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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. To be honest it seems a lot of our tomes ay need some rewrites with the next generals handbook... But I may be wrong. Honestly the tome creep is real with these past three ones
  2. Speaking of which, what's the strategy to fight against the Flesh eater courts and skaven? I know they havn't been out for long, but does anyone know of any good ways to do so? We can't really snipe characters with shooting, and the Flesh eater courts do our high tide thing whenever they want with that command ability, so I am kinda at a loss.
  3. I am just happy they are not trying to shove the shark down our throats again with this new start collecting boxes. Having eels makes this box look pretty good, and I may actually consider it for a future purchase considering the discounted price of thralls and a hero. Overall, I think it's pretty good, but I think a king or tidecaster would have been a much better choice of hero...
  4. got a youtube link for that game? school sucked all the enthusiasm I had for AOS out of me something fierce and I need a pick-me-up
  5. I think that is a fun list! Looks like it has enough magic to throw around, still has some punch and the eidolon looks like it could provide some good support! Have you thought about bringing realm artifacts instead of the book ones though? like the gyranstrike on the king or eidolon?
  6. as I guy who went from an all soul blight army to an idoneth army, there is some things I gotta get used to for the idoneth (at least at 1,000 points) involving positioning, setting up charges and the balance between being really agressive and somewhat passive (I.E, learning when to go forward and when to wait for my opponent to make a move) and if you are going all akhelian then you have to keep objectives in mind too... but other than that they are great!
  7. I think maybe get rid of the ishlaen guard and split up the thralls into two squads? spitballing here for it, but maybe you can get some allies to replace the ishlean, like maybe some of those daughters of khaine snaeks?
  8. honestly I still think the leviadon cover save is for the turn after we charge, or during the opponent's turn retalliation. you may not get cover on the charge, but the turn when any stragglers are left alive / any counter charges happen, you're going to want that extra armor save so they can swim away and hit again. at least, that's my thought when it happens to me...
  9. Oh, I know that it can be done, I just find it funny that the ogors were packing c4 onto the objective when they held them! i also need to remember that unlike 40k you don't have to stay on an objective, and you can run away. I could have advanced with my Alopex for example, but I had him on the objective thinking I needed to hold that. honestly I think I need to focus on objectives more in my games, and that helps out a ton hearing examples. I think I just need to play more games to be honest, as I only really had 4 games with my current list so far... I also have the problem of playing way too candid if I'm going first, not knowing how to advance without having my speels becoming open targets to get charged by the enemy...
  10. Well, I finally finished my 1,000 points yesterday (barring endless spells) just in time for school to start and eat my time up. I did play a game sunday and saw a post on reddit that basically confirms the biggest weakpoint of my army... how the heck do I play for an objective? I know it's stupid to ask but I am having a really bloody hard time with objectives recently, especially the one game where you burn objectives. Aparantly opponents can burn objectives without anyone within range of it? lost a game that was ensured because my opponent barely managed to get his toe within 6" to grab both of my objectives and burn all four of them at the end of the greatest high tide my army ever had...
  11. honestly the biggest way you can help is trying to insure and help how he can charge with his heavy hitters. maybe some range and chaff would help? I am just speculating so I hope my thoughts are good.
  12. hey! My standard eel list is this: Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin - Mortal Realm: Ghyran - Enclave: Dhom-Hain LEADERS Akhelian King (240) - General - Command Trait : Born From Agony - Artefact : Ghyrstrike Isharann Tidecaster (100) - Lore of the Deeps : Abyssal Darkness UNITS 6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 1 x Akhelian Allopexes (140) ENDLESS SPELLS Umbral Spellportal (60) mix and match endless spells as you want them, and maybe switch allopexes out with more ishlaen. So far it's even on wins and losses, and I lost those games based off of simple mistakes that if I would have noticed I would have won, such as going after one unit instead of another threatening my objective or putting my morrsarr too far forward. if I'm taking a doubles list, I don't know what I would change. if my partner brought more chaff and screeners than I would probably bring two squads of eels for more punch, but otherwise it would remain the same.
  13. whoops, just got the book and I was so excited I forgot to post where those things are. my bad 😐 but, yea there are tons of artifacts that are good if not better than some of our book ones. I really wish that the +1 to hit and wound was a core book one, or at least the relm my enclave is supposed to be from, but I am still happy to use it to make my king better.
  14. artifact for the storm could be the ignax's scales, giving him a 4+ ward, making him more durable to attacks? or you could give him something like the etheral amulet, which lets him ignore rend? spells could be steed of tides to throw him into combat, or maybe vorpal malestrom in order to throw out easyish mortal wounds?
  15. Good idea, the lore master can give out some pretty good buffs in general, but having him keep up with an aspect of the sea might be a bit of a pain... the stormcast idea is awesome though. Can't you dispel one of those endless spells and recast it? Make it keep dropping down again and again? Sorceress could be fun, but it's just another -1 to hit debuff, which we already have covered... has as anyone tried a drakeseer just for fun? Have him set units on fire the entire game with his unique spell and dragon's attack?
  16. So apart from the archmage, which mage would be most useful for us? I think having some more magic allies could be fun, and may open more modeling opportunities for us in the longrun. heck, to add to this, which monsters / creatures could be fun to add to our armies?
  17. So played another game against a big tourney player's blight king batallion and hoo boy it went as badly as I thought. didn't take my own advice to screen my morrsarr because I completely forgot that he could run and charge, so they were out for a turn when I needed them, and I lost my king turn 2 when I charged his general and got swarmed by blight kings. so, more fish food for thought: beware of gnarlmaws, blight king battallions hurt a lot, and always charge in with your opponent's next turn in mind when he could do something.
  18. well, As other people said of the shark, it's because other units are either a lot tougher against rend and can put out more high quality attacks, or because you can get the chaff for the same amount of points and have a wider footprint / more attacks. that said, I played two games with the allopex and so far I have been surprised. It's nice to have some shooting in a list, and though I only use the three shot profile it did come in handy a few times. It's great for taking a last wound off a bloodcrusher or potshotting that pesky little fanatic your king is about to charge next to. and, in the first game I played with it it managed to survive a khorne lord on a juggernaught long enough for me to bite his head off, which surprised the heck out of me. next game it failed to eat a bunch of grots, but it really did help me win the game when I took out the last fanatic that was definatly going to crush my morrsarrs. so, my thoughts on the allopex is that they are okay. Set them on a backfield objective, take pot shots at units, and don't expect them to match the morrsarr any time soon unless it's high tide and you are super lucky.
  19. just remember to keep on swimming and try again! Nighthaunt is a tough army... May I suggest a bit more bubble wrapping? since it looks like you have shieelds rather than spear eels the y could have gone up front? don't really need the charge when you ignore rend and got cover?
  20. Fair enough. as for now my list is a mostly eel 1000 point list. 1 king as general w/ ghrynstrike and born from agony (have to have, as I got no thralls) 1 tidecaster x6 morrsarr guard x3 ishleann guard x1 alopex (which isn't as bad as I first thought, though I think I would prefer more ishleann endless spell: umbral spell portals, but may replace it with a vortex. What I would like to do is to replace the tidecaster for an archmage if possible, and use the endless spell for either an extra command point or maybe some cheap allies (such as birbs) to keep the list fast and punchy. So far, the tide caster didnt do too much during both games, but that may be just because of my spell usage. I may have to find better targets, such as fanatics that already had popped out, or a warboss that has yet to swing. the umbrall spell portals would have been good, but it takes too long to set up in my oppinion...
  21. So I played my third game with my deepkin army and I really gotta say that I am loving these fishy boys so far. they are limited enough to not feel super overpowered, but still strong enough to win games. Played against a pre-battletome moonclan army and holy poop those guys are fairly brutal even without the new rules about to hit. Getting through the nets are going to be tough when there is three nets per 20, each with a 2 inch range... It can really mess up your planned charge. the mortal wounds a boss can give out is annoying but didnt come out too much. The fanatics are absolutely scary, and I am happy I only really had to face one squad, as my king wiped out a squad of 3 out on the charge out of pure luck with his deepmare horn. bad dice saw my planned turn 2 morrsarr charge was stunted (seriously, I got 10 hits even with a -1, and I failed 6 wounds. pain in the dorsal fin.) and my electroshock surprise failed when I missed the enemy boss with a serious zapping. my king was the star though, and I think I'm happy I chose to play him compared to volturnous if only because of a relic. taking ghrynstrike on his lance is just amazing, and can rip and tear so much! Just a thought I had, though. Do you guys think that an archmage on horse would be better for us compared to a tidecaster?
  22. this was more articulate than what I wanted to say, so thank you! The army has good models but not too many good synergies. just looking at morrsarr, the buffs we have for them all require either perfect placement or good timing. We have a King to buff their hit rolls, but the buffs only last one turn and his bubble of re-rolling 1's can be hard to keep as everyone has to be within it, which means you're always one charge roll away for it to not affect you, and you can be out of place fairly easily (which is why Dhom-Hain is good in my opinion. No need to be so strict with bubbles on the charge) We have a mage, but she's on foot and her spells are short ranged debuffs that don't actually target you, meaning that you will struggle to use them half the time in an eel list as they engage the enemy up the field. We have a turtle that gives out cover saves, but cover doesn't help on the charge for morsarrs AND has the wholly within 12" rule so you can really be out of place again. plus, what we bring on the board is the only things we have through the entire game. looking at things like Bloodbound, Beasts of chaos and the new goblin stuff everyone can either refill a unit or bring new ones on the board. We cannot, and we are stuck with what we have. if eels become more expensive, we will have less on the board, and then we are at a huge disadvantage when facing armies that can just summon new dudes on the board for the hell of it.
  23. I don't know about the too cheap part. there are plenty of things that are better all the time rather than just on the charge. I feel they are in a good spot right now, just pricy enough for how many turns they are able to potentially work.
  24. Hey, sorry to double post but I really wanna show the half squad of eels I've painted since New Years. Going for dhom-hain so the armor should be sufficiently green, and as these are my first idoneth models painted I feel quite happy about them! Some spots I could touch up, but outside of that I feel they are table top ready! (these photos are a lot crappier than I first thought...)
  25. Fair enough. In my game my single tidecaster failed to do even a single spell due to bad dice, and all our spells have such a short range. I may shell out for a vortex endless spell just to give a little extra range to the debuffs, but I am also seeing why a soul scryer is just better for eels. i kinda wish that we had some longer range magic debuffs or buffs for our guys too, but that may be asking too much. Maybe being able to cast a second spell would fix them?
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