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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. New battletomes coming with Forbidden Power, confirmed from a reelieelblee source. 1) Neelw Daughter's of Khaine 2) Leelgions of Nagash 3) Idoneelth Deelpkin
  2. I do think another teaser after the one from the last event is a bit much. This better be the coolest thing ever and not just another campaign book.
  3. My main issue with warcry is that if it's chaos only then not many people I know are going to be interested in it. So rather than an aos kill team where everyone already has most of the tools to start playing, it's asking people to buy a whole new chaos warband / starter set just to try it out. I also don't really want to buy a big starter box filled with scenery, just because I play at a local shop and it would be difficult to bring it all each week. So I am hoping the warbands at least get releases on their own like the necromunda gangs. I do think it looks really cool, I just hope people who aren't chaos players will give it a chance.
  4. In seriousness, even if skarbrand can trigger the 8 fairly easily it isn't worse than abilities like hand of dust or curse of years in my opinion.
  6. It's a shrimp thing being eaten by an idoneth krakigon.
  7. I think it's more when stuff is shared via the official aos Facebook page I take that to mean it has some relation to aos. Yesterday they shared something about a huge preview starting today so I thought we'd get something even if just a "hype" image. For the same reason the daemon engine was slightly irritating in that it was obviously 40k only yet posted on the aos page each day. Also kill team makes me laugh in a way, it started off as basic troops only, then heroes and now elites. If they add vehicles they'll have a really great battle game on their hands...
  8. I know this will seem like I'm being super negative but someone might as well say it... I'm annoyed they hyped up a big preview and didn't show a single aos related thing. Yes I know they will probably show stuff tomorrow but I'm still irked.
  9. The shield is slightly different but probably right. Either way I don't think we've ever seen a dismounted one in art.
  10. In the art on Whc of idoneth vs khorne there is an akhelian warrior standing on foot without an eel mount nearby. Possible new idoneth unit?
  11. I said it's 100% deepkin. Which I fully believe.
  12. Part of what is fun about this thread is seeing people get excited about stuff they enjoy. So forgive me if I find it enjoyable to guess about idoneth stuff when we get a hint from GW.
  13. So discussing stuff that is related to this week's rumour engine is baseless speculation? Right.
  14. I didn't say idoneth need a new battletome. I said that given we have a rumour pic that relates to idoneth and may be their endless spells there is a possibility of a new book. This is primarily based on an assumption that GW don't want to release endless spells on their own without anything else to support the release. That said I do believe that idoneth could benefit from a new book, as some of their models have lacklustre rules. A lot of the mechanics designed to support thralls and reavers don't work well and there aren't many battalions. At the moment the cracks in the army are papered over by the strength of morsarr guard on the charge. However, this may be something that is fixed in GH19. Regardless, I expect something to be released alongside endless spells whether that be a new hero, a battle box or a book.
  15. I agree, but based on the pattern thus far and general business sense they may release more than that. Endless spells on their own are great for existing ID players, but new models, a battle box or a tome is more likely to get people to start a new army and buy into the faction.
  16. I just mean that if we are getting deepkin endless spells, which seems likely based on the pic, it would be a bit weird if they didn't have anything else to go with it. Plus if it came in late 2019 it would be a new book after 1 year and 6 months which while short is not crazy. I don't expect a new tome but neither do I expect a box of endless spells and nothing else.
  17. Anyone worked out an average time between when a rumour engine pic is shown and the model is previewed? I want to know when to expect the new idoneth endless spells and potential battletome.
  18. People are always trying to put the idoneth down, erase them from history and insult them. Even in rumours they get disrespected because the idea of liberated independent deepkin models is too threatening for some to accept. My people have suffered.
  19. If so it would have to be a model featured as standing under the sea.
  20. The items pictured are so clearly associated with Idoneth, they both appesr exactly like that in multiple idoneth kits and nowhere else. If it was for another race or mixed I think you'd see something else in addition to the deepkin bits. Deepkin also make a lot of sense for both endless spells and a warband in season 3. In my mind there is no doubt.
  21. Because one random vine and two specific ornate vessels are the same thing... I'm coming back here when this model is revealed.
  22. As someone who has painted a lot of deepkin over the last year or so... This rumour engine is 100% for deepkin. The chest and vase are both strongly represented on other sprues, eidolon, shipwreck and akhelian units all have these. I also suggest the coins relate to underwater treasure. My strongest belief is its endless spells for deepkin, because it reuses existing models and suits the made in China style of those models.
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