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Everything posted by eciu

  1. Are there any stories where KO are not the victims ?
  2. Oh and it seems there is a lot of KO in Skaven BT. Dwarfs bravely fullfilling redshirts duty 😜
  3. The only "redeeming" factor seems to be a rumour that Tomb Kings and Bretonia were squatted by mistake .... (apparently "some people" forgot about them when the transision was made).
  4. You want all those poor ex Tomb Kings players to get a heart attack ?
  5. Btw. Khorne just got their "totally not endless spelss" endless spells. So KO is not out of picture with their new special models "which are totally not endless spells!".
  6. So you say that GW managed to make KO player even more grumpy ?
  7. So we apparently we finally got Bretonia re-release 😜
  8. <sees skaven BT> Well once again we have to dive in into this mess fellow dawi to check for any Dawi related bits of information.
  9. How old are those rumors about "second wave of 2 KO" ?:P
  10. Oh interesting. Well fingers crossed for Thorek and/or Belegar return!
  11. Don't we already have Karl Franz StormCast eternal ?
  12. So like you were already given GW shares or something ?;P
  13. Obviously he is alive, we got his model for AoS 😜 <runs away>
  14. Afaik this is not exactly true. She was drained of her magic, if she had died is rather unknown/disputable.
  15. Yea, but it appears that Fyreslayers had taken this concept and went with it "ad infinitum" (putting runes into/onto their own bodies).
  16. Well problem with Dispossesed is that they have lost all their "special" aspects. Berserksers/slayers went the way of Fyreslayers, engineering went either to KO or to Ironweld Arsenal. All what Dispossesed are left is "standard" infratry and single generic lord and single "priest" (also Fyreslayers seems to be big on runes topic so it is doubtfull if Dispossesed can also expand in this direction).
  17. Isn't that the whole point of this thread ?:P (hint: rumors)
  18. No they are not. KO thematicly are really cool "evolution" of dwarves and after reading their lore they do look quite interesting if hilariously similar to old dwarfs (old one being fixated on grudges, new ones fixated on profit (due to survival issues)). Sad thing that their rules are well ... as they are. Nighthaunt and Flesh Eater Courts also seem good (especially with FEC backstory). I have no idea why you think I dont like all new factions. (also I don't recall calling out for removal of whole factions "because I don't like them")
  19. Well Nighthaunt seems ever more difficult to paint. So it is now ok to say some people find them funny while some find them amazing ? Wait, isn't their Avatar an (almost?) literal throwback/entity from the Old World ? (as their whole theme being a seas/elfs/sea god at extremum) Disputable, they could be probably quite easy used as some deamonic standin for many different factions (new Deamon Legions for 9th age as a example).
  20. Maintained and supported factions are always better than neglated and forgotten ones.
  21. Damn you if you do, damn you if you don't ? It's quite hilarious how GW can still grief people
  22. LOL "Squatt old factions, new ones are better and more interesting!"
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