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Posts posted by Overread


    Please remember the site rules regarding the posting of copyright content: 

    Posting Copyrighted Content
    Please refrain from posting photos of copyright material. This might take the form of photos of a battletome, rulebooks (even those not yet published) or links to this type of content on external websites. This includes rules, models, artwork etc...  
    Special note - we are aware that unpublished material released in advance of publication is often very popular as rumour material. Whilst we expect users to continue to follow the rules regarding such material, we are more lenient when taking disciplinary action regarding this matter. 


    I fully appreciate how exciting a new Slaves to Darkness battletome is and the leaked models are looking awesome, but please lets remember to avoid posting copyright material. I'm very sure we'll get some official GW information over the coming days, either a warcom article or even part of the new reveals coming next week. So we hopefully won't have long before we see official great photos and images of all the new stuff. 

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  2. I see creator names I recognise!! :)


    karolrudykart makes some outstanding models, but most of their dragons are limited resin releases. So if you don't jump on them pretty quick they will be gone for good - eg I'm fairly sure that one in the first post is already sold out. They've done STL releases before and did a very good job of the models for that so there's hope that one day they might do a dragon stl! 

    Creature Caster do some really really great resin casting. I've got one of their demons and I REALLY want to get hold of their huge Necromancer Dragon one day!! 

    Avatars of War do some neat stuff, can be a bit heavy handed on the presupports, but the models are generally good!

    Lost Kingdom do a LOT of stuff and I'm itching to back them they just need to make a new army I like the look of (I already will likely grab some of their saurus ones at some stage).

    Clay Beast Creation is fast becoming one of my favourite creators! Really great sculpting and very high resolution stuff in general too. 

    Bestiarium do a lot of really dark stuff, very Dark Souls Gothic in theme and design. A lot of blood and guts and strange monsters. Loads of fun and really great model sculpting and supporting too

    Lord of the Print are one of my favourites and they've been messing with doing armies/larger ranges of models; though they are most famous for their dragons! 

    Clay Cyanide are doing a bunch of a lot of things and are really famous for following themes of non-western mythologies at their core. Though they've also been dabbling with some infantry/army blocks as well. 



    There are many many many more! 
    Also I'd say its well worth checking out One Page Rules. They are doing a LOT of models now and their quality has grown a lot since they started. They are putting out whole armies in 3-4 month blocks and doing two at a time along with terrain and a bunch of other stuff. Really solid model designs - heck I'm already sort of starting a Beastman army because I loved their take on the theme. 


    And since this is a topical thread about it I figure its safe for a tiny bit of self promotion: https://printhunter.org
    If you're interested in 3D printing check the site out, I am to cover a lot of the monthly releases that go out. Plus there's a few articles on the subject that I'm steadily adding too (one on temperature, just released one on health on safety and the next is likely file management and organisation tips). Granted this all assumes you own a 3D printer, but as noted above most of the patreons/stl makers have merchant tiers and options for companies to buy to then print so you can often take the name of the model and creator and hunt around to find a reputable person to print them for you.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm surprised to see plastic going en-mass like this. Perhaps the situation at GW's factory isn't as good as we might think*. Then again they've got this big 30K release coming up so that might be in anticipation of that going utterly bonkers in terms of ordering volume. 



    *in terms of power supply issues and worker issues with regard to covid safe work practice


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  4. Range Rotation, a method of restriction which models are currently in production for a model line, has been used by GW for some years with Middle Earth; began earlier this year for 40K (predominantly finecast models); and now has come to Age of Sigmar. A bit of a surprise, esp as the models chosen are plastics from the Underworlds Model line so far.


    Right now the models listed are predominantly all of the previous seasons of Underworlds:

    Stormcast: Stormsire's Cursebreakers
    Stormcast: Steelheart Champions
    Stormcast: The Farstridres
    Khorne Garrek's Reavers
    Fyreslayers The Chosen Axes
    Skaven Verminus Spiteclaw Swarm
    Ironjawz Ironskull's Boyz
    Gloomspite Gitz: Mollog's Mob
    Gloomspite Gitz: Zarbag's Gtiz
    Slaves to Darkness Godsworn Hunt
    Tzeentch: Eyes of the Nine
    Rippa's Snarlfangs
    Nurgle: The Wurmspat
    Morgwaeth's Blade Coven
    The Grymwatch
    Mayari's Purifiers
    Hrothgorn's Mantrappres
    ~Grashrak's Despoilers
    Morgok's Krushas
    The Dread Pageant
    Korne Bloodbound Magore's Fiends
    Deathrattle Sepulchral Guard
    Skaeth's Wild Hunt
    Nighthaunt: Thorns of the Briar Queen

    Remember all these sets have rules in their respective Battletomes for their factions and they are legal in games. In addition they are some great creative models and can be just as good as a counts as leader or their own unit. They are also not being removed, range rotation comes with the expectation that GW will put them back in stock in the future, if only for short print durations. 



    So if you want these models I suggest hunting them down; if you are lucky some might still be out there with their respective card sets if you want them for Underworld. 

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  5. Naw I wouldn't like that. I'd rather see DoK get something distinct. Our avatar is just a modest animated construct which I think fits the DoK ok. I'd rather see a dragon or huge shadow beast or elemental or some huge mythological beast take the role. 


    With manticore and hydra already around either one of those could be updated and added to DoK without much trouble. Another angle would be adding something else from Greek inspiration. Although things like lions and bulls are already around the mortal realms for other forces (then again "high" elves did lose their lions - prime time for the DoK to get a force of lionesses - or hyenas) 

  6. I don't see any merger with Malarion - though I can see him ending up a bit like Exodites in 40K - always mentioned but never appearing in model form. It IS strange that we've had armies like Ossiarchs (who are fantastic and need more models please GW) but nothing for the Shadow Aelves who rule most of an entire Realm. That said I'm sure they will come at some point. 


    • Like 3
  7. First let me say that I think the DoK models look fantastic in the new Underworld set as do the Skaven!

    I think the reason there's some "eh" over the DoK is because they are so very similar ot the Warcry set to the point where they almost look like just alternate sculpts. We are more used to Underworld giving us something "new" within armies. Either a model that's way more fancy than regular or which is totally unique. Meanwhile these feel like they are of the same/similar calibre to the Warcry models. They don't feel unique/fresh.


    Considering that DoK keeps getting drip fed things but never a big chunky second wave of models, I do end up wondering if GW doesn't know quite what to do with DoK; and it could be one or more things


    1) Perhaps its popular financially, but no one on the design team really likes them enough to go wild with the creative ideas. To flesh out war engines, additional troop and cavalry types; to add shadow demons/beasts and more. Or the person who carries the torch hasn't got many ideas beyond what's already there.

    2) GW already has most  of the Dark Elf army present in AoS, mostly in Cities of Sigmar. The only thing they are missing is one or two hero models and the reapeater bolt thrower; otherwise its pretty much all there. So perhaps GW kind of feels like just putting them back together as they were. Thing is DoK are popular on their own and have a very distinct style and theme. 

    I wonder if this is why GW "soft" allied them in the last expansion book. Testing the waters to see if people really did want to just make Dark Elf armies again or if DoK are able to fully stand on their own. 

    3) GW doesn't know where to take DoK. They've creative ideas nad a good place in the story, but no real plan for how to evolve and advance them. So they are kind of "stuck" which is made worse by the fact that the army already performs well so it doesn't really "need" anything else. Part of this being reinforced by AoS having very few unit niches within itself. Just artillery hero, troop and monster. They don't even separate cavalry (and cavalry style units) into their own category. This is in contrast to 40K which has way way more unit divisions and niches within those divisions. 

    • Like 9
  8. They are certainly at their best when most of the contents are new because then they appeal to new and existing gamers. When the content is one or two new things and mostly older stuff they aren't as appealing. Eg when GW did the new Banshee boxed set there were 2 new model sets (leader and troops) but the rest of Eldar were really old plastic vehicle kits. Fantastic for new people, but really not much use for existing fans who already have more than enough of both falcons and vypers. 

    The current AOS set shows this well too. The new Daughter of Khaine leader is great, but I only need her as a new model and only sisters of slaughter to compliment my forces. I don't need any more horse riders nor khinerai - even if they are amazing models. 


    The more new stuff the more interesting the set, otherwise I'm hunting ebay for a good deal on a split set. 

  9. The thing I hate about the duel boxes is most of the time I only want half. So I have to go find someone to swap contents with, then post them stuff and have them post me stuff. So whilst I CAN get a good deal on it, it would have been easier if GW just cut the price in half and sold me half the contents. 



    Also its strange because GW puts all this effort into a small battle system and cards and counters to go in the box too, but its all a waste. Totally new people are more tempted by getting started sets and such, the duel boxes are kind of marketed right toward semi-new army builders and current customers. So they really aren't after a side small skirmish game. Esp if they only want one force. 

    I'd welcome them doing more single boxes in short runs. Cut out the book and card content, just focus on models. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's just "wounds allocated", not "wounds allocated that turn". Otherwise, I think it would be extremely hard to ever pull off.

    But I would still value this ability lower than the usual "Once per battle, 1d3 mortals". Because you are never going to pull this off more than once per battle, and it's probably overall slightly worse than mortal wounds (better when it triggers, but won't always trigger even if you are in range). I like it as a piece of flavour on a buff hero, though.

    Ahh you are right! I'd got into my heard that it was a one turn thing, but you are right. 

    It still remains a finisher move, but yep its a bit more practical than I'd originally envisioned. 

  11. Remember its the wounds characteristic not the current number of wounds left. 

    So the model could have a lot of wounds and be only 1 wound from death before the ability triggers, but unless the total wounds allocated that turn, plus the D3 roll are equal or greater, then it won't do anything. 

    It's basically a finisher move that's useful IF you are aiming to target either a small hero model with few wounds; or a model with a lot of wounds that you are ganging up on for the turn. That said I do agree its not a game changer, and its different to allocating mortal wounds at the end because unless the clause is true, then the ability does nothing. 


    I do think it sounds powerful and might have some tactical uses in niche situations ,but its more likely to be a boon than something you build around. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

    Everyone is tiny compared to GW though on the model making front right? The only real competition GW has is 3D printing and their response to that is constant price raising 

    3D printing is supremely niche and comes with its own long list of issues. 

    It's fantastic but its not the golden egg some make it out to be. 


    As for model competition my understanding is that within wargaming no one comes close to GW in terms of size and influence. Historical games aren't as big, but don't seem to directly compete (they don't even seem to market much either its a sort of enigma of its own that kind of survives on geeks turning 50 and suddenly wanting to do WW2 games and historical).

    One model group that IS bigger is Gundam models and that whole market segment, but its a very Asian market and whilst its making more inroads into the west, its not a big thing. It's also a different market in that it focuses on collectors rather than on gamers. 

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  13. Josh left working for BL to work on other projects. It's also clear that BL has an author issue because many of their big writers are trapped with long running series or strong established 40K works and no one has stepped into the boots Josh left. He "got" the AoS setting really well and he produced a lot of work. Heck looking at the upcoming books you can see AoS is suffering and it seems to be the only thing selling is Gotrek and the odd release tie-in book. Otherwise there really aren't any long running series or stuff being made for AoS like there is for 40K. 

    There's a lot of newer authors doing short stories, but not as much for AoS. Heck the last 3 or so "Black Library Days" have hardly had more than a handful of AoS books appear at them, if any (I think at least one of them had nothing). 

    AoS needs GW central to invest in BL to establish strong writers (and new ones of course) writing series again. 


    Of course if you want fantasy BL is still doing collected editions of Old World stories and has done really well at collecting them together into single publications/ebooks. Though there's still, at the speed they are going, around 2 years worth of them to come. 

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  14. I kinda sorta wish GW would do some terrain that isn't ruins 


    ALSO A freaking huge chunk of bone and not a single ossiarch - criminal!!

    Overall a good update! I'm kind of worried that this new expansion book for AoS is a bit light right now, one DoK Character and a Nighthaunt chunk of models that feels like a new Battletome for them is right around the corner, almost makes it feel like the book might get skipped over. I wonder if it means there might be something more, another model or two for another army. 


    Also curious that 3rd ed was supposed to focus heavily on the Destruction faction and yet Nighthaunt are getting a good big chunk in this early book and they were a big focus in 2.0. 


    The new boat looks fantastic! High detail and creative and will look awesome on the table :)

    • Like 2
  15. This is your late night reminder - LAST DAY to Order CURSED CITY at the original price in the made to order deal. Remember this also runs through 3rd party stores not just GW. It will come back later, however GW have said that its later return will likely be at a higher price. 

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    • Confused 1
  16. Naw, GW's marketing is just very direct and once something is out that's it its time to move onto the next hotness for the next release. They don't want to just be spewing Cursed City for the next 2 weeks and smother all other releases that they've got going. 


    And I think a few stores estimate deliveries in June. In general Made ot Order works well, if it takes longer it takes longer that's all there is really. 

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  17. 3 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I don't disagree, per se. However, its worth noting that quite a lot of people do in fact knit their own clothing for fun and customisability, even if it would perhaps be cheaper to just buy one (and they do that most of the time). 3D printing fits that same niche.

    Exactly. As I see it right now 3D printing won't replace GW or PP or any of the main production methods en-mass. What it does do is provide an outlet for alternative models and products. Heck already its done a huge amount in making large scale and bust models far more accessible than they've ever been in the past. Which purely feeds the artistic not the gamer model market and drives interest in it way up above what it was before. 


  18. 3D printing is interesting but its still got a LONG way to go


    Right now domestic, home, production is super niche and is a hobby in itself. The process is still a long way from "plug and play" levels of readiness and some elements, such as the high toxicity of the resin, might be unavoidable (the golden goose in 3D printing right now is finding an ecologically and human safe printing resin). That in effect locks it out of the child to young teenage market unless their parents are already geeks and into the hobby themselves. 
    Then you add on that you've got to monitor temperature, humidity (which isn't yet well understood how it affects printers and resin); exposure settings; deal with failing supports; deal with supports that are too light or too thick; failures and more. Heck even if you get it plug and play the clean-up can be worse than a regular cast resin, metal or plastic model. The sculptors also need a huge amount of maturity because so many come from video and art backgrounds and are totally oblivious to the mechanics of a model at a practical level. There's a lot of super thick capes that need not be and super thin swords that will print but are so fragile that even with a tough resin they will snap with regular play. 


    At the commercial level its broadly broken into two groups as I see it. One group charge way under the market value for models, but they are small time producers and mostly hobby level traders. Chances are if they earn they earn little more than enough to pay for a few hobby purchases and some might well be actually losing money. They won't see it because the money comes in in just enough of a block that they feel like they are earning; but in actuality they are likely spending way more man hours or spending out more than they have coming in. 

    Next level up you've got those runing a business, but the prices are honestly not that far off regular models. See the thing is 3D printing has labour elements to it and the actual process is very slow. The only way you can speed up right now is by buying more printers and that means more labour and maintenance and upkeep on those machines (screens give out, feps need replacing etc....). Meanwhile regular casting methods are faster and honestly more reliable (excepting finecast). Plastic injection moulding is even faster and things like the plastic injection silicon mould machines getting onto the market are far more efficient for production at a larger scale. 

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  19. One of the larger barriers for the competition which is often overlooked is the distribution system. Right now its my understanding that the big distributor companies (the ones that ship and sell things to retailers) don't like to buy stuff unless its the "new hotness". Fresh new releases like a new model or army or game are easier to sell them on; but wargames often require the continual supply of older stock. Core games, starting factions and such all require a steady support of existing models not just the newest. This can mean that a local store can find it hard to stock the regular and the new products to keep interest in game going. Because the distributor doesn't really want to buy a lot of starter sets that are a year or more "old" just to tick over the supply for new gamers. 


    GW beats this because they've their own online shop with regional distribution hubs and their own stores in many countries. They can step away from the entire 3rd party market if they wanted and still make good profit from selling direct. 



  20. Old stuff and new works, at least if the old stuff is comparable in size to the new models that replace them. So if its just more of a material change that's fine; but if the difference is more like the Space Marines to Primaris its less useful. 

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