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Posts posted by Carnith

  1. Allegiance: Slaanesh
    - Host: Lurid Haze Invaders Host (Host of Chaos)
    Keeper of Secrets (340)
    - General
    - Ritual Knife
    - Command Trait: Feverish Anticipation
    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (250)
    - Artefact: The Rod of Misrule
    The Masque (130)
    - Host Option: General
    Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (150)
    Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (260)
    - Host Option: General
    11 x Blissbarb Archers (160)
    11 x Blissbarb Archers (160)
    5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (140)
    5 x Slickblade Seekers (200)
    5 x Slickblade Seekers (200)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 112

    Was thinking of this for a list. Realizing that lurid haze offers us 2 different +1 saves really makes us really defensible. Sigvald is rocking the +1 save for himself from the lurid haze, but another unit still has access to the saves. Rod of Misrule here for additional CP to fuel the save machine. One keeper cause double keeper is just for redundancy. 

    For spells... I'm actually somewhat thinking of not taking some lore spells from slaanesh. I kind of want the +1D on the Chariot instead of standard heals. Healing probably still goes on the keeper. I did think about flaming weapon on keeper for her sword attacks though. Shard Speaker might get the Smokey Ruins spell, though the herald might want the smokey ruins spell to help her not die since she doesn't have look out sir. 

    Looking at universal artefacts, the 5+ after save is really good, but hard to fit in. I could fit two warlord battalions if I drop sigvald for two basic heralds.

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  2. Alright, looking through everything, here are my general thoughts. 

    We will have a lot of CP in an invaders force, but with some of the builds that I see, we might struggle to get use of all the CP that we can gather, though definitely in a better spot that many other armies that will struggle with the 2-3 they get in a turn. 

    Abilities that are on warscrolls that might've seemed like a waste are actually in a better spot. Reroll saves on myrmadesh is in a better state due to all out defense adding the +1 saves to give them a 3+ RR. Having rerolling charges on a fair bit of our units allows us to take the charge CA for a unit that can't get access to it. 

    Coherency doesn't hurt as much as I'd thought. We were taking a lot of msu anyways with the exception of daemonettes, so our reinforcement points don't really hurt here. Archers are still in a little weird spot with coherency but they will be fine. Fiends fall under the weird coherency formation to get all of their attacks in, but atleast have 2" reach on tails. 

    Big buffs in the form of the trigger effects. Nearly all of our models have a trigger on 6 to hit (archer units excluded for their main attack), so we will always get to trigger our 2 hits ability. To help with archers, getting a priest in the army (warshrine is a bit expensive, but if your local allows AoA heroes, you could make a cheap priest) to get curse off on a unit allowing our archers to deal mortal wounds. Though I could still see some units that while double taps are good, some units might want to just deal mw's instead. I'm thinking like herald chariots that might rather just spike a bunch of gaurenteed mws over 2 hits. Slicks, I think, want the 2 hits since they can still do mws on the wound roll. 

    Battle Tactics go against our army play style, a shame really. 

    A fun interaction that could happen is with the Harp Herald. If she makes someone reroll into double 1's she could make them take 2d3 mortal wounds. That can be huge, though very unlikely. 

    Monster rules are very helpful to allow the keeper or one of the twins some mw's on the charge. Same thing with Arcane Bolt. You could hold it on an exalted herald chariot, charge for some mortal wounds, and then at start of combat, set off the arcane bolt for 2d3 mw's against a unit. 

    Hero interactions will hopefully help us keep monsters in the game. With more msu units, death star units might not have as much support, so you are less likely to come across a unit with 40 models that can just instant kill you. Also we will still have our horde killer spell to help here. 

    Battleshock. This still hurts, but Syll'Esske and Glutos being in the army for mortals is pretty much needed.

    This was some of the positives I thought of. Some of the negatives though...

    Keeper stonks still on the downcurve. One CA per phase hurts taking multiple keepers since they cannot make them both pile in and fight twice.

    Twinsouls might struggle with more armies having access to 1-2 ways to increase save with twinsouls having still no rend, but to add one more positive, they can get atleast to 3/3 with rerolling hits. 

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  3. I would hope Anvil just goes into every new battletome. Let the GHB be where the main content of AoA goes with universal abilities, classes, weapons, but then let the books dive deeper. Imagine a Khorne AoA section allowing your own custom slaughterpriests or making your own Herald. 

  4. I'm expecting total rewrites on most endless spells. Some spells cannot simply exist as is with double movement. Our wheels spell will shred. Mirror has double the chances to delete enemy heroes. 

    Glutos and Archaon will be popular in chaos armies simply for being tanky to help control a potent endless spell. Imagine taking purple sun with Glutos and he can just the punches as it whirls around deleting models. 

  5. Maybe we will finally get an update to lore in our next book... in 2-3 years. While we have a model designer that absolutely loves us as a faction, but lore writers and designers don't know what to do with us. I know we're not the good guys, but perhaps the literal children of Slaanesh should've maybe had a win against the witch hunters or against the city. 

    None of the other named characters is a waste too, made it seem like a build up that led to no where. We could've had a new host or perhaps new subhosts for Glutos and Sigvald.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Some Grimdark Live hot takes

    1  will be fast moving and sneaky.

    2 They will be playable in Warclans via Big Waagh! but also get there own Battletome. their source didn't specify this though

    3 Hobgrot wolf riders and more warmachines.

    4 Chaos Dwarfs will come. They will not be named Chaos Dwarfs.

    they have more information down the line that they are keeping to themselves for the moment,

    Point 1 is implied with the whole swamp hidden in shadows teaser they did when the army was still unknown. My thoughts will be either a swamp terrain piece (please no) or they will designate 3 or d3 pieces as swamps and can deepstrike from them. In terms of foot speed, I expect 5" movement, similar to the built for speed bonesplittaz.

    Point 2 was said in the live stream. They called out their own book and that they will be playable in warclans.

    Point 4 was also implied when they said hobgrots also deal with "dark masters". 


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  7. Very lord of the rings orcs here. 

    Weird proportions, but might just work for them. 

    Grots here have major nurgling energy, kinda cute. 

    I hate hobgrots though.

    Glad to see they can go into big waaagh, wonder if we will see points for them there for how they generate Waaaagh points. 

  8. Just now, Overread said:

    Thing is if you give them abilities which only work when the other is on the field, then the point cost for them has to include those abilities as well. At which point there's the problem that whenever you take just one, you are paying for abilities that you cannot use. It starts to remove the choice of taking one alone and makes it a default "non-option" and makes the choice of "take both" into the default answer. 

    The only way they could do it is if taking both came at a different point cost to gain the joint abilities; but that's a bit fiddly and AoS has never really gone in for granular unit based point upgrades like that. 

    You can make it a battalion then that includes the two of them, granted, that might be going away, but it was an option.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I will agree, 2 spells per turn at least would fit giving that character access to pretty much every Slaanesh spell there is. Having a huge toolbox but perhaps only getting to actually use a small number of actual spells per game is strange. Then again having a cheaper wizard who can fit any wizard role (support, debuff, attack) isn't bad either. A lot is going to come down to what points these two have. 

    We know the points. 260 and 280. I want to say Dexcessa has 280.

  10. I don't end up buying the whole "this book is designed for third!" because then what of the other 3 books? Were they not designed for third edition? If not, why just this one? Kind of crappy to just change design plans from 2nd with 3 books, to 3rd with the last. And if the others are designed for third in mind, then they clearly felt everything released was in line with it, including 600 point morathi. 

    The twins needed some sort of buff if the other existed on the field. How cool would it be if Synessa gained bonuses to cast and additional spells if it's sibling was there. And Dexcessa could have +2 attacks or perhaps a feel no pain. Or imagine that they end up sharing a life pool and buffs. 

    Overall, I just feel that we continue to get uninspiring writers. Though I am glad Dexcessa didn't get a +1 bravery buff.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Ulfast said:

    So as In starting to Read the armybook I notice One strange thing: why dont we have a Hero on a stead? Seems like something we should have...

    Honestly one of the biggest offenses. The Lord of Snake was pretty iconic for slaanesh. 

    As purposed in the past, I want a tri kit. Make some named jabroni on mount, a melee fighter, and a caster. 

    The named character is purely so we can finally do 8 named characters in a 2500 point army. 

    Also, does anyone think the twins are going to have the added mention of being considered your general if they are a part of the army? 

  12. 14 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    Also CoS has a lack of chaff so when I use my old Wanderers it's something that forces me to be aware for deployment and movement.

    Maybe if you only limit yourself to the wanderers, but Cities as a whole has a ton of chaff. Freeguild Guard, Corsairs, and Flagellents are plenty cheap enough to chaff for the army, they just don't fit the wanderers theme. 

  13. It makes it really hard to figure out what I want to do with Slaanesh moving forward. I still plan to rep the god of excess, so the army isn't going away, but knowing what I want to buy is the struggle. I recently purchased two more myrmadesh kits, either to make some twin souls, but I struggle to be inspired. 

    Building towards the battalion may not be the best goal as it could be going away, so I may just sit on them until the twins come out and return them and get both twins.

    I almost want a third seeker kit instead cause painting seekers is kinda fun and I could use some blissbarb seekers, but damn that last seeker in the book for being a real pain to build, at least as a slick blade.  

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  14. 2 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    Glutos + Shardspeaker + Lord of Pain with Twinsouls (or any combat mortal unit). Lots of useful auras, command abilities, and spells.

    Syll'esske command ability works wonders to negate any issues with battleshock for our elite mortal units. 

    Nobles of Excess (re-rolling to wounds on charge) is interesting for Godseekers (+1 to charge) or Lurid Haze (for an alpha strike). Seeker Cavalcade is an obvious mention. I'm quite skeptical of the 3rd edition rumours (gets a bit too close to what someone's wish list might look like) so I'm including battalions.

    We have the option (for now) to double-dip with using double-hosts for some really useful stuff. I wouldn't be taken aback if we see an updated version in the upcoming BR, just how we saw with Belakor's legion. If we don't, FAQ still says we can keep using them. Lurid Haze command ability is just tasty.

    + all the other stuff which works for mortal/daemon alike.

    I can understand that people say the army is over-costed in places but there are plenty synergies in the book. Could you explain what you mean with non-synergetic? The issue I see is just the cost of the units makes them harder to utilise, if we see some drops next points adjustment or if 3rd/upcoming BR puts them into perspective we'll be in a good place.

     Then there's the utility of DPs and summoning to play around with. It be cool if we could lean more heavily into the mortal side of things but then HoS would dip their toes into Slaves to Darkness territory too much, I think.

    TL;DR: I think there are synergies aplenty and all that's really needed is some point adjustments to allow us to play around with them more. Hope I'm not coming off as jumping at your throat, I just think the doom and gloom surrounding the book is a bit exaggerated.


    So I look at things like the shard speaker which offers a buff for next combat phase only, a fragile buff hero who doesn't have the magical potency to get it's defensive buff. The Lord of Pain who is super slow and makes for a difficult buff piece for seekers. Mortal spells which really just aren't appealing to try to run, such as Dark Delusions (rolling to cast, hoping not to be unbound, then hoping you can beat enemy bravery is a bad spell). 

    Perhaps the decrease in points we need will help this. 

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  15. On 4/28/2021 at 1:01 PM, Sorrow said:

    How do you feel about our new rules? From cost to creativity?


    Let us hope we get a good development team to take a look at this survey.

    There is a lot of room to be desired. Blissbarb archers getting like zero support. Mortals just frankly overcosted with non-synergies. Perhaps the twins fix a lot of this, but while I want the twins to be desirable, I don't want their existence the means for GW to sell us a fix for the book. "See? we didn't intentionally write you guys a non-syngergistic book! It was here... in KRAGNOS!"

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  16. @Enoby, while watching the streamer HeyWoah on twitch, I mentioned the survey results. He went over them and discussed how he felt about the results. Kinda laughing how much people were on board for over costed units since he did largely agree with it. 

    link to the VoD. 1 hour and 25 minutes in. I'm bad at time

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  17. It does make me wonder, why did the protean form of Slaanesh end up making twins? 

    In terms of power, if we're moving to generic battalions, my initial idea of a battalion that was the two of them and they get some buffs might not work, unless those types of battalions are relegated to open play and narrative. 

    So now I guess I wonder what do they do? Are they keeper power size (so 300-400) or will they be Teclis and Morathi power each since they direct shards of a Chaos god and the closest I think we will get to seeing a chaos god on the table? Or are they together the power of Teclis/Morathi/Nagash? 


    I can't wait for previews (and I hope they do proper previews). I would hate to find out the night before new zealand preorders when they get spoiled in Italian and we pretty much know what they do minus points. 

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  18. I'm really interested in seeing how these rumors bear out for the rest of the game. There are some huge implications if these are all true. 

    I want to see what comes of the rumors for generic battalions and if it'll make our archers better or daemonettes better. 

    I can't remember where I was reading it (could've been on TGA and I'm just forgetting), but AOS Coach had a playtester on who said he couldn't wait for players reactions to the twins, but I've been told this guy was also someone who said the Slaanesh Tome was very actually good and people just need to play different.

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  19. I'm going to sound a little spoiled as a Slaanesh player with models we have recieved... but Plastic Herald would be nice. Would clear out the rest of our finecast. 

    Oh... and

    SLAANESHI LORD ON EXALTED MOUNT. Hell, make him a tri kit. Sorcerer on Exalted Mount too. And since Slaanesh clearly lacks named characters, a named lord on mount. Just enough so I can field 8 named characters at 2500

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