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Posts posted by Acid_Nine

  1. 5 hours ago, idn0971 said:

    Looking to maybe jump into lumineth after the new release and was looking at a making a semi-competive alumnia list to play with friends at club with all the models that I like the rules and aesthetic of and I was wondering what people thought of it

    Vanari Lord Regent – 150

    Ellania and Ellathor – 260

    Light of Eltharion -220

    Loreseeker – 160


    Wardens x 20 – 240

    Wardens x 20 -240

    Dawnriders x 10 – 260


    Windchargers x 10 – 260

    Ballista – 100

    Twinstones – 30

    Sanctum – 30

    Command point -50

    The lore idea behind this army is that it would be an advance vanguard legion under the command of the lord regent that is highly mobile and operates independently of most other lumineth armies and often provides support to and works with the wandering heroes of lumineth as a targeted strike force.


    Dunno how mobile that many wardens and ballista would be in actuality. If you wanna have more fluff maybe remove a few wardens two to get a wind mage? At least until you only have bare minimum for him, to truly keep with a mobile theme

  2. I hope I can get my army list to work sometime soon. I’ve been having a hard time thinking up counters to some list, and especially following through a fight once I lose my wardens. I almost think they are over costed if that makes sense based solely on how fast they can die, but that may just be me being used to having 4 wound each eels.

  3. 12 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    You made a amazing model even cooler 🤔

    Dors it make sense to play some LRL units in a Settler‘s Gain list or do they lose too many benefits?

    I think a loreseeker getting up in the opponents face to cast a fully empowered Geminids, pendulum, or maybe even shackles would be a good choice to annoy your opponent and making it harder to charge forward

    avalorn would be a good anchor for your lines as well, but you want a stone mage with him.

    Teclis is probably going to love settlers gain just because of empowered endless spells


    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    I totally agree with the bit about Lumineth finding means to resource-deny OBR.

    But TBF to Teclis here, it was his superior planning and understanding of his foe that won him the battle more than friendship. He new Nagash's pride, so he knew Nagash could be tricked into believing Celennar banished when he'd actually gone to get reinforcements. Teclis previously ensured Settler's Gain had those Hysh-lasers in the first place, so he knew the specific aid he needed would be there.

    I will admit Alarielle did lend him aid a bit in his personal duel with Nagash so there some 'power of friendship' going on. I personally found it to be a light enough touch to add a bit of depth without being lame but I can respect others having a different impression.

    that is all fair, I may need to read it again and may have been exaggerating. I liked the super mage god fight though, and it was enjoyable in seeing a ****** getting his ass handed to him in a way.

    Also, It is my own personal head cannon  to think that there has been a beef carried over from the old world to AoS. Teclis tried his hardest to save the world from the End Times, but Nagash was the one who set all that hell into motion. Now nagash is pulling schemes and putting evil plans in place, and Teclis is just sick of it really. Plus, Nagash revived Mannfred and Arkan, both directly causing the death of his friend and his niece.

    • Like 1
  5. It's not like the Aelves had an easy victory either. Could hardly go a page without the lumineth being killed in great numbers. Also, several units were pretty much described as completely ineffective, like Wardens or sentinels, when the major glory goes to units like Aralith or the new wind-units. Also, the elves are being pushed to their limits in this story, with a desperate race to stop nagash from killing what is essentially a minor god everyone loves, and we don't even get the full resolution of if the mountain recovers or not. 

    Plus, that is not to mention that the whole of Teclis's campaign in Shysh basically amounts to him bragging to his allies that he kicked over Katakros's grave-sand castles when he wasn't home. kinda weak, but hey the stories were engaging and it's the first time in this edition since nagash got some dirt kicked onto his Ossiarch empire.


    Another thing  I wanna point out is that Teclis didn't even defeat nagash singlehandedly. He was getting his ass handed to him for most of the fight until he got help from Celenar and his humans, and eventually a ****** ton of mountain spirits. even then Teclis was getting pounded into the sand until he ultimately won through what was essentially the power of friendship. Nagash kinda cheated by having his mages sacrifice themselves to get their god empowered, and he tapped into his Nadir stuff that was rather typical, so without an asspull of the same kind from teclis I probably should have expected that.

    What I really like in this story is the introduction of stakes to the Ossiarchs. The idea of destroying the bodies of allies and ossiarchs alike to starve out the Bonereapers makes sense, and now fighting against them isn't an exercise in futility. endless hordes of the bony boys can only be so interesting, and allowing the heroes to actually make progress against them is a nice change of pace.

    • Like 4
  6. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I was playing around with a 1k list but I’ve got 130pts to spend.


    - Eltharion


    - 10x Wardens

    - 10x Wardens

    - 20x Sentinels

    - 5x Dawnriders

    I was considering chucking in 5 bladelords for lolz but they don’t have anyone to protect so I’m not sure. 

    can't go wrong with a calligrave or a ballista if you got them!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Alright so I’ve been playing around with Lumineth for a while now (mostly as Grand Alliance Order as I buy new units to add each week), but I’ve now come to a difficult conclusion. I like the army, and I like all the models (Sentinels are my least favourite but I still like them enough to want a unit of them), but there’s just too much going on with them too many rules to remember. I’ve been playing mostly with Alarith stuff + named heroes, but when I use Vanari units I just can’t remember everything (as is I’m always forgetting Eltharion ignores hit and wound modifiers or Teclis mortal wounds ability if he’s targeted by a spell).

    the problem is if I only do Alarith stuff then there’s so many cool models I’m missing out on, and I’m really confused what to do honestly 

    stuff like AoS reminders will be your friend, which can break down for you what happens in which phase. Be patient with yourself too, it's a lot of moving parts.

    things that help me:

    1. unless you are setting up a twinstone wombo combo or doing shinanegans with teclis, strictly going from one side of the board to the other will always be good.  I usually go from left to right, and activate the units I come across that way.

    2. Always look at your warscroll when you touch and activate units to remind yourself what they do. I played with my morrsarr guard for 2 years straight and could recite the scroll in my sleep, but I still look at the card. when you do stuff, walk yourself through the attacks and saves as well as your opponent by saying out out loud.

    3. Color code your units and write it down in the list building software you use. Either paint the bases red, green, blue, or paint certain aspects of their robes or highlights that color. that will help differentiate the units from each other if you have multiples of the same thing, like wardens. 

    • Like 1
  8. I finished the fluff today and holy ******... 


    Teclis actually won! I didn't expect nagash to be beaten, but mah boi did it! only things I wish with the fluff is that they made the Wardens seem more useful, as all the awesome moments came from the Aralith, but that is a nit pick. I don't know if bladelords were even mentioned in the story either lol.

    I do like the majority of the stories too, I think this was a good read and a good way to show Death finally having a major defeat that isn't "Hah! just as planned!!!1!"

    played with the new stuff today in TTS and oh man I wish I had the shrine model. Would have been very useful to get total eclipse off! I need to remember spell priority and put way more thought into target priority too. Played against Daughters of khaine and I only managed to kill a blood cauldron and some witches, but then again I had some pretty rotten luck and poor choices too. I think if I could play it again I would have shot more witches / blood sisters, as those were the two biggest threats in my oppinion. And would have not charged morathi.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I’m going to go with a block of 20 Sentinels and 2 Ballistas I think, myself. Get a few extra points, less to paint, and you can use the blinding bolts ability twice. Will also look pretty boss.

    I would use a block of 20 but I am still going for the Auralan legion, so I need at least 2 squads of sentinels. Otherwise, I would be taking both!

  10. Wow look away for a day and 20 pages were added xD

    I am excited to see how this is all gonna play out, especially on TTS. I hope to avoid a Kroak list again (I had my more casual army demolished top of turn 1 by a kroak list, and it was sad times.) but I am excited to try out my full legion list of ballista, dawn riders, regeant and spartan elves.

    interesting question though. Is it more useful to have a list with 30 sentinels in a squad of 20 and 10 with 1 ballista, or should I drop 10 sentinels to get another ballista?

    • Haha 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    @Ragest, nice, keen to hear how they go in more games too as you get more used to them.

    Unrelated question, because I seem to be asking lots of questions today, do Wardens perform well in units of 10? Or do they wanna be in blocks of 20? 

    Blocks of 20 is the general "optimal" thought.

    I have two lists I wanna run in TTS... one is a legion list because I am completely and utterly in love with the antiquity rome/sparta style hopilite formation, and the other is what my polish blood is calling out to me for, an all fast mover Hussar list with Severan, fox, regeant, dawnriders, wind mage and roos.

    Still all in for zaitrec dammit, can't be swayed from the magic boys.

    Also, I hope there is some animation sometime with Lumineth vs Flesheaters. It starts out basically a copy of the Gondor charge versus all the orc archers in return of the king, but then it is shown that the gondor knights are all (pincushioned) ghouls with the "orcs" being lumineth shaking their heads and talking about the delusions.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    The generic Regent looks good then? That’s great news. Has there been any word on Command Abilities for any of these units?

    He may prove useful, and he would be better than the banner lord (sadly) in my opinion... plus, I think I will finally have a use for the sanctum spell with him!


    here is the theory list I slapped together

     List Name: Theorem list
    Allegiance: Lumineth Realm Lords
    - Mortal Realm: Hysh - Great Nation: Zaitrec

    Regent- 150(?) -general, speed of hysh, protection of Hysh
    Scinari Cathallar (140)
    - Artefact: Silver Wand
    - Lore of Hysh: Ethereal Blessing - Extra Spell: Protection of Hysh

    scinari Callgrave- 100(?) -total eclipse,  lambient light
    20 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (240)- ethereal blessing

    20 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (240) -protection of Hysh

    20 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (280) -speed of hysh

    10 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (140) -speed of hysh

    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (130)- lambient light
    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (130)- lambient light

    Ballista-100(?) points

    Ballista-100(?) points -or- Bladelords-120pts

    Auralan Legion (120)
    Sanctum of Amyntok (30) Hyshian Twinstones (30)


    • Like 2
  13. Yea I was at ground zero for the discord stuff and it was messy. Cant say I believe all of it, as I think there is some stuff we’re missing out on. My list is going to change though. Think I will replace Avalorn and the stone mage in my list with two ballista, a regent, and maybe a lore seeker points willing. This seems really too good to pass up, and I wanna see how everything plays together in one legion.

  14. Oh shoot, I forgot the sanctum existed. This release makes the lumineth endless spells all the more intriguing. Getting a sanctum to enclose a lore seeker (or banner lord if they are mages) would make the spell even better considering it is a base extension, giving more of a bubble to cast spells from... and making sure our heroes are not sniped out of the gate!

    plus, same for the garrison! If I remember right you measure from anywhere on the model itself, so having the reach extend with this would be amazing. Imagine the possibilities, especially if the scroll guy is actually good!

  15. Yea, this makes it so that Avalorn isn’t a mainstay in my force too! Handing out a free command point for archers or the ballista would be nice, and it extends the base’s range for the bubble. Plus, this is basically the total eclipse cannon we needed, which allows us to get that spell out a lot more easily without having to rely on the twin stones


  16. 2 minutes ago, Siegfried VII said:

    And yet some people are complaining about this too...

    Are they braindead or something??

    I'm really tempted to go in the rumour topic and troll them..

    Do it.

    but yea, I think since it is sun metal, unless we are getting rid of it for some reason, will be doing mortal wounds. If they have power of Hysh, and if they go into a horde... holy ****** the attack output can mulch things!

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