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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Yes the -1 save stacks... but does the -1 to hit...?
  2. Is it just me or does the Black Coach come with both the scythe and grasp now
  3. If youve got spare parts from building Hexwraiths you can make a solid KoSoES
  4. So does the DB Harrow's general-echo ability cover just the universal commands, or their warcroll specific command abilities? Nvm I guess we dont have any of those. My bad. So the Harrow is most likely best used for handing out a second all out attack, rally or 5+ ward save command?
  5. Only charge bonus we get is on the Glaivewraiths. Its substantial... but they're sooo overpriced now. And, please; they have spear/polearms...why range 1"
  6. Eager to see what the Mourngul ends up doing. So far it seems like a lot of tools in the toolbox, but nothing really jumps out at me as far as obvious synergies goes. I instinctually cringed at the loss of mortals; but it looks like the idea is to do ots of retreat-and-charge in order to degrade their save to the point loads of wounds go through. Im at work rn but I would suggest searching for endless spells or artifact combos that key in to retreat and charge, bravery hits that tie in with terrify, and ways to tie together the new effects. Spirit Hosts as hero bubble wrap is interesting but the Heros themselves *seem* to be doing less overall. *Still a possibility of new sculpts or kits for Hosts and Hexes launching beside the book; never know.* ***edit*** The Host and Hex model art in the leaked book is still the old models 🙄
  7. Have we heard anything new while the site was down?
  8. As with so many things Nighthaunt; it wouldnt take much for the Mournghul to be worthwhile again. An Olynder aoe shriek, a 6" pile-in, either a few more wounds or going back to a 3+ ethereal save, its just so close to being good. I honestly do feel like they will adjust ethereal with the game-wide all out defense and mystic shield universals being denied us
  9. I didnt realize Scriptor was a wizard
  10. TBH I much prefer frightfull touch; Ide rather bypass the wound and save rolls for 2 instead of 3 damage. Beyond that and the point of save he seems pretty much the same
  11. At this point I dont even remember everything the Mournghul lost beyond a point of save. What else did he used to do?
  12. Think we will see anything new beyond arena of shades and awlrach?
  13. At least we should be seeing the book by the end of May at the latest, since they said 'Spring' 🤔
  14. Not neccesarily an attractive strategy though. I know I dont collect, assemble, paint all my wargaming figures to be the best at running away and fulfilling sidequests 😅
  15. Why ask what to buy next when youve acknowledged the army is in a bad spot and all the wishlisting/saltmining is pointless til the book drops? Any advice is meaningless at this point. I would have told people (and have) that Torments and Bladegheists or Hosts work well together right up to the point they stripped them of any synergy. It really isnt a good time to buy models from a strategic force building perspective.
  16. Not a bad take on new sources of balancing info 'forcing' to at least acknowledge unbalance. 'Forcing' them to actually *deliver* balance... thats still hit or miss. AoS 2.0 was originally heralded as a more balanced system for comptetstive play after the somewhat more whimsical and unstructered 1.0... and NH was one of the original tomes for 2.0. So having a weakly balanced book rolling out the gate as a Flagship example of the 'Now including balance!" release is still indicative of their hit or miss nature
  17. What are we ballparking as the books release/announce date?
  18. Well the core of my army was 2 torments, 2 units of 6 Hosts, and 2 huge units of Bladegesists so the change hits me square in the face 😂. Also; myrmourns went from 6 base to 4 base didnt they? So yes, unit sizes shrinking. And since you have limited number of reinforcements, smaller unit sizes overall so more prone to being wholly wiped out b4 healing can take place
  19. Well to break down what happened to the Torment, look at it this way. The heal only affects summonables, no more heroes/mourngul. Thats bad. Our heroes are very very squishy. The heal triggers more easily, with a wider range and a garaunteed 3... thats good...but our overall unit size has gone down on certain units and combined with the reinforcement mechanic. 4 myrmourn or 5 of the laughable 5+ save 'crossboos' or chainghasts arent going to survive long enough to be ressurected. I believe the heal also only effects wounds caused/models slain *this turn* so thats another negative. (Very similar to Reanimation Protocols' recent redo, Ill be shocked if we dont get a Ressurection Orb artefact that allows you once per game to attempt to bring models back to starting strength) Yes, the heal still triggers on both you and your opponents turn, but again you gotta have a unit alive to heal. Losing the reroll aura is -extremely- painful. No more fishing for MW's with Hosts, Hexes, Heroes or the mourngul. Huge synergy loss. Even non fishing attacks suffer. No more interaction with Bladegeists. Another huge synergy loss and a huge hit to our already pricy 'elite' spinny sword bois. Having to have Chainghasts AND a Torment on the table to register an (completely within) aura is a very weak, easily disrupted combo, more so now that Chainghasts got nerfed to a 5+ ethereal. The Torment used to be a great all-around choice with an offense boost aura and a defensive heal proc; now its nerfed into one role. Ill bet money something similar happens to the Guardian of Souls.
  20. Shoulda made the scriptor a wizard so he could DO something other than just sit out of the way somewhere existing... if his bodyguard* ability shrugged the first wound of the round back to whomever dealt it, that would at least be interesting... But 1 wound per round? And literally no ability other than roll 1 die per round? Hes basically a terrain piece
  21. Also have to agree that without an artefact or battalion bonus that allows him additional or boosted judgement rolls, the Scriptor is DOA The hero bloat is real; and Ide much rather have a KoSES or Krulghast, tho the Torment has slipped down in useability badly
  22. The more lackluster warscrolls I see the more I think we might actually see army wide or at least subfaction wide Frightful Touch... tho FT might be turned into additional hits or wounds rather than Mortals, as Banshees doing 2 MWs per hit at 2 attacks per could get out of hand fast. As it stands, a measly +1 to hit requiring a Torment AND the now-nerfed 5+ save chainghats to be on the table just doesnt compute unless theres something massive to compensate. Or its just going to be a bad book. Thats still a possibility. I figure the leak or reveal of any existing unit that has Frightful Touch will be the telling moment. If they lose it; good chance the entire army is getting it
  23. So are Bladegeists just strictly worse than Harridans now?
  24. Do they get a bonus for eating spells? Totally fine if they dont; as the new mechanic seems more useable in exchange
  25. If our book ends up being another total flop Im probably done with the hobby. The last necron book was a headscratcher that felt overcomplicated and nerfed the models in my collection, and NH's original tome felt oddly cobbled together and poorly thought-out since the get go. I dont fancy another 3 or more years playing a door-prize army in my area's FotM meta-chasing super competetive crowd.
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