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Posts posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. @Boggler  so impact hits with extra steps. But the -1 per model charging is a bit much; better to rely on any collective (and newly implemented) bravery debuffs themselves to add setup and synergy.


    Or, ya know, just cause impact hits like I suggested : P

     Maybe make it so an enemy unit only ever suffers impact hits once per round so its less spammy and spreads us out

  2. I would also change Wave of Terror. Its too much of an all or nothing.


    I would replace it with NH units that make a succesfull charge move deal impact hits to represent they do not 'charge' across the intervening space, but simply appear in the midst of enemy formations in the blink of an eye horror-movie style.


    Wouldnt neccesarily have to be MW's, but d3 mortals or regular wou ds pet unit, maybe 2d3 if they roll a natural 10 or for larger beasts

  3. My thoughts on bravery would be either the point-buy, cursing a target unit, or turn-based cumulative effect that does; "enemy units have a maximum bravery value of x" that gets worse and worse.

    Doesnt over-juice low bravery horde armies, rightly terrifies high bravery armies, and then makes our -1 and any other stscking penalties more potent.

    My idea would be

    Turn 1 = max bravery 9

    Turn 2 = max bravery 8

    Turn 3 = max bravery 7

    And so on. Give a hero or the Mourgul some shreik abilities here and there that impose a -1 bravery on top of that and suddenly we are a high-bravery counter army

    Could lean into it further by army wide ability that states enemies with a bravery value of "x" or less (say 7)  get -1 to hit nighthaunt units, and enemies with a lower "x" (say 5) all nighthaunt get +1 to hit or wound etc

    Might be OP, tweak the numbers maybe but would be a way to tie it all into bravery and make it thematic, and it has precedence with all the incremental turn based stuff we're seeing.

    • Like 2
  4. With continuing efforts to streamline the game, -1 to hit and/or wound is about the most we will likely see in the way of defensive boosts.


    In that vein it would be nice if these abilities (like shademist) were commands or auras, rather than spells that can fail to cast or be countered, and give us something more robust as a fail-able defensive ability, like preventing the chosen unit from being targeted by spells or ranged attacks from further than x" away or things of that nature

  5. 2 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Yeah, potentially. On the other hand, we haven't seen the scrolls for either the Spirit Hosts or the Bladegheists yet, nor the faction or subfaction abilities. We have no idea how all this is going to shake out.

    Well unless both warscrolls reroll their own hits Imma still call it a nerf 😑

  6. Well when your main army consisted of 12 spirit hosts with a torment, and 2 to 3 groups of bladegheists also with a torment... yeah its concerning 🤯 

    Potentially gutting both my hammer and my anvil. Feelsbad

  7. You know, I always have high hopes for new books, but this time I have pretty high *expectations* for the next book.

    Its been plain for the last few years that GW is aware of NH's lack of specific tools in their current book, and have tried to shoehorn them in with supplements (our heroes or notoriously low wounds, bodyguard rules, bravery shenanigans lackluster, no subfactions) so I expect most of these issues WILL be addressed in a new tome.


    The unimpressive stats so far could be due to faction-wide Frightful Touch, or other triggers. It really wouldnt take much to make even the curre t warscrolls much more competetive with subfactions that simply grant frightful touch, or improve ethereal, or improve deathless spirits, etc


    Armies like Idoneth and Necrons' pioneering of turn-based effects could see NH getting something similar. Even something simple like a cumulative -1 to enemy bravery each turn to represent the NH's creeping dread could be quite impactful

    • Like 2
  8. Looking at the page itself; Awlrach assists in movement shenanigans, has some form of impact hits with the prow, and supposedly the oar hurts.

    The craven throne crossbowmen sound like they have some form of synergy with Kurdoss himself, perhaps they will get to shoot when he makes melee attacks

  9. For the crossbowmen; it really wouldnt take much to make them quite spooky (lul) as an assasination squad coming from underworld deployment or spectral summons.

    Abilities that trigger with wounds dealt or enemies slain or threshholds reached are all part of our (unpredictable) toolkit, so lets not rule them out yet.


    As for the boatman and the librarian.. yeah more heroes wasnt quite what Ide hoped for, as Necrons suffered the same for years. Rather than an overhaul youde get slight tweaks and a new bland hero.


    High hopes for new book

  10. I love to paint and re-pose and kitbash... but I also enjoy playing the game.

    And to actually enjoy playing I need to feel like I have a reasonable shot at winning, without having to know every last intimate detail of my opponents force balanced against my own before I even show up to the venue.

    Even local tourney scene has become "you must do this vs that and that vs this or you lose" which is a bit of a shame. I havnt got a game in since before covid and feel a bit too out of touch to know which enemy model will singlehandedly table my army if it isnt countered.

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