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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. I will expect some changes with our units depending on the changes to mechanics. I don't think many of our units are terrible, its just that they don't fit a spot within our army because of current Depravity. Friends might see play if the mechanics shift and more unit options are there. Fiends were viable before at 160 and when our heroes couldn't generate depravity from being mortally wounded. They became something to hunt down big targets that you didn't want to risk heroes on, whereas now... send the hero! who cares how they die for the most part, you'll get depravity out of it. Personally though, some things I would enjoy some buffs to minor heralds to make them somewhat attractive. I dunno what you can really do for the herald to make them a more attractive choice.
  2. Only blood tithe does and everyone agrees it's awful. Let depravity be spent on summoning or buffs. Or let it be a stacking thing like Waaagh points that can be spent, but hitting thresholds grants buffs.
  3. I mean theres always an aspect of something that you may feel bad about. You can look at it two ways. You killed a potential scoring unit, so no worries there, and if you didn't? Sweet you got yourself some depravity. Currently you run into the issue if you have a unit kill something multi wound. Sure you killed it, but lost depravity since a hero didn't kill it, or engage with it. I think with a system that gains points for leaving units alive is that it gives a bit of creativity with list building. Maybe you want min archer squads so they can ping some wounds and get depravity for the army, but now you also have a unit that doesn't take buffs as well, and if they get charged you might not get any depravity since the unit likely out right dies. If your opponent brings a lot of hordes, there's a lot of depravity to be gained with cutting each unit, but you might end up not doing enough. I'm not finalized on what I should think a new depravity system should work, though I do like the buff and debuffs. Accept Slaanesh offer for +1 to hit, but lose -1 to save. Take slaanesh's offer for run and charge, but you must take the closest unit and cannot target any other unit.
  4. So theory crafting a change to depravity, which would obviously come in the form of a fundamental change to some things in the army. I'll also preface this by saying I dislike the hero hammer nature our book pushes us too with 6 heroes and min battleline. Hero heavy should be acceptable, or 3-4 minor heroes with lots of units too. I would see depravity be something like blood tithe but different. So my idea is this. Slaanesh armies gain depravity in the following way. When a slaanesh hero/monster/unit takes damage but isn't wiped out or when a Slaanesh hero/monster/unit attacks a unit and isn't wiped out, depravity is gained. Depravity may only be gained per unit once per phase. Depravity would build up for army buffs or can be spent on summoning. This doesn't exhaust the pool of depravity. I'm thinking greater daemons always generate depravity when they attack, or something about killing enemy heroes generating a depravity on their death, and same with out heroes. For the last clause, you can't take 20 archers and split them for attack two units and gain two depravity for wounding two units, likewise 40 marauders getting attacked multiple times would yield you multiple depravity, but could survive maybe multiple rounds to gain depravity. Thoughts?
  5. OH LAWD HE COMING. While I am slightly disappointed at our 5th named character for the army and with lack of generics Hedonite Specific heroes, he looks really good. I'm really looking forward to what our army does in terms of rules. Like, with this big a release, I'd hope for two weeks of preview articles. Lore could easily be 2 days worth. Who is the Lord of Gluttony? What has Sigvald been up to? Whats the protean form of Slaanesh? How do Hedonites heirarchy work? Art is one day. But then once we get into mechanics, the changes from what was before to what it will be. That's what I'm curious about. Are we still 3 separate factions into one? Will god seekers still seek out the trapped Slaanesh? Or are they seeking their way to the Protean form? Are Pretenders still ignorant of the protean form and do not accept that as Slaanesh? Invaders seem to not care one way or the other. Then we will have 9 warscrolls to tease rules for, 10 if the Lord of Pains rules were just hold overs. So Maybe an article or two to go over mortals and any changes to daemons. I would expect a day for Sigvald, cause it's Sigvald. Like, they can easily push articles for days on Slaanesh. I would hate for like one article. I kinda want it spread out. Build up the hype.
  6. 10 more daemonettes wouldn't hurt. Who knows if they get some sort of buff. I would hope for a rewrite of our battalions. The Epicurean Revellers is super expensive for Daemonettes and while the chariot option is there, it can't fit the hero version which is a shame, and Fiends were slammed in there for being to be a 1 drop.
  7. I didn't realize when i made this account that I had spelled my name carnith and not capitalizing the C. I ignored it and just shrugged, but any way to change my name to have proper capitalization?
  8. It would be rather disappointing if the "More to come!" statement at the end was just a "heres the last model guys! We didn't show it off cause we could get away with it", but I don't know what else could still be missing. Anything chariot based would be about it outside of the Large Lad.
  9. Skaven should have something, but I disagree they should be the main guys of broken realms. They clearly were the spoil of Malign portents, but don't really fit in as of yet for this. Perhaps they could be the main combatants to the Hedonites whose god has come back to take the place of the Great Horned Rat back, scratching their way towards staying on the pantheon.
  10. Mirroring what others have said, our demon book is very much a stop gap to fulfill the promise of every army having a book. Our book needs some heavy work too. 2/3rds of my army mechanics are based on Heroes so we will always push our lists to adding more and more keeper of secrets or chariot heralds. Without such a book, the next line of models would find really no room because they don't generate depravity. I'm hoping next book's depravity mechanic uses the whole army so that we can have maybe a keeper, and some support. Like why even bring a viceleader or two? for the price of two, just bring a vastly surpeior exalted chariot herald.
  11. I'm really curious what is going on there. I can't wait to see the model. Hopefully we aren't waiting till right before release.
  12. What would help is more way for units to generate depravity. Fiends being able to help generate depravity would make them more useful.
  13. So rumors from someone who apparently has close ties to a store manager who goes to meetings on upcoming releases. Massive grains of salt here. We're a Jan release, with still a "lord of war" style in the vein of "The Silent King" for slaanesh and that it's a full new battletome. I'm like skeptical overall on this, but we have seen blurry photo of a large set piece.
  14. In a slaanesh army you should be able to take your keeper just fine. It's CA will likely continue to only buffing itself, but it's a murder machine. Enjoy your greater Daemon.
  15. Like witch elf cheese or Mortek Guard where you can cram them all close together with good quality attacks.
  16. We will need to see what Sigvlad can do for the army. I hope he has something to inspire others. Also perhaps lord of pain's warscroll was just a placeholder for his CA? We also need to see what the Shardspeaker gets as a spell, and what spell lore exists. Also something to note is that Hazdu is on a 25mm base. While I definitely think 25mm bases have been pretty cancerous for the game, on an archer unit, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of feeling cheesy.
  17. So upon getting my book, there is nothing new. There are standard myrmadesh which appears to have no other options. The twin souls had 3 entires. I also built my direchasm and im surprised how large these lads on. I'm existed to see what a normal unit of slaangor look like.
  18. Anyone got their book yet? I know my store opens up in an hour, but won't get it till closer to 1
  19. euphoric killers doesn't work on ranged, otherwise depraved drove with 40 ungor raiders would be spicy. Now, if they are mw in addition, that'll be spicy, but make them cost like 140 for 10 but probably more since that's around where lumineth archers are at and they only get 1 shot that does a mw and that's it.
  20. That makes a lot of sense about Glisette and her blade. Perhaps she managed to leave her seeker?
  21. No unit of best girl Overall though, I am EXTREMELY excited!
  22. I am super happy for everything we have, the downside is Glisette, best girl, is a one off.
  23. Perhaps we are getting a unit of snakes like the old lord on mount? OR maybe its coming back? That would be an amazing way to keep the old aesthetic.
  24. we know hellstriders are still in the book for warcry for both mortals and daemons. You can see them as the reviewer changes the page. As for faction symbols it is purely going to be for warcry. In aos, there isn't a "Khorne mortals only" and "Khorne Daemons only", it's just a Khorne army. Sure there might be some keywords like "only Hedonite Mortals" but we should be used to that with things that have daemon keyword tag.
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