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Everything posted by eciu

  1. Yea sure, just next to a fresh delivery of Bugman's XXX.
  2. I guess: "Stop buying old dwarf stuff and start buying KO and half naked guys!" Was I right ?
  3. Well at least KO are usable as poster boys.
  4. Ok, High Elves captives for a get a free out of jail card for a month 😜
  5. 2nd wound to all dwarfs ? Some MW shield on ironbreakers (due to gromril amor) ? Better armor for dwarf heroes (2+ for Warden King? 3+ for Runelord).
  6. People were sick, it got rescheduled to a later date^^tm
  7. Well good to notice is that Valaya is directly refferenced "missing goddess of hearth". Oh and Dispossesed are mention as "Dispossesed and Ironweld Arsenal". So yeah, everyone should prepare wallets.
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/15/apr-15-big-community-survey-2019gw-homepage-post-1fw-homepage-post-1/ You guys know what to do ?
  9. And how many new pages were written in Dispossesed section just because there were few dwarven bits in Gloomspite releases ?
  10. It is good design. You just force enemy to first cast "whatever" spell to remove "auto-unbind" and then cast the spell he intents. Or just ignore "that" unit and cast all spells on different units, that's a counter-play.
  11. How about the Runelord prayer/rune dispelling current spell on a unit and automaticly unbinding next spell casted on same unit ?
  12. Well you cannot deny certain similar visual traits between Slanesh host and Idoneth.
  13. Obviously you will strongly deny any allegiances that's insiders knowledge ?;P
  14. Which only means that the wholse scope of changes must be massive to prevent it. It's not that KO can be "much" worse 😜
  15. You could say that GW beat them ...... .... to death.
  16. I think if I start selling tinfoil hats now I might earn enough money to actually afford to buy dispossessed (once GW release them)......
  17. Mayby it will be about special artefacts for heroes ?
  18. @Ironbreaker nice you have had some LoS blocking terrain (apparently). Am I right that otherwise Skaven would just easily shoot you out of the table in turn 2-3 ?
  19. Why so ? Maby gold/chest was hauled to the land and proudly presented ? Or mayby "that" guy doesn't care about standing on the botton of the sea (first example: a guy in exo-suit).
  20. Have it come to you that it might be "just" a base decoration for completely different model/faction ? Something like a space marine Lieutenant on the new big chaos boi base ?
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