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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. The lantern rumor pic looks like the new book hero announced
  2. I was hoping Nighthaunt ranged units would be screaming banshees, but Ill tske what I can get. Expecting them to br fairly short ranged, so we cant get too maniacal with deploying them from the underworld, but it presents some exciting opporunities. Clearing away screens, sniping support hero's, etc
  3. I hope the details on the open book pages are sculpted 😅 Not sure if my shaking hands are up to that kind of freehanding anymore
  4. So where did they tease a nighthaunt boat?
  5. Precisely. I would rather have a completely and competantly redesigned, useable Battletome than any new models whatsoever. Dont get me wrong; gimmie new models too, but Ive had issues with our strangely written Tome since it was released
  6. Lets hope 2022 brings us a new book and new reasons to dust off the ghosts!
  7. Good read. Still unhappy that my largely spirit host/myrmourn/bladegheist collection didnt fare as well as our other troops. Brng on the new book
  8. Spirit Hosts are a great choice to pair with a Torment as an Anvil, bulk them up and add a Kruciator for extra staying power. Harridans or Bladegheists work well with either a Torment or KoSoES as a skirmish tandem, or 2 groups backed by both Heroes as a solid Hammer
  9. Would love to get some new Ghostley centrepiece monstrosity, but I would also happily accept the Mourngul/Black Coach being buffed up to centerpiece-level power
  10. The Black Coach functions best late-game. Keep it waay back and bubblewrapped until it powers up; its ludicrous speed will allow it to make it where it needs to be. Let it replenish Hosts/Hexes til mid game, then leap out to pick off support heroes while causing AOE mortals and ressurecting models.
  11. The combination of limited reinforcement coupled with new cohesion is just so limiting and aggravating. One or the other would have solved a lot of AoS' problems but in typical GW balancing fasion they over corrected imho. Feels like Hexwraiths are hit the hardest with reinforcements and coherency. Im wondering if Myrmourns are simply DoA (pun intended) with both rules bearing down on them. Ill likely use bladegheists in groups of default 10 and reinforce hosts to 6
  12. It would just be so painfully easy to make Hosts and Hexes (and mournguls) viable in that role; Procession/New Hero/New spell that makes their Frightful Touch trigger on natural 5+
  13. Just a sidenote; you mentioned the +1 to charge from Cogs helps with fishing for WoT ... WoT only occurs on a natural roll of 10+. Buffed rolls dont count for triggering it. Still nice to have, but it wont help with actually getting the extra attacks.
  14. Thanks for sharing your findings so far! (Ive only fielded Ony 3 times; every game she was blown off the table before she could accomplish much)
  15. I never even assembled my SoulWars stalkers after reading the book, just clipped parts here and there for customizations
  16. Are other armies having their elite units' squad size reduced? Been thinking about what happened to Myrmourns and imo MSU reduces their effectiveness in groups of 4 to near uselessness. Applying buffs to a unit of 4 vs 12 is a waste, and having several units of 4 allows for the enemy to strike back and potentially wipe them out. On the opposite side of things; it makes things like Olynder's spell or a priest's curse (that we dont have) that affects all attacks made on an enemy unit from any source more useable. A unit of 12 Myrmourns has always been one of the backbones of my army, and I was in the process of building up a second mass of them; any thoughts on how to utilize them now would be helpful
  17. So all arguments and rules lawyering aside; how many people are likely going to house rule or check for TO house rules regarding this new unit coherency? Right now anything with 32mm bases, units larger than 5 and no reach are just straight up penalized/liability in comparison.
  18. Explain to us dummies without the book what the nuance for NH is with the new pile in? 😅
  19. Imho Myrmourns were a fairly elite choice and too expensive to be considered chaff. Reducing their max size and preventing a full +3 unbind is really disappointing.
  20. One thing Im seeing that nobody has mentioned; the unleash hell command might be a surprise to opponents. We have vanishingly little ranged (I always wished we had a massed banshee scream ranged unit) but what we do have is fairly nasty. Burning a command point to give the Krulghast, the Briar Queen, or possibly chainghasts a surprise volley might be worth it; especially in the KC's case to activate his aura
  21. Agreed. Ide play a game or two for fun with friends, but Im not taking them out at a tournament or any competetive scene until we get a new book. We were the first book of 2nd edition and it very clearly shows. Our gimmick was being a speedy anti-elite force who dealt damage primarily through trickles of mortal wounds while being immune to rend. The meta has changed handfulls of times since AoS 2.0 dropped. MW spam, double fight mechanics, fight-order mechanics, power creep and threat range creep have all evolved while we have stagnated fairly harshly.
  22. @Aeryenn thats a subjective question. We've been in dire need of a re written battletome for a year now and the changes in mechanics for AoS3.0 are only deepening the cracks. They are still playable of course... but tourney worthy? Not without a lot of expertise as far as very precise measurements and movements, knowing exactly what you can kill and what youde have to sandbag/avoid, and walking in with a firm understanding of how your TO is handling specific rules issues with how our aging book interacts with other armies and today version.
  23. I originally wanted to run a Terrorgheist with a bunch of banshees when I thought we were a Bravery debuffing army
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