placing 5th in a big event 

    some lists are pretty tough to deal with on beginner - advanced level, because they are straightforward, but don’t really score on the waac-cutthroat level. Like old frosthorn lists: Run forward, throw snowballs, charge and crush things… easy win

    not sure if they ever won or top 5 in any big event.


    The armies are too divers and there are too many aspects/phases that matter to really balance the game for EVERY 2k list, against every 2k enemy. Not even considering skill levels or battleplans.

    I think with all the extra rules and objectives, the rules have become unwieldy for new players, even more things to consider and more details to manage, although it opens up a lot of potential maneuvers, that lets you compete against a stronger list, if you are the stronger player and/OR get a favorable battleplan.

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